Let’s Embrace Change As We Serve District I Bulletin February 2024 District Governor Michael Livingstone lionmichaellivingstone@gmail.com Bulletin Editor Debbie Bostock debbie.bostock@gmail.com DG MIKE’S MESSAGE Dear Fellow Lions, As we finish on this month, let’s reflect on the Lions Clubs of District I. Their unwavering support has been nothing short of phenomenal, donating over $80,000 for the Scotch Creek Fire hall equipment replacement. And the journey continues—there’s more to achieve! Registrations: The convention buzz is in full swing! Registrations are coming in, and we encourage you to submit yours promptly. Early registration ensures you won’t miss out on any exciting sessions or networking opportunities. Hotel Reservations: If you’re planning to stay at the Ramada Hotel during the convention, mark your calendar! March 23, 2024 is the deadline to secure the reduced rate. Booking early is a smart move—it’s like catching a super good deal on those cozy hotel rooms. Trust us, your wallet will thank you! Save Money, Book Early  Why Book Early? By registering and reserving your hotel room before the rates rise, you’ll save money. It’s a win-win situation— take in a fantastic convention and keep your budget intact.  Be Ahead of the Curve: Booking early means you’re ahead of the curve. While others scramble, you’ll be sipping coffee in the lobby, discussing Lions Club initiatives, and enjoying the camaraderie. Speaking of conventions let me share a delightful anecdote. In 2017/18, a spirited group of Lions from Penticton, OK Falls, and Wenatchee embarked on an unconventional journey. They rented a 9-passenger van for their pilgrimage to the MD18 Convention in Whistler. Four vehicles seemed peculiar, but it turned into a memorable adventure. A midst scenic drives along the Manning Parkway—from Princeton to Hope— they engaged in lively discussions while one brave soul focused on driving. It was a hoot indeed and some mighty good memories. On a bittersweet note, our 1st Vice District Governor Jennifer has tendered her resignation as 1st Vice District Governor. Jennifer, your contributions this year have been invaluable. As time goes on, we hope to see you continue your journey toward becoming a District Governor. Thank you for your dedication, Jennifer! 🦁🌿🐑 Sincerely YIL Michael Livingstone DG MD19-I DISTRICT I CONVENTION Just under 2 months to our District Convention. We look forward to a great turnout for this event. There will be information on the tentative program coming out separately but we know there will be one for Secretaries, Administrators & Service Chairs plus one for Presidents, Vice Presidents. As soon as we have the information organized I will send a separated notice out to you. If you can help with a raffle/silent auction item please let Lion Connie Robson know if you are bringing it to the convention or if you wish to donate money to have her purchase something. Her email is connierobson131@gmail.com. Cheques can be made out to Kamloops Paddlewheelers Lions Club and mailed to Box 1304 Kamloops BC V2C 6h3 MESSAGE FROM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR PETER ANDERSON Included is information about the semi-annual dues invoices that should have arrived or will soon be arriving in your mailbox. We also want to let you know the latest edition of the Border Crossing is available on our website as well as a link to it Jan-Feb_2024-WEB.pdf . You have an invitation to come meet International President Dr. Patti Hill at the Chilliwack Mt Cheam Lions Hall, RSVP is required. Finally, we have several items of note about the MD19 Annual Convention May 24-25, 2024, at the Silver Reef Casino in Ferndale WA. Included is information about the Contest & Awards in a reduced categories pool, as well as a new, un￾sanctioned, contest that will be a "try and see if we like it status." The rules for it are attached. Come join us for a different kind of Convention: changes include new ideas, new approaches, new friends, new contests, and NEW THIS YEAR – MULTIPLE SERVICE PROJECTS! Peter Anderson - MD19 Executive Director 1 MD19 CONVENTION It’s Convention Season once again! We at the MD19 office are excited to announce the arrival of our new Award Patch. Available for District & Multiple District use, the patch is 4”x5” and replaces the out of supply triangular patch. At just $4 each the blue border, yellow background patch has room on the bottom third for up 3 lines of text that are the same size as the “Annual Convention”. As always, we ask that the Dis￾tricts embroider their Contest and Awards in red or other color but reserve the blue thread for the MD. About those MD awards, we are hoping to restart several of the contests between the Districts. This will in￾clude an opportunity to catch up the 2022-2023 entries. We know not every District sent the winner informa￾tion in last October, (we need active C&A chairpersons! Are you interested?). If your District held any C&;A’s during the 2022-2023 District Conferences, send the results to us at the office, please also include your re￾sults for the 2023-2024 winner. Don’t forget to send your Lions to the MD19 Annual Convention at the Silver Reef Casino in Ferndale WA, May 24-25, 2024. We are looking for your 2022-2023 entries and your 2023- 2024 entries in these categories: The MD19 Website has the rules and guide sheets posted here https://lionsmd19.org/awards.php Click on the award symbol and follow the link to the instructions.  Club Bulletin (aka Newsletter – can be electronically distributed)  Club Scrapbook (traditional) Club Scrapbook (non-traditional)  Club Business Card Club Brochure Zone Chair Newsletter Electronically distributed versions must be submitted to md19lions@lionsmd19.org prior to May 5, 2024. Hardcopy versions need to be dropped at the Convention Office prior to 4:00pm May 24, 2024. The hard copy must be picked up prior to 4:00pm May 25, 2024 or it will be disposed of. Additionally, we will be holding the 5-minute Club Achievement speeches for 2022-2023 & 2023-2024. Rules can be found here https://lionsmd19.org/downloads/rules_achievement.pdf PLEASE NOTE THE 5 MINUTE ACHIEVEMNT CONTEST STARTS AT NOON FRIDAY MAY 24, 2024 ADDITIONAL NEWS! Newly added and un-officially conducted as a “try it and see if we like it” as seen in 19-N, look for the MD19 Social Media contest. Link to that opportunity here FINAL NOTE: All of the 2023-2024 Recognition of Excellence recipients will be determined after the May & June stats have been calculated. Our proposal would be to have the Immediate Past District Gover￾nor coordinate the delivery of the recognition, possibly at a zone meeting, and the recipients will be show￾cased at the following Annual Convention. Off to the Races “Kentucky Derby Style” Ladies, get out your fascinators, and Gentlemen time to show off those ties! *This Timeline has not be finalized. General information only Lions, Leos, and Friends, join me in welcoming International Director Steven Middlemiss and his spouse Lion LeeAnn to our upcoming MD-19 Annual Convention. The Convention takes place May 24-25, 2024 at the Silver Reef Casino, Ferndale WA. Come join us for a different kind of Convention: changes include new ideas, new approaches, new friends, new contests, and NEW THIS YEAR – MULTIPLE SERVICE PROJECTS! What you need to know before you show:  Thursday and Friday, May 23-24, 2024 8:30 am to 3:30 pm on Thursday and 8:30 am to 11:30amon Friday Training School for DG Elects, VDG Elects & ZC Elects  Thursday, May 23, 2024 at 7:30 pm Pre-Council of Governors meeting  Friday, May 24, 2024 at 8:30 am Council of Governors meeting  Friday May 24, 2024 o At the Starting Gate... at 11:45 am - 1:40 pm Luncheon Program  Will include 5-minute achievement speeches from 2022-2023 year o …And They’re Off! 2:00 pm-4:30 pm We are Lions and WE SERVE!  Choose from a variety of service projects and activities such as Project Linus, Animal Tag & Bag, Prep & Paint Buildings, Gardening, and several other good hands-on ser￾vice activities -something for almost everyone! 2  Need a break from it all? The Lions Lounge offers 20-minute open mic time slots (must signup in advance) – read poetry, sing songs, practice your speech – the world is your oyster, and the mic is yours o …You can tell we got ourselves a race! Dinner and Fun Night  5:15pm-5:45pm Social  5:45pm-6:45pm Dinner  After Dinner Activities include 5-minuteAchievements, and Horse Races - pick your fa￾vorite Governor & Horse – cheer them all the way to the winner’s circle  Saturday, May 25, 2024 o 6:45am-7:45am Breakfast o 8:15am-9:00am Memorial Service o 9:15am-10:45am General Assembly o 9:00am-11:00am&2:00pm-4:20pm LIONS LOUNGE IS OPEN o 11:00am-11:30am Special Event Show o 11:45am 5-minute Achievements 2023-2024 o And here they come, rounding the corner…12:20 pm Luncheon with Special Guest Chat o …In the final Stretch!2:00 pm-4:30 pm More Community Service Opportunities! o …They’re neck and neck!4:45 pm - 5:15 pm Most of the Awards & Recognitions o …Welcome to the Winner’s Circle5:30 pm Social Hour and Dinner with ID Steven Middlemiss  Final awards, acknowledgements, and announcement Dues Statements Dear Treasurers: On January 15-17, 2024 the MD19 Second Half Dues Statements for 2023-24 were sent to Club Treasurers or Secretary/Treasurers via email. A hard copy has been sent if an email was not avail￾able or if the email was returned as undeliverable. Due date for payment is February 29, 2024 If you have not received the emailed copy of the dues statement, please contact the MD19 Office. You may also need to check your email program’s junk or spam folder as in some cases the statement is sent there instead of the inbox. The subject line of the email: md19 2nd half dues statement / club name, d-z If your club Treasurer has not received the mailed hard copy by February 7, 2024 please contact the MD19 Office. ~*~ Since this message is sent to everyone on our AWeber notification list, please check with your club Treasurer first to inquire if they’ve received the dues statement, either via email or as a hard copy before contacting our of￾fice. We have sent copies of these statements to the District Governors and Zone Chairpersons. Thank you 100% ATTENDANCE PINS WANTED Wanted By: Creston, BC Lions Club For our 85th Anniversary Project The pieces that I have already came from the collection of Lion Maury Murphy who was a member of our Club from 1951 until his passing in 2022. This display will honour Maury’s spirit in Lionism and the years of guidance he provided to all he encountered. Email: crestonbclionsclub@gmail.com 100% Attendance Pins for the following years: Year: 1950-51 1965-66 2004-05 2014-15 2020-21 1951-52 1966-67 2007-08 2016-17 2021-22 1952-53 2017-18 2022-23 1953-54 2019-20 3 CARE Project Location: Northern Honduras Project Name: Support Families with Production of Natural Fuel for Cooking Requested Amount: $40,000 Goal for Year 1 ($80,000 goal for 2 years) Fundraising Period: July 2023 - June 2025 Project Implementation: Jan. 2025 - Dec. 2026 CARE proposes to partner with MD19 Lions to construct biodigesters to produce natural fuel. Our objective is to reduce the use of firewood in kitchens, helping address deforestation and contamination of water sources, and protecting the health of the population and the ecosystem. In addition, products such as or￾ganic fertilizers will be obtained. Cheques should be made out to: Care (MD19 Project) Send Donations from US Clubs to: 4141 Bennett Drive, Bellingham, WA 98371 Send Donations from CDN Clubs to: MD19 Lions, PO Box 1621, Aldergrove, BC V4W 2V1 INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT DR PATTI HILL IS VISITING CHILLIWACK and will be attending an informal meet and greet on Thursday March 14th at the Mt Cheam Lions Club Hall #2 @ 9233 Main Street From 1230pm to 200pm Those wishing to meet IP Patti are asked to RSVP by Feb 29th to Lion Secretary Joanne MacLennan jodimac@shaw.ca Home 604-795-5113 cell 778-386-9476 Numbers and names of attendees are essential, please, due to hall size and refreshments being provided. Thanks....see you there! CAMP WINFIELD Friday's Painting Crew after finishing the second coat of the Dining Hall at Camp Winfield. Tuesday's first coat Painting Crew included Ron and Bob and Brian Barnett, Tracy Voorthuyzen, Jackie Tardell and John Gates. Max Fell, Camp Caretaker, had all the paint and tools ready for us on both days. The Dining Hall looks great. Back row left to right: Alf Lincoln, Ken Watson, Dave Bingham ... supervisors and inspectors Kim David and Debbie Bostock ... who conveniently showed up after we were done. Front row left to right: Bruce Anderson, Ron Scott, Bev Sorenson, Bob Elliott and Doug Sorenson. The years teach much which the days will never know. (Ralph Waldo Emerson) 4 LIONS QUEST CANADA A few updates – 1. Please see attached a very important letter from our Board Chair PVDG Michael Stanford. We would like you to share this with all of the clubs in your District. Lions Club funding had started to rebound last year post-pandemic, but we are only halfway to our goal for this year, so let’s make these final months count. Your personal presentations to clubs, zones & districts are the key to our success. 2. The new Fellowships & Awards flyer is attached – that’s a great way to encourage clubs to invest in Lions Quest Canada. They can also order through our online store on the website, and we will send a fill able version of the flyer to provide the recipient and shipping information. 3. If you are a “member” - pencil in May 8th at 8 pm EDT for our AGM – more details will be forthcom￾ing. 4. Canada Post Foundation provides community grants, and applications are open until March 1 – from the description on their website, it is a fairly simple process for your club or district to apply for up to $5,000 to support Lions Quest in your communities. See this link for details. 5. We have a number of upcoming community workshops – please check out the schedule on our web￾site and support these events if they are near you. Stay tuned for more information about next Zoom chat as well as the potential for the in-person meeting in the fall. As always, we are here to support you – if you need something just ask! Joanne McQuiggan, Executive Director Lions Quest Canada joanne@lionsquest.ca 800.265.2680 ext 2 519.624.1170 ext 2 @LionsQuestCan We are transitioning to a new mailing address – please use: PO Box 2947, Stn Main, St. Mary’s, ON N4X 1A6 "We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses." UPCOMING EVENTS April 26-27, 2024 – District ‘I’ Conference in Kelowna BC at the Ramada. May 23rd – North Pend Oreille Valley Lions Club 50th Charter Night May 23rd – 25th, 2024 – MD19 Convention in Ferndale, WA at Silver Reef Casino Resort May 26 29, 2024–Northwest Lions Leadership Institute in North Vancouver at Lynn Valley Lions Club House IMPORTANT CONTACT INFORMATION District Governor Mike Livingstone lionmichaellivingstone@gmail.com 250-809-6027 1 st Vice District Governor Jennifer Edgar jenedgar@shaw.ca 250-551-3737 2 nd Vice District Governor Chuck Robinson Chuckr49@nwi.net 509-679-4550 Cabinet Secretary PDG Norma Bent bentnj41@shaw.ca 250 572 2201 Bulletin Editor PDG Debbie Bostock debbie.bostock@gmail.com 250-819-6075 District I website https://www.e-district.org/sites/district_19-i/index.php District I Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/5745189942250564 Lions International http://www.lionsclubs.org 630-571-5466 MD19 Lions Foundation www.lionsleadershipfoundation.org Multiple District 19 Office 4141 Maplewood Avenue, Bellingham, WA 98226 md19lions@lionsmd19.org http://www.lionsmd19.com Canadian clubs mailing anything to MD19 Office please use following mailing address: Multiple District 19, Lions International, P.O. Box 1621, Aldergrove, BC V4W 2V1 5