District I Service Chair Cabinet Report – January 11, 2025 As of November 3, 2024, I have emailed all clubs either directly or through the Zone Chairs. Quite a few I have talked with over the phone. Club Officers are now into the system, as of December 5, 2024. What a struggle. Currently 46 clubs are entering Service, but 1 club is missing the occasional report completed and 4 clubs no report complete for their ac￾ vi￾ es. 13 Clubs no Service is being entered. 5 Leo clubs no service is being recorded (I know most of Leo Clubs are not ac￾ ve). Some Clubs are not going back and repor￾ ng the planned ac￾ vi￾ es that are now ready to report. Some Clubs are not con￾ nuing to entering their ac￾ vi￾ es as I follow the clubs on Facebook, I see what they are up to. This screenshot shows what report completed does to record ac￾ vi￾ es in LCI. Circled in red currently 64 ac￾ vi￾ es entered are not recorded (a few are s￾ ll planned events). The lack of training with the New Portal. I have been trying to educate them to watch the videos (many don’t know about them). This link I found a few days ago in LCI is huge asset. When you scroll down there are quick guides which are excellent.h￾ ps://www.lionsclubs.org/en/resources-for-members/digital￾products/portal-updates I have streamlined and created instruc￾ ons for the Service Ac￾ vi￾ es Report genera￾ on in the Lions Portal. This was sent out to all Zone Chairs in late November. I have had only two Zone Chairs that have made comments and sugges￾ ons. Two different copies are included with this report of which one needs to be approved to submit to Lions Support. I believe it needs to be a district recommenda￾ on. The difference is One Column Called Cause OR one Column called Project type, can’t have both (won’t fit on a page without being even smaller than it is). Page 1 District I Service Chair Cabinet Report – January 11, 2025 Across border phone calls are an issue for me. At $1.00 a minute it is not logical for phone calls. Any sugges￾ ons of a rep that can work with the clubs for guidance that requires a personal touch as for some people emails don’t work. An item that is cri￾ cal to being an obstacle is Email Addresses. We need to strongly reinforce to all members a change in email means they must create a new account for access to the Lions Portal. It is all driven by the email and names in the SYSTEM. Respec￾ ully Lori Kirkham Page 2