District 19-I Cabinet Meeting Lions Quest BC Report – PDG Norma Bent Happy New Year DG Chuck, 1 st VDG Steve and fellow Lions. My report is actually a review of 2024 sent by Lions Quest Canada and what they are proposing for 2025. Empowered Communities:  204 adults engaged in 11 workshops  98.9% rate our training as effective or very effective  26 additional presentations/events  12 newsletters sharing research & resources Impact on Children & Youth:  Over 4,500 more children & youth with improved social emotional well-being  3,772 Child ID Kits distributed Lions Quest Champions & Supporters:  4 Champions of Youth  22 Lions Quest Fellows  8 Lions Quest Stewardship Awards  39 Q Bear Fan Club Members  172 Lions Club investments  Over $25,000 from 173 Individual donors What's Coming in 2025  New Lions Quest Program for Youth Justice settings - program & training  Updated Lions Quest School-based training  Building Capacity for Social Emotional Well Being in Young People training As the year comes to a close, we at Lions Quest Canada want to extend our heartfelt thanks for your incredible support. Together, we’ve empowered young people across the country with vital skills that build resilience, foster connections, and prepare them for life’s challenges. We’re inspired by the difference we’ve made together this year and look forward to an even brighter future. Together, we can turn the page on the challenges of the past and write a story of resilience, compassion, and empowerment. Your support is an investment in a brighter, more connected future for us all. Learn more about how you can be more involved with our mission on our website. As the saying goes - it takes a village to raise a child, we thank you for being a villager Things planned for District 19-I are sending out information to all Clubs on the Youth ID Kits and an order sheet. Having a District 19-I on line workshop before the end of this Lions Year. Respectfully Submitted N.J.Bent