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Thank you for all the Lions that participated at the
District 20-R1 Leadership Training Session
On July 30th at the Visions Center on Blindness (VCB).
Special Thanks to
PDG Mathai Chacko, 20-R1 GLT
PCC Bill Shembeda, 20-O GLT
Lion Tom Roberts, 20-O GST
Serving the New York Counties
of Putnam, Rockland and Northern Westchester
DG Alex Tanchoco with International President Brian Sheehan, his partner-in-servce Lori, and Lion Tiffany Tanchoco
Alexander Tanchoco Home Club: Pearl River Lions Club Website: (this page) Facebook: Lions 20R1 Community LinkedIn:
MESSAGE FROM DG ALEX The past few years have been tumultuous in many respects for all of us and I’m sure we don’t need a reminder of the details. People seem to be more comfortable venturing out of isolation and it is my hope that more Lions do more community service and fund-raising activities! I am excited to take on responsibility as the District Governor of District 20-R1. There was much to learn about the responsibilities and challenges of the role and I feel the Lions Club International, as well as our Multiple District 20 (MD20), have provided excellent leadership training as well as mentorship from many of the senior officers from MD20 and beyond, to help address these challenges and to create new opportunities to serve our membership and our communities. It has been an awesomely rewarding journey being further enlightened as a Lion, leader, and servant for those in need. It is my greatest hope and aspiration to work with each one of you, to help align the goals of our parent organization, Lion Clubs International (LCI), our district, districts around the world as well as your club. By working together as a unified organization, we can leverage the capabilities and resources of the entire organization so that we can better serve our communities. This includes our own personal well-being as Lions volunteers. LCI has set forth a new strategy called the Global Membership Approach, a process that has been proven to work in pilot areas in revitalizing our clubs, engaging with our members, our communities, and providing fun and exciting fundraising and service activities. More information will be coming along from the 20-R1 Global Action Team (GAT) in the coming weeks on training schedules, self-paced online training, membership training as well as a better understanding of what LCIF is and how it helps districts and clubs around the world, do bigger projects and bigger impact than what most clubs can do alone. Welcome to the 2022-2023 District 20-R1 team of which you and your club are an integral part. Our district can only be as successful if you and your club are successful. You and your club are our priority and we are here to serve you, just like you serve your community. I look forward to a meaningful, inspirational, and successful journey with you all. Together We Serve and Together We Can! Lion Alex Tanchoco District Governor 2022-2023
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.