HUNGER REPORT, DISTRICT 19-I VIRTUAL CABINET MEETING JANUARY 11, 2025 To My Dear Lions Family, There are all sorts of figures out there regarding numbers of hungry people. Without quoting those figures, you know the needs. In our own communities, like mine, where big homes and large pocketbooks seem to be commonplace, many are struggling, just to put food on the table. That’s where we Lions come in. We recognize the need and do something about it. The major holidays are past, when food collection is strong. Now, local food pantries are seeing waning donations. It’s time for us to start thinking about having, or assisting with, community dinners, bringing food donations to our meetings, holding a food drive. Our club recently held a free community meal at a local church. The church does this once a month but was unable to do it in December. So, our club stepped in, bought the groceries, provided the workers, and used the church kitchen. Please think about doing something like this in your own clubs. Is there an organization that needs assistance in providing meals? Since the start of the year, our club has started bringing nonperishable food to our meetings, to be donated to the local food bank. We are fortunate to have an active food bank in Leavenworth. Please seek out those groups and contribute groceries or money to feed people. Our club works in conjunction with a local grocery store, to hold a food drive, so far once a year, in late spring. Last year, our second, we doubled the pounds of food donated to our local food bank! It’s a satisfying project to work, greeting shoppers near the front door, and seeing who might donate. Often, it’s a surprise. It’s not the lady who pulls up in the Jaguar, dressed to the nines, who comes out with a big donation. It’s that scruffy dressed, homeless looking guy, smiling with his donated items or a buck or two. Just like trying to figure out who is hungry, it’s a mystery as to who might donate!! Everything related here must go back out to the clubs; an article will be provided for our District I newsletter and sent to the ZCs to send out to clubs. Meantime, let no one go hungry. Lion Dorothy Nilles, Hunger Chair, District 19-I