Minutes 19-I – 1st Cabinet Meeting – August 19, 2023 - 10 am (PT) by Zoom and at the Penticton Lion’s Den. The meeting was called to order at 10:02 am by DG Michael Livingstone. PZC Margaret Ashley President of the Penticton Lions welcomed everyone to the meeting. There were 9 members present at the Penticton Lions Den and 11 members by Zoom. Total of 20 members attending. There were no additions to the agenda and the agenda was accepted by motion moved by PDG Joyce Stevens seconded by ZC Lyle Markhart CARRIED Old Business – Motion to Accept Cabinet Meeting Minutes of April 28, 2023 as circulated was moved by PZC Margaret and seconded by PZC Linda Schaffrick. CARRIED 1. Alert Canada Account – ZC Steve A. It is moved by ZC Steve and seconded by PDG Joe Nilles that regarding the Lions Canada MD-19 Alert Fund Account #s 100000979823 and 100000979781 that Bob Ayotte, Wayne Atkinson and Al Fennig be removed as signatories. Further it is moved that Steve Sweeney, Bob Elliott and DG Michael Livingstone be added as signatories to the accounts CARRIED B. It is moved by ZC Steve and seconded by PDG Wanda Eddy that the name of The Lions MD-19 Alert Fund be changed to the Lions MD-19 I. CARRIED C. PDG Debbie Bostock and PDG Norma reported that there were 116 registered Lions from our District and MD19. The District cabinet granted the committee a $1,000.00 to secure the Hotel for the conference in 2022. In February of 2023 another $2,000.00 was granted, because it looked like we were not going to make expenses. However, expenses were made and a cheque has been sent to MD19 office for $2,490.00 to be returned to our Escrow Account. New Business – 1. Youth Exchange - We have been contacted by MD 19 Youth Exchange Tammy Allen more on this to come. PCZ Linda Schaffrick noted that when Sunoka ended in 1988-89 the money was to go to Camp Winfield and Youth exchange, however no documentation is available. Norma to look up information on this account. 2. The 19-I 2023-24 Budget (attached to these minutes) was approved by motion moved by PDG Wanda and Seconded by PZC Margaret 3. LCI 19-D over budget for 2022-23 DG travel reimbursement was discussed the amount is about $1,100.00 Canadian and it has been suggested that we take the amount out of our escrow account. DG Michael is to find out what we have in our Operation and Escrow account Please read all reports on web page. Only discussed items and attendance will be noted in these minutes. P- Present in Person, PZ- Present by Zoom, NP- not Present, R-report. Reports: Zone Chairs General report that ZCs in the area where there are Wildfires and the Clubs are all working very hard providing the needs. Truly --- Where There is a Need There is a Lion I-1 ZC Lynda Devenish I-7 ZC Lyle Markhart I-2 ZC Ted Tull I-8 I-3 ZC Larry Finley I-9 ZC Steve Sweeney I-4 1st VDG Jennifer Edgar I-10 ZC Willem Roell I-5 1st VDG Jennifer Edgar I-11 ZC Leona Pryor I-6 PDG Joyce Stevens I-12 ZC Debbie Bostock I-13- ZC Debbie Bostock Cabinet Secretary-Treas. – PDG Norma Bent PZ BC Lions Society – Kirk Duff NP- R Bulletin Editor – PDG Debbie Bostock NP- R CARE – PZC Kim Davis-PZ-R Childhood Cancer – PZC Linda Schaffrick- P-R Global Action Team –1st VDG Jennifer Edgar – Facilitator –PZ-R Acting Zone Chair for I- 4 & I-5. Doing training for 19-I Zone Chairs, PDG’s Joyce & Debbie presenting as well. Leadership (GLTC) – PDG Wanda Eddy-PZ Membership (GMTC) – IPDG Debbie Allan-PZ Club excellent Award must to be to LCI by August 31. Public Relations – PZC Lorne Grigg- PZR Service (GSTC) – PDG Joyce Stevens-P-R Conference – On Friday June 9th a motion was passed by an email vote to take $3,000.00 from District Ds Escrow Account for a deposit to the Kelowna, Ramada Hotel for the 2024 Conference. It was suggested to have a Conference team that will meet by Zoom for the Kelowna conference this year. Suggested Lions are 1st VDG Jennifer, PDG Wanda Eddy, Lion Bob Elliott, ZC Debbie Bostock and PDG Norma Bent. Meetings to start in November. Constitution and Bylaws – DG Michael Livingstone, P !st VDG Jennifer Edgar PZ and Brian Allan PZ Contests and Awards- PZC Margaret Ashley-P Diabetes Awareness – Dr. Lee MacKay-NP Break for Lunch Environment – CoChair- PDG Joe Nilles-PZ-R CoChair –PDG Kim Direnz-NP Hearing CoOrdinator– Hunger – PZC Dorothy Nilles-PZ-R Information Technology – Brian Allan-PZ LCIF Coordinator – BC- PDG Debbie Bostock-NP-R LCIF Coordinator – US – PDG Joyce Stevens-R Leader Dogs – Kristin Roberts-P Leo Coordinator – Hannah Gerard-NP LERC-BC- ZC Karen Bassett -NP LERC-US- PDG Patti Sparks –NP-R Lions Alert BC – ZC Steve Sweeny- PZ Lions Alert US – PDG Joe Nilles –PZ-R Lions Foundation of Canada – PZC Linda Schaffrick-P-R Lions Quest BC – PDG Norma Bent-PZ-R Mental Wellness– PZC Margaret Ashley-P NW Sight & Hearing – PDG Shelley Costello-NP-R Parliamentarian –Brian Allan-PZ Peace Poster- Marilyn Cordova-P It was noted that we now have a 19-I face book page by Lion Lori Kirkham. “Lions of MD19I. Also need are pictures for the 19-I website. DG Michael thanked everyone for coming to the cabinet meeting today and for those who travelled to be in person at the Penticton Den. Meeting adjourned at 1:41 pm. Secretary Norma J Bent