Zone Chair Jennifer Edgar Zones I-4 & I-5 October 2023 Newsletter Contact: Phone: 250-551-3737 .Zone I-4 o Salmo o Kootenay Slocan o North Pend Oreille Valley o Nelson Zone I-5 o Beaver Valley o Northport o Rossland Golden City Hello Lions in Zone I-4 and I-5, October already! Hallowe’en on the horizon. We are all busy getting things done before the snow flies. I was able to accompany DG Michael Livingstone and his wife Val as they visited Clubs locally. We had the pleasure of meeting with Zone I-4 Clubs on October 18th in Nelson with North Pend Oreille Valley, Salmo, Kootenay Slocan and Nelson Lions in attendance. On October 19th in Rossland, we met with Zone I-5 Clubs Beaver Valley, Northport and Rossland Golden City Lions. At both meetings, DG Michael appreciated hearing how you serve your communities. I will contact Club presidents and secretaries - November is time for our first DG Advisory Meeting (Zone Clubs) which will be via ZOOM. Matching Grant for Equipment Replacement at Scotch Creek Firehall LCIF District-I Coordinator (Canada) PDG Debbie Bostock is working on the LCIF Matching Grant. The Matching Grant is to replace fire/rescue equipment destroyed in the total loss of the Scotch Creek Volunteer Firehall. The local Regional District is responsible for the replacement of the actual Firehall. Lions have an opportunity to help replace valuable equipment lost in the fire. LCIF will match up to $100,000 US (approx. $130,000 Cdn) when Lions Clubs or Lions individuals contribute. The amount donated to this point is over $30,000 Cdn. The total amount contributed by Lions in the District will be matched by LCIF. This is a wonderful opportunity – your donation is DOUBLED. THE DETAILS: Please make cheques out to “Lions Canada MD19 Alert Fund” and send to DG Michael Livingstone, PO Box 437, Okanagan Falls, BC V0H 1R0. Gaming Funds may NOT be donated. The deadline to contribute is December 31, 2023. Any questions contact PDG Debbie Bostock – or phone 250-573-7520. Thank you, take care all, ZC Jennifer (FVDG) Plan to come and join us! April 26-27, 2024 – District ‘I’ Conference in Kelowna BC at the Ramada. Take a minute to consider attending – it would be great to have YOU there!