Let’s Embrace Change As We Serve District I Bulletin May 2024 District Governor Michael Livingstone lionmichaellivingstone@gmail.com Bulletin Editor Debbie Bostock debbie.bostock@gmail.com DG MIKE’S MESSAGE Dear Fellow Lions, As the whirlwind of our recent convention begins to settle, I find myself immersed in fond memories and the strong bonds forged among Lions from far and wide. While post-convention syndrome may have crept in, the spirit of camaraderie and the impact experiences shared will continue to fuel our endeavors in the days ahead. I want to take this moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you who graced the convention with your presence. Your unwavering support and enthusiastic participation were instrumental in making the event a resounding success, and for that, I am truly grateful. One aspect of the convention that truly stood out to me was the remarkable turnout for our training sessions. Witnessing so many Lions eagerly engage in learning and development filled me with optimism for the future of our District and our individual clubs. I am confident that the knowledge gained will empower us to serve our communities even more effectively in the coming year. As I near the completion of my club visitations, I am consistently amazed by the dedication and ingenuity displayed by each club in their community service efforts. The unique approaches taken by every club underscore the richness and diversity of our collective impact, reaffirming the profound difference Lions make in the world. Over the years, Lions clubs have left an enduring legacy in their communities through a myriad of impactful projects and initiatives. From the creation of parks to the preservation of cherished traditions, our forwardthinking mindset ensures that our contributions will benefit future generations for years to come. As we transition from the convention back to our respective communities, let us carry forth the spirit of service and collaboration that defines Lionism. Together, we possess the power to effect meaningful change and create a brighter future for all. I am pleased to share that Lion Guy and Carol have safely returned to Kentucky. It was an honor to have Lion Guy as a guest speaker at our convention, and I extend my heartfelt gratitude to both Lion Guy and Carol for their valuable contributions and unwavering support. Thank you, Lion Guy and Carol In other exciting news, mark your calendars for the upcoming MD19 Annual Convention in Ferndale, Washington, taking place from May 23rd to 25th. Get ready to don your fanciest hats and bowties as we embark on a Kentucky Derby-style adventure! Live training sessions for ZC, DGE, 2VDG, and the GAT team will kick off the festivities on May 23rd. See you there! With warm regards and gratitude, Michael Livingstone District Governor, District I ?????? MD19 Annual Convention: May 23-25, Ferndale, Washington - Off to the Races! ?????? NEED FOR CABINET MEMBERS FOR 2024 -2025 I still need some Lions for the following positions on my cabinet: for GMT(Global Membership),GST (Global Service) and new position GET (Global Extension) theses 3 positions are part of the Global Action Team. And I am hoping for some Lions from The Kootenays (old district E), to step forward so we have good representation from all areas of our District. Thank you Chuck R 100% ATTENDANCE PINS WANTED Wanted By: Creston, BC Lions Club For our 85th Anniversary Project Email: crestonbclionsclub@gmail.com 100% Attendance Pins for the following years still trying to find Year: 1950-51 1965-66 2016-17 2020-21 1951-52 2017-18 2021-22 1952-53 2019-20 2022-23 1 SOME PICTURES FROM OUR CONVENTION ID Guy & DG Michael presenting Leadership ID Guy doing Karaoke ID Guy & Lion Bob Medal to PZC Karen PDGs Joe, Debbie & Debbie being presented Lions Sandra & Karen in the best costumes, With LCIF Chairpersons medals by PDG Joyce singing away at Fun Night Karaoke CONTESTS AND AWARDS WINNERS DISTRICT I CONVENTION Club Bulletin - Oliver Club Business Card – Oliver Club Website - Penticton Club Scrapbook Traditional - Oliver Club Scrapbook Non Traditional - Vernon Club Brochure – Penticton Uniform Parade - -Penticton Club Newsletter – Wenatchee Central As a district there is little interest for contest and awards maybe it's time to try something new. Perhaps this can be brought up at the district or cabinet meetings. Maybe a showcase of the clubs or other ideas to im - prove participation could be discussed. Lion Margaret LIONS CAMP HORIZON SAVE THE DATE! Event: 50th Anniversary Celebration When: June 22, 2024 Time: 12:00 - 4:30PM Where: Lions Camp Horizon 7506 Gemini St., Blaine, WA 98230 Preregistration required for admission (sorry, no walk-ins the day of the event) Please join us for a very special “Day at Camp” event as we honor our past and build our legacy Our event is open to current & former campers and their families current and former staff and volunteers Lions and Leo Club members You’ll have a variety of activities and fun projects available, a delicious lunch, live music, a campfire sing-a-long and more You’ll be the first to view our new Camp 2 Video and enjoy a walk down memory lane with our Photo Gallery covering five decades of summer fun Watch your email this week for your invitation and on-line registration information Questions? Please email Sharron vpcamp@lionscamphorizon.org SHARING OF SERVICE IDEAS, 19-I, APRIL 27, 2024 CONVENTION, KELOWNA BC, CANADA Hello Lions Friends, A big thank you to those who attended, and to those who shared ideas, at the Service Panel, your job now entails sharing, please, with your club, and other clubs, these project ideas. Kamloops Paddlewheelers: Presenter Lion Kim Davis Service Project: Amazing Christmas Dinner Prep and Serve for Special Olympics BC Details: Special Olympics reached out to the club, after the club supplied hot dogs at their summer ball game.? Special Olympics athletes are anyone over the age of 8 with intellectual disabilities. Kamloops Paddlewheelers partnered with North Kamloops.? Dinner, ham with all the fixin’s, was prepared off site, delivered in large roasters that could be plugged in? to keep food hot. Food was served buffet style. 150 athletes served! Location was N. Kamloops HS cafeteria. Cost was less than $500, split between the two clubs.? Leavenworth: Presenter Lion Dorothy Nilles Service Project: Successful Food Drive Details: Approached local food bank and grocer; food bank specified greatest food needs. Grocer supplied bags? filled with those items for a $10 donation. Go to LCI website and find Food Collection Initiative, for info on planning a food drive.? Set up a collection site, right outside front door of store, providing club PR too.? Collected 429 lb. of food!? Lake Country Winfield, Presenter Lion David Bingham Service Project: A Good Feeling of Bringing Families Together Details: Hot dogs given away at Halloween? Also provide hotdogs and snacks at Christmas Light Up, along with hanging lights.? Easter goodies offered, also in July floats and ice cream; We Serve!? Okanogan Falls: Presenter Lion Michael Livingstone Service Project: “Not Just Your Typical Plastic Egg” Easter Egg Hunt Details: Hold an annual Easter Egg Hunt? Event has been held for 25+ years (if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it).? Club budgets between $1500-$1700 for the event? Fabulous prizes, including tablets!? Peninsula: Presenter Lion Debbie Mansell Service Project: Incredible Food Drive Details: Club held one day food drive, third time around.? First time using the Celebrate Community initiative, partnering with Rotary? Celebrate Community encourages partnership of nonprofits and businesses. Worked with 2 grocery stores to make the event happen.? Collected 3000+ lbs. of food!? Selah Valley: Presenter Lion Tammy Allen Service Project: Fun and Camaraderie with National Night Out Details: 3 Worked with the campaign National Night Out, first Tuesday in August? National Night Out promotes police-community partnerships/camaraderie. Partnered with local police department and fire department.? Event was 2 hours long.? Served 700+ hot dogs, chips, and drinks to community locals and volunteers!? Kelowna Okanagan Mission: Presenter Lion Larry Funnell Service Project: “You Scratch My Back and I’ll Scratch Yours” w/ Lions and OK Mission Hall Assoc Details: Contributes annually to, 2 Lions on the board of, the Okanagan Mission Hall Assoc.? In exchange, Lions cook for the Easter Pancake Breakfast and Breakfast w/ Santa.? Hall also provides club with storage for supplies, also refrigerator/freezer.? AND, board and general meetings are held at the Hall!? Allows club to cook winter breakfasts and summer BBQ s for 3 care homes? Lake Country Winfield, Presenter Lion Bonnie Orth Service Project: Blue Bottles; how a Small Item can have a Huge Impact Details: A person’s medication list is put in a pill bottle and placed in the refrigerator.? In a medical emergency, responders look for an indicator on the refrigerator door.? The program, in conjunction with Senior Centers and emergency personnel, has been successful.? To date, over 2,000 bottles, at $2 per bottle have been sold.? Chase: Presenter Lion Karen Bassett Service Project: Christmas Angel Tree, where Lions become “Angels” Details: Before Christmas, nominations for needy people are taken from the community.? Individuals can be old or young, families or individuals, anyone needing help.? A Christmas Angel tree is erected in town, with tags on the tree, indicating needs.? Angel tags crafted from men’s ties, and then put on the gifts, lend a unique and festive gift.? Done for 4 years, thinking of using it as a Zone project.? Vernon: Presenter Lion Ken Cain Service Project: An Astounding Rubber Duck Race Details: Sell sponsorship's for $250 each, which covers costs of the event.? Ducks sell for $5 apiece.? First place prize is $1000, Second place prize is $500.? Funds raised will be donated towards supplying a service dog to an autistic child? Wenatchee Central: Presenter Lion Patti Sparks Service Project: Be Visible; Wardrobe Makes all the Difference It’s important to be seen by the community while working a project.? Club has shirts with the motto Lions At Work.? Shirts also have the Lion’s Logo.? Provides information and good PR? UPCOMING EVENTS May 23rd – North Pend Oreille Valley Lions Club 50th Charter Night May 23rd – 25th, 2024 – MD19 Convention in Ferndale, WA at Silver Reef Casino Resort May 26 29, 2024–Northwest Lions Leadership Institute in North Vancouver at Lynn Valley Lions Club House Results are gained by exploring opportunities, not by solving problems. (Peter Drucker) 4 IMPORTANT CONTACT INFORMATION District Governor Mike Livingstone lionmichaellivingstone@gmail.com 250-809-6027 1 st Vice District Governor Chuck Robinson Chuckr49@nwi.net 509-679-4550 2 nd Vice District Governor Steve Sweeney stevesweeney@shaw.ca 250-767-0082 Cabinet Secretary PDG Norma Bent bentnj41@shaw.ca 250 572 2201 Bulletin Editor PDG Debbie Bostock debbie.bostock@gmail.com 250-819-6075 District I website https://www.e-district.org/sites/district_19-i/index.php District I Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/5745189942250564 Lions International http://www.lionsclubs.org 630-571-5466 MD19 Lions Foundation www.lionsleadershipfoundation.org Multiple District 19 Office 4141 Maplewood Avenue, Bellingham, WA 98226 md19lions@lionsmd19.or