Photo Gallery
Club Lions de Clarence Creek celebrated our 50th Charter Night(l-r Jacques Duquette, Robert Pagé, Donald Lalonde, and Donald Ouellette)received the Melvin Jones Award. Lion Gaëtan Pagé (Charter Member), was awarded with the Half Century Pin.
District A4’s Cumberland Lions Club members held their annual Breakfast with Santa this past December 3, 2022, at their Maple Hall in Cumberland, Ontario. This event is held to sponsor the Orléans-Cumberland Community Resource Centre (local foodbank).
Russell Lions Club members Lions Ken Erickson and Margaret Pettipas draw the winning ticket for the amazing “Cirque du Soleil” quilt on Easter Sunday, made by renowned local quilter, Maggie Fontana.
Lion Marilyn Southall was awarded with the "Volunteer of the Year 2020" recently by Diabetes Canada. Our congratulations to Lion Marilyn for your dedication to Lions and Diabetes.
Past President Paul Robertson and his lovely wife Ruth were each awarded MELVIN JONES FELLOWSHIPS. Great weather allowed the Club to have an inpromptu Awards Ceremony in the Gananoque Lions Centennial Park recently. Our Congratulations to both.
Young Student Ava Deryaw raises $4,000.00 for a new Wheelchair for "Duckie"
Athens Raised $2,000.00 for the Community