Global Service Team Coordinator

PDG Jani Mendenhall

Your Global Service Team Coordinator supports service to your community through participation in The Centennial Service Challenge focus areas of Lions Clubs International.  From our own back yard to global impact, Lions are not just about a free pair of eyeglasses.


Clubs:  The Centennial Service Challenge is drawing to a close.  June 30, 2018 marks the last day to earn your club’s banner patch.  We know you’re doing the work, so be sure to report it on MyLCI to get your limited-time recognition for what you do every month.  If you need help with the website, contact your CST or DG, and they CAN help.


Giving IS Serving:  Whether you donate to a local organization or a Lions Foundation, you are serving the needs of the people who utilize the services of that institution. 


It’s Coming:  A great new Mighty 1M district service project will be revealed soon, and you and your club can participate from the comfort of your own hometown.  Watch the Eblast for updates from Sage and Leo.


Did you know your service projects are your club’s best advertisement?  Each time you go into your community wearing your Lions Logo, you are telling your community you are there, and you care.  If you wear a smile with that logo, you are telling them your club is active for all the right reasons.  Show your Lions Pride.  Invite prospective members to help with a service project.  When you’re having fun, others will want to join you.  

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