Cabinet Meeting August 19th, 2023. Penticton, BC & Zoom LCIF (BC) Report DG Mike, 1st VDG Jennifer, 2nd VDG Chuck and fellow Lions I just attended the LCIF training in Toronto this past weekend. I am still in Toronto at this time. We set goals for MD19 as well as our District. 1. To increase individual donations from lions as well as non-lions 2. To increase number of clubs donating to LCIF 3. Have every club have an LCIF Coordinator Canadian clubs and individual donations are to be sent to the following address: Lions of Canada Fund for LCIF C/O Stan Durward Box 38 Sunderland, Ontario L0C 1H0 You will receive a tax receipt for your donations. As we are all aware, Maui, Hawaii has been hit by devastating fires. LCIF has given a major disaster grant to them, being handled by a Past International Director in Honolulu. Please consider sending a donation to LCIF and putting it towards Area of Greatest Need. Respectfully submitted Debbie Bostock LCIF Coordinator (BC) Cabinet Meeting August 19th, 2023 Penticton, BC & Zoom Zone Chair I-12 Report DG Mike, 1st VDG Jennifer, 2nd VDG Chuck and fellow Lions DG Mike has appointed me as ZC for Zone 12. I am happy to help look after the zone. My goals for this year are as follows: To find a zone chair for next year To increase club joint projects service/fundraisers To increase membership I am working on a zone meeting for the end of September, no date fixed and am hoping to have it in person. Respectfully submitted Debbie Bostock Zone Chair I-12 Cabinet Meeting August 19th, 2023 Penticton, BC & Zoom Bulletin Editor DG Mike, 1st VDG Jennifer, 2nd VDG Chuck and fellow Lions I am in the process of putting together the bulletin for August. It will be out next week. Thank you to those that have contributed articles. DG Mike and I would like to see at least one article submitted from each of our District Cabinet Members. I also welcome any club/zone articles for the bulletin as well as any announcements. If I can have articles/announcements etc. by the 10th of the month that would be helpful. My aim is to have the bulletin go out no later than the 20th. This will not be possible this month as I am in Toronto until the 21st. Respectfully submitted Debbie Bostock Bulletin Editor