Let’s Embrace Change As We Serve District I Bulletin June 2024 District Governor Michael Livingstone lionmichaellivingstone@gmail.com Bulletin Editor Debbie Bostock debbie.bostock@gmail.com DG MIKE’S MESSAGE Dear Fellow Lions, End of Fiscal Year Reflection As we approach the end of our fiscal year on June 30, 2024, I want to take a moment to reflect on what has been an incredible three years of service, growth, and community building. During this time, I have had the privilege of visiting the clubs of our great District and witnessing firsthand the remarkable efforts made to improve our communities. I have met some of the finest people in British Columbia and Washington—individuals who work tirelessly to ensure that their club, their community, and their country make positive changes that resonate far beyond their immediate surroundings. To those clubs and members, I extend my sincerest gratitude for your fellowship and the courtesies you extended to me over these last three years. Your efforts not only enhance our local areas but also contribute to a better world, and I am proud to call all of you dedicated individuals my fellow Lions. I want to extend a special thank you to those who stepped up when they saw a need and volunteered without being asked: Lion Jennifer Edgar, Past District Governors Debbie Bostock, Norma Bent, Wanda Eddy, Zone Chairs Larry Finley, Lyle Markhart, Linda Shaffrick, , Ted Tull, Linda Devenish ZC, 2nd Vice District Goveronr Steve Sweeney, and District Governor Elect. Chuck Robinson Your initiative and dedication have been invaluable. I would also like to express my sincerest gratitude to Michelle Barrie, and Peter Anderson of MD19, Council Chair Steve Noble, PDG Mark Mansell, and all the others that make up MD19. Thank you for your support and dedication. As I transition into my new role as Immediate Past District Governor (IPDG), I am filled with pride and gratitude. It has been an honor to serve alongside all of you, and I am committed to continuing my support for our District and Multiple District. Together, we will continue our quest to make a positive impact on our world. Thank you, fellow Lions, for your unwavering dedication and hard work. Keep up the excellent work, and let us continue to strive for a brighter future. Sincerely, Michael Livingstone District Governor, District 19-I Soon to be Immediate Past District Governor GREETING FROM DGE CHUCK ROBINSON Hello District MD-19 I Lions My wife Georgina and I are busy getting ready to leave for Melbourne On the 14th of June; we are very excited about this trip. PDG Shelley Costello will be our District Bulletin Editor For Lions year 2024-25. After July 1st forward things for our bulletin to her email shelan1437@aol.com Thanks to all Lions of our district. Lions lead the way. If you die in an elevator, be sure to push the Up button. (Sam Levinson) 1 MD19 AND BEYOND Lions Club Officer Learning Sessions All Lions and Leos Welcome All Sessions are ZOOM Classes & will not be recorded – You MUST register to attend You only have to attend one session. You can attend more than one session; you just need to register for each session separately. Consider attending with your club team so you can share notes & thoughts Registration is now OPEN for the following dates: Saturday, June 15, 2024 8:30-Noon https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMscuqspjMsHNw6xe9wKesRXCcVmtcU3lVA Wednesday, July 10, 2024 5:30-9:00 https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcrdO6vrD8pHd0h-p4NpoIeP96Lt2Np11UW Saturday, July 13, 2024 8:30-Noon https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMoceCupzwuGdYCmSw65FL9AFwu02bGEfLn Monday, September 23, 2024 5:30-9:00 https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIsc-2gqDorE9wkay2V3j9rU43klgh2Gx3o New & Updated 2024-2025 materials will be shared ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS Save the date! The Penticton Lions Club will be celebrating its 75 th anniversary on October 5, 2024, at the Penticton Golf & Country Club, 600 Comox St., Penticton, BC, Canada Okanagan Falls Lions and Oliver Lions will be joining us and celebrating their respective 45th anniversaries. For more information email Lion Bob Elliott at wrjell99@telus.net . LIONS CAMP HORIZON 2 NORTHWEST LIONS LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE This year’s institute was a great success, with 18 graduates and an amazing faculty. The Lynn Valley Lions did a fabulous job of providing meals and the facility to hold the training in. Below are some photos of our group as well as some of our graduates from our District. We had 3 clubs with 11 members from District I at￾tend, Kamloops Paddlewheelers, Logan Lake and North Kamloops, as well as Lions from Renton, Bremerton, Chilliwack Dogwood Monarch, Fort Langley and Surrey Central. Lion Karen Bassett, one of the coaches said “Always remember who you are, you are Lions, and you are excellent leaders. Go out and ROAR… Congratulations to you all.” The faculty and graduates Below faculty & graduates Lions Steve, Lyndon and Pam Lions Lyndon, Mark, Debbie & Connie Lions Steve & Beth Lions Steve & Dawn Lions Steve & Dale 3 IMPORTANT CONTACT INFORMATION District Governor Mike Livingstone lionmichaellivingstone@gmail.com 250-809-6027 1 st Vice District Governor Chuck Robinson Chuckr49@nwi.net 509-679-4550 2 nd Vice District Governor Steve Sweeney stevesweeney@shaw.ca 250-767-0082 Cabinet Secretary PDG Norma Bent bentnj41@shaw.ca 250 572 2201 Bulletin Editor PDG Debbie Bostock debbie.bostock@gmail.com 250-819-6075 District I website https://www.e-district.org/sites/district_19-i/index.php District I Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/5745189942250564 Lions International http://www.lionsclubs.org 630-571-5466 MD19 Lions Foundation www.lionsleadershipfoundation.org Multiple District 19 Office 4141 Maplewood Avenue, Bellingham, WA 98226 md19lions@lionsmd19.org http://www.lionsmd19.com Canadian clubs mailing anything to MD19 Office please use following mailing address: Multiple District 19, Lions International, P.O. Box 16201, Aldergrove, BC V4W 2V1 4