Let’s Embrace Change As We Serve District I Bulletin July 2023 District Governor Michael Livingstone lionmichaellivingstone@gmail.com Bulletin Editor Debbie Bostock debbie.bostock@gmail.com DG MIKE’S MESSAGE Hello District I Good bye District D and E. We had a good run but change has come. We have a new area and a new group of friends, however we wil not change what we do. We will continue to serve our communities, Our Country and our world as we have since our clubs chartered and became part of Lions Clubs International. We will continue our long history of helping when disaster threatens or help is needed. LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL and LCIF have been there when that help was requested or as needed. Earthquakes in Turkey, fires in British Columbia and Washington State, floods, the many natural disasters, help for the displaced victims of violence and war, lions and LCIF are there for those impacted. Lions will continue doing what we do best. WE SERVE. International president Dr Patti Hill’s theme is CHANGING THE WORLD. Change doesn’t happen all at once. It happens through many small choices. With every act of kindness, we change a life. With every Lions club and Leo club, we change a community. When we change our communities, we change the world. REACHING OUR FULL POTENTIAL President Hill’s programs and initiatives will focus on four key priorities for Lions International that are critical to our mission of service. 1. Creating a greener, cleaner environment 2. Sharing our stories with the world 3. Reaching our full potential as Lions and leaders 4. Supporting our global foundation, LCIF 1 ST VICE DISTRICT GOVERNOR JENNIFER EDGAR Hello Lions! By the time this month’s newsletter is sent out, LCI will have approved the newly merged district called ’19-I’. I wish to congratulate District Governor Michael Livingstone from Okanagan Falls Lions and Second vice District Governor Chuck Robinson from Lake Chelan Lions as they take over their new Leadership positions. And introduce myself to you – I am First vice District Governor Jennifer Edgar from Nelson Lions. This year, DG Michael will have the help of 2nd VDG Chuck and myself with District Governor Visitations. DG Michael will visit Lions in the US and the East/West Kootenays. 2nd VDG Chuck will be visiting in the Okanagan and I look forward to visiting Lions from Kamloops to Prince George. Our Lions depend upon Club Executives for Good Leadership, and this in turn creates Resilient Clubs. For that reason, I encourage new and continuing officers to participate in the MD19 Officer training. Next sessions are Thursday, July 27 &; Saturday, August 26. This training is well put together – it’s informative – and FUN! Please follow the instructions below & get registered in advance. Thank you �� I hope you all enjoy a Wonderful Summer, and you manage some time with your friends and family at the Beach & the Great Outdoors! All the best, 1st VDG Jennifer Take a minute to review these events: July 27 (THURSDAY): 2nd Club Office Training, ZOOM, 5:30-9:30 (Registration Required) copy & paste the link below https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwsc-isqDIoG9wqE9Cn9N7y0R-kUehCMjaW Aug 26 (Sat): 3rd & Final Club Officer Training, ZOOM, 9:00-1:00 (Registration Required) Copy & paste the link below https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZElce2opz0sH9cNp6CdKBf4CNN-Hr6gbzhz August 19th, 2023 10 a.m. – 1st Cabinet Meeting in Penticton at Penticton Lions Den, Skaha Sunrise Centre, #134-2872 Skaha Lake Rd.& via zoom September 21-23, 2023 - USA/Canada Leadership Forum, Reno, NV October 13-15, 2023 - MD19 Annual Convention, Surrey, BC April 26-27, 2024 – District ‘I’ Conference in Kelowna BC at the Ramada. 1 2 nd VICE DISTRICT GOVERNOR CHUCK ROBINSON I was born and raised in Washington State for most of my life. I lived in Idaho for 5 years. And spent 4 years in the US Navy. I served in Vietnam aboard USS Midway. My wife Georgina and I were married in 1971. We Have 1 son and 1 daughter, 5 grandchildren 1 great grandchild. We owned and operated a NAPA Auto parts store for 21 years. We love camping in our RV. We also like to travel by car around our great country. I am looking forward to visiting with the clubs in the Okanogan this Lions year. I became a lion in 1998 and have served in most of the offices of the Lake Chelan Lions club in our new numbered zone 7.. Our DG team is very excited to work with everyone in District I. . SERVICE CHAIR PDG JOYCE STEVENS I send summer greetings to all the District 19 I Lions. I am so excited to start our new Lions year as District 19 I, and now we have new Zone Designations. I will be serving as your District Service Chairperson, and in that role, I will assist clubs with both the reporting of the service that you complete, but also offer suggestions for adding new service projects that other clubs are already doing. Last spring I asked 19 D clubs to send me a description of a service project that their club embraces, and there were several great ones. I will summarize those that were sent and I will email that summary to each club sometime in August. In the meantime, it’s not too late to share a project that your club is involved with. Send me your descriptions, along with a few photos, so Lions can see how the project unfolds. It is helpful to include how long it took to plan the project, how many Lions were involved with the planning, and with the actual doing the project. If it was also a fundraiser, include how much $ was raised, and where the funds were donated. Some projects are only service oriented, some are only raising funds, but there are some that fit both categories, such as providing coffee to travelers at rest areas. The service of providing coffee to keep travelers alert but they often give an unsolicited donation for the coffee which becomes a fundraiser. How many clubs are involved with some form of a ‘community clean up’? This is good environmental service. Please report that service on MyLion. If you have any questions about entering service on MyLion, PLEASE reach out to me. I am happy to coach anyone through the process, usually over a phone call. Enjoy the rest of summer. PDG Joyce Stevens, Leavenworth Lions Club jstevens98826@gmail.com 509-670-7527 INTERESTING JULY FACT: The Romans originally referred to July as Quintiles, which was the month of the fifth season. It was the fifth month of the year until January and February were added in 450 BC. The Latin word for fifth gave it its name. Later the name was changed to Julius in honor of Julius Caesar, the famous Roman general and politician. Caesar was born on July 12th, and the month was named in his honor after he became dictator of Rome in 47 BC 2 NEW ZONE NUMBERS District I Zone # Former Zone # Club Names I-1 E-10 Fairmont & District, Golden & District, Lake Windemere, Wasa I-2 E-6 Elkford, Fernie, Sand Creek, Sparwood I-3 E-4 Cranbrook, Creston, Kootenay Lake, Mark Creek I-4 E-8 Kootenay Slocan, Nelson, Salmo, North Pend Oreille Valley (WA) I-5 E-5 Beaver Valley, Northport (WA), Rossland I-6 D-5 Ephrata, Mattawa Desert Aire, Moses Lake, Moses Lake Lioness Lions, Quincy Valley I-7 D-2 Lake Chelan, Leavenworth, Mansfield, Tonasket Okanagon Valley, Waterville, Wenatchee Central, Wenatchee Valley I-8 D-9 Penticton, Oliver, Okanagan Falls, Midway Greenwood Kettle River I-9 D-7 Peachland, Kelowna Okanagan Mission, Westbank I-10 D-1 Armstrong, Enderby, Lake Country Winfield, Lumby, Vernon I-11 D-8 Chase, Sorrento, North Kamloops, Barriere, North Shuswap, Valemount I-12 D-3 Logan Lake, Kamloops Brock Central, Kamloops Aberdeen, Kamloops Paddlewheelers, Ashcroft & District I-13 D-10 100 Mile House, 108 Mile House, Forest Grove, Quesnel, Prince George, Williams Lake Map of the NewMD19 Districts 3 NORTH SHUSWAP LIONS FUNDRAISER No one’s going to give a damn in July if you lost a game in March. (Earl Weaver Hot July brings cooling showers, Apricots and gilly flowers. (Sara Coleridge) 4 EYE GLASSES COLLECTION BOX The pictures below are of an collection box made from an old mail box, the stand is separate so it is 2 pieces. This was located in one of the malls in Kamloops and it is no longer allowed there. If there is a club that would like to have this and has somewhere it can be put up it is yours for the asking. It is currently at PZC Myron Wizniak’s home and he would like to see it back in use somewhere. You can contact Myron at 250 376 3251 or email him at m-wizniak@shaw.ca The sun looks out from her brazen tower, through the flashing bars of July. (Francis Thompson) IMPORTANT CONTACT INFORMATION District Governor Mike Livingstone lionmichaellivingstone@gmail.com 250-809-6027 1 st Vice District Governor Jennifer Edgar jenedgar@shaw.ca 250-551-3737 2 nd Vice District Governor Chuck Robinson Chuckr49@nwi.net 509-679-4550 Cabinet Secretary PDG Norma Bent bentnj41@shaw.ca 250 572 2201 Bulletin Editor PDG Debbie Bostock debbie.bostock@gmail.com 250-819-6075 Multiple District 19 Office 4141 Maplewood Avenue, Bellingham, WA 98226 md19lions@lionsmd19.org http://www.lionsmd19.com Canadian clubs mailing anything to MD19 Office please use following mailing address: Multiple District 19, Lions International, P.O. Box 1621, Aldergrove, BC V4W 2V1 If you have anything you would like published in the District Governor’s Bulletin, please have it to me by the 10th of the month. I will endeavor to have the bulletin out by the 15th of each month. Thank you Debbie 5