Let’s Embrace Change As We Serve District I Bulletin January 2024 District Governor Michael Livingstone lionmichaellivingstone@gmail.com Bulletin Editor Debbie Bostock debbie.bostock@gmail.com DG MIKE’S MESSAGE Dear Fellow Lions, I am thrilled to share some exciting news regarding our fundraising efforts for the Scotch Creek Fire Hall Equipment Grant application. Thanks to the incredible generosity of Lions Clubs from around our great District I, we have received awesome donations, bringing our fund total to an impressive $75,000.00CAD. Our goal is to reach $130,000.00 cdn, and once achieved, we plan to apply for a matching grant from Lions Clubs International Foundation. This grant, if approved, will enable us to purchase equipment for the fire hall that burnt down during the Bush Creek Fire last summer, with a total budget of $200,000.00 us. For any club interested in supporting the Scotch Creek Fire Hall Equipment Grant application, please consider sending your funds or expressing your commitment to do so by February 29, 2024. Your contributions play a crucial role in making this project a reality. Please make donations out to Lions Canada MD-19 Alert Fund and send to: DG Michael Livingstone, Box 437 Okanagan Falls BC. V0H 1R0 In addition to this exciting initiative, we are in the planning stages for the District Convention. Please find the registration form attached with this bulletin. The convention promises to be a fantastic opportunity for fellowship and learning. Furthermore, we are organizing live training sessions for club officers. These sessions will cover essential topics and provide valuable information on Lions projects and events. Your participation in the training will contribute to the success of your club. Additionally, I would like to bring to your attention that Multiple District 19 (MD19) has requested all clubs in MD19 to donate $25.00 towards the upcoming Lions International Board meeting in Vancouver March 14- 17. The donation will be used to defray costs that may be incurred by the planners as they make a memorable occasion for all of the International Directors, President, and Vice Presidents of Lions International. The Board Meeting is the first ever for our Md19 in BC Please send your donation to Multiple District 19 at the following address: PO Box 1074 Aldergrove, BC V4W 1A0 Your ongoing dedication, support and generosity are greatly appreciated as we continue to make a significant impact in our communities and beyond. Warm regards, Sincerely YIL Michael Livingstone DG MD19-I CONTEST & AWARDS District I Spring Convention April 26, 27, 2024 Judging will be on club brochure. Bulletin, business card, scrapbook/ video, uniform parade, web page and Facebook Information on the rules can be found on md19 Website click on Awards i would like to have confirmation on all categories your club will be entering by March 31,2024. As well if you can please send the website/Facebook info to me by that time we will judge the sites prior to the convention. Club Business Cards, Club Brochures and Club Scrapbooks need to be dropped off at the registration desk by Noon on Friday April 26th. Club Bulletins will be provided by DG Michael as only Bulletins that have been sent to him qualify for judging. Uniform Parade will be judged Saturday morning. All entries can be picked up on Saturday Please send entries to: PZC Margaret Ashley, 305-832 Fairview Rd. Penticton BC V2A 5Y9 Or email to: margaret.ashley44@shaw.ca If you have any questions you can call: cell # 250-486-2504 Home Phone 250-770-8383 and leave a message Even more amazing than the wonders of nature are the powers of the spirit. Helen Keller 1 ASHCROFT’S VIVIAN EDWARDS AWARDED MEDAL OF GOOD CITIZENSHIP All of us in our District and especially our Zone 12, send huge congratulations to our Lion Vivian Edwards on receiving this well deserved award. We are so proud of you and all you do. The following is from the Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal and written by Barbara Roden. Longtime Ashcroft Resident Vivian Edwards has been awarded the Province’s Medal of Good Citizenship, one of just 21 British Columbians who were recently recognized for their generosity, service and acts of self￾lessness in their local areas. This year’s recipients were announced on Jan. 3, and Edwards was described as “a dedicated and selfless volunteer” who is “a shining example of community ser￾vice and good will.” Despite her many years of volun￾teering and community service, with groups that in￾clude the Ashcroft and District Lions Club, Thompson View Manor Society, Ashcroft and Area Community Resources Society, the Community Volunteer Income Tax Preparation service, the Health and Wellness Coalition, the Christmas Hamper program, and the Friends of Historic Hat Creek, Edwards says she was surprised when she was told about the award and didn’t realize at first that she had received it. DISTRICT I CONVENTION As DG Michael mentioned in his message, our Convention registration is being sent out to all secretaries and presidents along with this bulletin. Please make sure members receive a registration form either via email or printed and given at a club meeting. The hotel rooms can be booked anytime now and we have reserved them starting on Thursday April 25th. All hotel info is also on the registration form. As well we are again soliciting items for the Raffle and Silent Auction. The Kamloops Paddlewheelers will be looking after this and if you are bringing an item to the convention for either raffle or auction Lion Connie Robson would like you to please drop her an email at paddlewheelers1@gmail.com. As well if you would rather send a cheque/check for her to purchase something you can make it out to Kamloops Paddlewheelers and send to Box 1304, Kamloops BC V2C 4T3. The raffle is a major way to offset some of the convention expenses and we do rely on your participation. LIONS QUEST PO Box 2947, Stn Main, St. Marys, ON N4X 1A6 Canada 800-265-2680 Website: lionsquest.ca District I Lions Quesst Chair: PDG Norma Bent Email:bentnj41@shaw.ca Check out the Program Information & Registration Flyers by visiting our website: lionsquest.ca  Lions Quest Social Emotional Learning Programs  Workshop Information & Registration There are also a number of Do Your Part Forums planned for communities across the country - stay tuned! 2 THREE NEW GLOBAL CAUSES Disaster Humanitarian Youth NOTICE OF CAMP WINFIELD WORK PARTY TO PAINT DINING HALL INTERIOR Proposed Dates: February 13th & 16th Hope this finds everyone in good spirits, I am surmising those of you who do not like snow will be in extra good spirits with our lack of snow unlike those of us who like winter activities. At our last improvement meeting there was discussion of a work party re the painting of the interior of the dining hall. After discussion with Max our camp caretaker/manger we have a time frame (February 4th-24th) to complete this project. Unfortunately I will be away on a snowmobile holiday for most of this time; however Bob Elliott will be available. We will need to tape & paint (2 coats) the room, Bob notes it will take 2 days to complete. Bob has proposed February 13th & 16th as possible dates. We are hoping for around 10 volunteers per day please contact Bob Elliott at 1-250-488-4998 or email wrjell99@telus.net you can also contact Mike Herrling @ 250-306-9171 or email the2herrlings@gmail.com (I will be in & out of cell coverage for most of February) Thanks, Mike Herrling CWIC chairperson LIONS MULTIPLE DISTRICT 19 TRAINING AND INFORMATION SCHEDULE New Member Orientation third Monday of every month Washington Secretary of State Charities information * 5 Feb Reserved for Charities follow-op 6 Feb Duties and Responsibilities of Club Treasurer 8 Feb Your Club’s Constitution and By-Laws 15 Feb Succession Planning 16 Feb New Member Orientation 19 Feb Duties and Responsibilities of the Zone Chairperson 20 Feb MS Excel: The IF and LOOKUP functions 21 Feb * Denotes special expert guest speaker RSVP for all training to Al Hedstrom at LionAl@Hedstrom.ws Each session starts at 7 PM Pacific time. All district training sessions above are free of charge and are about one hour in length. Permanent Training Link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85745644261 UPCOMING 50TH CHARTER ANNIVERSARY There will be more information coming out about this event. 3 UPCOMING EVENTS April 26-27, 2024 – District ‘I’ Conference in Kelowna BC at the Ramada. May 23rd – North Pend Oreille Valley Lions Club 50th Charter Night May 23rd – 25th, 2024 – MD19 Convention in Ferndale, WA at Silver Reef Casino Resort IMPORTANT CONTACT INFORMATION District Governor Mike Livingstone lionmichaellivingstone@gmail.com 250-809-6027 1 st Vice District Governor Jennifer Edgar jenedgar@shaw.ca 250-551-3737 2 nd Vice District Governor Chuck Robinson Chuckr49@nwi.net 509-679-4550 Cabinet Secretary PDG Norma Bent bentnj41@shaw.ca 250 572 2201 Bulletin Editor PDG Debbie Bostock debbie.bostock@gmail.com 250-819-6075 District I website https://www.e-district.org/sites/district_19-i/index.php District I Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/5745189942250564 Lions International http://www.lionsclubs.org 630-571-5466 MD19 Lions Foundation www.lionsleadershipfoundation.org Multiple District 19 Office 4141 Maplewood Avenue, Bellingham, WA 98226 md19lions@lionsmd19.org http://www.lionsmd19.com Canadian clubs mailing anything to MD19 Office please use following mailing address: Multiple District 19, Lions International, P.O. Box 1621, Aldergrove, BC V4W 2V1 4