August 19 District 19 I Cabinet meeting, Penticton, BC Report for Global Action Team Service: I hope to feature a service activity from a club each month. If your club would like for me to share an activity from your club, please send me a description, including number of people involved, what the service was, and if money was raised, how much. This month I am featuring the ‘Ducks for Dogs’ fundraiser held by the Vernon, BC Lions Club annually to raise funds to sponsor a Guide Dog for an Autistic Child in their community. They sold 4000 tickets at $5 each. They also have community sponsors that cover all the costs of the event, so all of the money from the event goes to the Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides to help pay for the dog. This year, they raised $21,965 CDN net, which now they have the funds to sponsor their FOURTH dog in the coming year. Service reporting: Please enter your service / meetings / fundraising on MyLion starting as soon as any of these occur in your club. If your secretary needs coaching, please contact me. Also, MAKE SURE EACH MEMBER IN YOUR CLUB HAS AN ACCURATE EMAIL ADDRESS, AND THEIR BIRTHDATE IS CORRECT ON MYLCI. (Many were listed as January 1 incorrectly.) Report for LCIF USA clubs: I attended an informative training by Lions Clubs International Foundation last month, so will be contacting the clubs in WA to encourage donations both club and individual towards LCIF, especially in light of the disaster on the island of Maui, in HI. Please consider sending donations to help those in need at this time. Remember: 100 % OF THE DONATIONS WE SEND GOES TO THOSE IN NEED, NONE GOES TOWARDS THE ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS OF THE PROGRAM. PDG Joyce Stevens, Leavenworth Lions Club