Cabinet Meeting Via Zoom February 3rd, 2024 LCIF Coordinator BC Report DG Michael and fellow cabinet members The Emergency Grant final report was submitted and accepted by LCIF. I am working on the Matching Grant Paperwork. We have received $75,000.00 so far. I am awaiting information for the grant application as to what equipment is required and pricing of said equipment as that is part of the requirements for the grant. PZC Lorne created a handout/mail out that I have forwarded to the club secretaries and presidents with e transfer and mailing info in for individuals/business and Lions clubs to use. Our individual club donations are down so far this year, and I am hoping clubs will consider making a donation to LCIF as that is where the emergency grant came from and where the matching grant would come from for our District.Not a lot of clubs have donated to LCIF. Please remember that all donations to LCIF go right back out, no funds are kept back for overhead expenses. As well Canadians can now get a tax receipt for their personal donations. Just make sure you mail the donation to Lions of Canada Fund for LCIF / C/O Stan Durward / Box 38 / Sunderland, Ontario L0C 1H0. Our District has benefited with grants in the past and of course this latest Emergency Grant. Respectively Submitted PDG Debbie Bostock