GMT Cabinet Report for February 11, 2023 Meeting via Zoom I have good news and not so good news to share regarding Membership in our district. The January statistics has not been sent from MD yet, so I am reporting from the December summary. Three of our clubs, have shown good growth. Kudos to them! Enderby and District; 4 new members and now up to 68 Logan Lake; 8 new members and now up to 28 Forest Grove; 7 new members and now up to 16 Unfortunately, our total membership has dropped from 996 on June 30, 2022 to 979 December 31. Let’s focus on the positive, but also work hard to bring in new Lions to assist us with our service projects. Please read and share the suggestions I have included in the January and February district newsletters. I will be taking on the ‘Service’ part of GAT for 2023-2024. Currently, most of our clubs are reporting their service on MyLion on the LCI website. I am in the process of contacting those clubs that do not show reporting of service and offering to assist them with the reporting process. All clubs in zones 3, 7, and 9 have reported service. Kudos to them. We are so happy to have 21 clubs from District E join us to become the new district I on July 1, 2023. Region Chairperson Jennifer Edgar has been conducting a Membership Workshop for many of their clubs via Zoom the past few months. She is an excellent resource, and can be reached at: Jennifer is a member of Nelson Lions in Nelson, BC. Please contact me with questions / concerns: Joyce Stevens