Minutes for January 11, 2025 District 19 I cabinet meeting via Zoom. Meeting was called to order by DG Chuck Robinson at 10:00 District Governor Chuck welcomed all that were present; (marked P on minutes) Addition to agenda: approve minutes from August 31, 2024 meeting. PDG Debbie Bostock moved, ZC Sharon Cain seconded to accept agenda as amended. Approved. PDG Joe Nilles moved, PDG Wanda Eddy seconded to approve the minutes from August 31, 2024, approved. Old Business: The $12, 500 from the District Youth Exchange Account has not been sent to Camp Winfield yet. IPDG Michael Livingstone and PZC Lorne Grigg are the check signers on the account which is located at Salmon Arm Credit Union. They will take care of this as soon as possible. PDG Wanda pointed out that Camp Winfield is under the BC Lions Society for Children with Disabilities. PDG Debbie Bostock is our district representative on this council. 2024 District Convention in Kelowna lost a total of $1400 Canadian in revenue. New Business: Constitution and Bylaws committee (DG Chuck, VDG Steve Sweeney, and Brian Allan) will meet to bring them up to date with changing District D to District I and district convention from spring. Our constitution states that we must pay for one MD 19 officer at our convention. (Executive Director, CC, ID from our MD) We can choose who we do pay expenses for attending. We must pay for the ID visiting our convention. We do not have to pay for PID attending unless they are our official guest from LCI. PDG Debbie Bostock made a motion for our district to apply for an LCIF matching grant of $60,000 US for equipment for Scotch Creek Fire Hall Volunteer Fire Department which was destroyed in 2023 wildfire. ZC Lorne Grigg seconded the motion. The grant application must be turned into LCIF by February 1. Motion was approved. Contests and Awards had a lengthy discussion due to the fact that our convention is being held in the fall rather than spring. For District 19 I participants to enter the contests for the MD19 contest the district awardees have to be selected prior to the MD19 Convention being held in May. C & A chair, PZC Margaret Ashley explained that very few participants have entered the contests in our district lately. It was determined that all the items that can be sent virtually, should be done as usual, following the timeline set by the MD C & A committee. PZC Margaret will contact MD committee and find out what the current MD19 rules entail, so we can let our clubs know how to enter the contests if they wish to do so. With our next Cabinet meeting set for March 15, we will be able to know how to advise clubs on this important matter. PZC Lorne Grigg agreed to fill the opening for a trustee to represent our district on the MD19 Lions Foundation. This group awards grants to foster leadership development to groups such as school districts, scouts, Boys and Girls Clubs, etc. ZC Craig Boothe also serves as a trustee on this foundation. Two new clubs are in the process of being formed. Salmon Arm under the direction of Vernon Lions and Grand Forks under the direction of Kettle River Lions. Reports Zone Chairs: I-1 Lynda Devenish, report sent P I-2 Ted Tull no report I-3 Larry Linley no report I-6 Craig Boothe report sent P I-7 Craig Boothe report sent P I-8 Bob Elliott report sent P I-9 Shelley Sweeney report sent P I-10 Sharon Cain report sent P I-11 Dawn Brush report sent I-12 Kim Jensen report sent P Cabinet Secretary / Treasurer PDG Joyce Stevens, report sent P BC Lions Society PDG Debbie Bostock report sent P Bulletin Editor PDG Shelley Costello report sent P CARE PZC Kim Davis report sent P Childhood Cancer PZC Linda Schaffrick report sent Global Action Team , DG Chuck Robinson P Leadership PDG Wanda Eddy report sent P Membership PDG Debbie Allan Public Relations PZC Lorne Grigg report sent P Service Lori Kirkham report sent Conference ZC Bob Elliott report sent P Constitution and Bylaws DG Chuck Robinson P Contests and Awards PZC Margaret Ashley report sent P Diabetes Awareness Dr. Lee MacKay Environment PDG Joe Nilles report sent P Hunger PZC Dorothy Nilles report sent P Information and Tech Brian Allan report LERC CA PZC Karen Bassett report sent LERC US PDG Patti Sparks report sent P LCIF Coordinator BC PDG Debbie Bostock report sent P LCIF Coordinator WA PDG Joyce Stevens report sent P Leader Dogs Kristin Roberts report sent Leo Coordinator Hannah Garard Lions Alert BC VDG Steve Sweeney report sent P Lions Alert WA PDG Joe Nilles report sent P Lions Foundation of Canada Guide Dogs PZC Linda Schaffrick report sent Lions Quest PDG Norma Bent report sent P Mental Health PZC Margaret Ashley report send P NW Lions Sight and Hearing PDG Shelley Costello report sent P Parliamentarian Brian Allan Peace Poster Marilyn Cordova report sent Leo clubs: It was brought up that there are several Leo clubs that are still chartered, but not active. It was decided to ask Leo Coordinator Hannah Garard to find out which Leo clubs are still chartered, and which are wanting to stay chartered although inactive at this time. Those Leo clubs that wish to terminate their charters need to do so before LCI charges the annual fee of $100 US cost of maintaining a charter. Upcoming Events: Wenatchee Central Lions 95 th Anniversary, March 15 PDG Patti Sparks spoke about their planned celebration, which will cost $35 US (half of actual cost, the other half is being paid by the Wenatchee Central Lions Club.) MD 19 Convention, May 16-17, in Chillawack, BC Registration can be found on the MD website. Our next Cabinet meeting will take place at 2:00 on March 15 in Wenatchee. Location to be determined. District I Convention will be October 3-4, 2025 at the Penticton Lakeside Resort. A $2000 Canadian deposit has been made. The theme this year is: ‘Roaring Through the Twenties, Increasing Leadership, Membership, Service, and Support of LCIF’. Fun night will be the ‘Roaring 20’s’ Meeting was adjourned 11:43. Respectfully submitted, Secretary PDG Joyce Stevens