Let’s Embrace Change As We Serve District I Bulletin October 2023 District Governor Michael Livingstone lionmichaellivingstone@gmail.com Bulletin Editor Debbie Bostock debbie.bostock@gmail.com DG MIKE’S MESSAGE October has been a busy and interesting month; I have finished visiting the Kootenays and have 8 more clubs to visit in Washington State. I will attempt a few visits to Washington during November, weather permitting. The visits to the Kootenays have been welcoming and informative and it is amazing how each club has its own way of making their communities a better place to live. We were fortunate to have some joint club meetings which made the trip a lot easier and cut down on the driving. Thank you, 1VDG Jennifer your work was very much appreciated. I have not had a chance to show any of my pictures taken at the Boston International Convention. It is a beautiful city and the area of the convention has changed from being warehouses during WW2 to the modern thriving city that it is, ready to accommodate the people of Boston and their visitors. As time has passed the area has changed to be tourist oriented. There are many historical areas along with many businesses that have sprouted up. I did have a chance to go on a tour past the MassachusettsGeneral Hospital. Which meant something to me as my grandmother took her nursing training there during WW1. There is a lot of history in Boston, going back to being settled in 1625 and incorporated as a town in 1630. In 1822 Boston incorporated as a city. The tour took us past the Cheers pub but did not allow us enough time to quickly pop in, have a beer and ask if they knew my name. Oh well, maybe I will make it back there someday. DG Michael Livingstone DG Michael, IP Brian, Val & Lion Lori Boston Cheers Pub CARE Please include CARE in your Clubs budget for 2023-2024; this year's project is in Honduras. if you want additional information about the CARE project in Honduras to go to the web site and click on projects. CARE will be listed. District I website https://www.e-district.org/sites/district_19-i/index.php 1 SERVICE REPORT / IDEAS FOR DISTRICT 19I Golden Leos Club, Zone I-1 Members (L to R) Rory Wasyliuk, Tyler Kamstra, Thyra Pecora - Painting fish images on drains to symbolize the waste water and fish connection Many thanks to Lion Orlando Pecora Golden Lions for sending this Joyce Stevens, Service Chairperson for District I Northport Lions Club, Zone I-5 Northport Lions Club held their annual Labor Day BBQ in early September, serving 369 people, and netting approximately $5000, which will fund many community efforts sponsored by their Lions club, their families and local students all pitched in to make this a fun event for attendees. The Northport Lions have started their monthly Bingos, which are conducted for the community from October through May every year. This year they have added a 50/50 raffle, which was popular with attendees. Each Bingo they partner with a local non-profit organization or a group from the school. The partners offer lunch to participants and the organization keeps the funds they make from serving lunch as well as half of the profits from Bingo. Lions 50/50 and Lions share of Bingo was $465 and Dollars for Scholars, the group providing lunch for the Bingo received $315 from Lions plus earned about $500 from meals served. They also get local students involved with assisting with these events. Below are a few photos from the Labor Day BBQ and from the first Bingo night this year. Northport’s BBQ held Labor Day First Bingo night, included in the photo on the right is Lion Judy Hall, who is an active Lion and also President of their local Dollars for Scholars club Thanks to Lion Debbie Paparich for sending this report. I liked the partnering with other organizations for their Bingo nights. Good idea Joyce Stevens, Service Chairperson for District I 2 Quincy Valley Lions Club, Zone I-6 This is the 15th year we have hosted a maze and Pumpkin Patch as a fundraiser for our projects, it is also the last year. The project has been done in partnership with Becerra Farms u-pick gardens. The owner and the Lions are getting older, and Mr. Becerra wishes to cut back his u-pick garden. What started out as a pumpkin patch and a small straw maze has grown each year. We host local kindergarten classes, home schools, and some family groups during the week. On Saturdays and Sundays we are open to the general public. Everyone gets to pick any pumpkin they want with the price of admission, which is $6.00. This was raised from $5.00 a few years ago. People wanting just pumpkins pay $3.00 a piece, any size and kind. We will be trying to sell off our large supply of Halloween decorations and moving on to a new, so far un￾known money raising project. We are grateful to Becerra Gardens for all their help and support, Central Bean for their support and help of their crews to assemble and dismantle our mazes, to 2nd Vice Chuck and his lovely wife Georgina for help￾ing in the building of the pallet maze this year, and to all our members who put in hours weeding the pump￾kin patch, decorating mazes, and working at the maze. Thank You Mansfield Lions who bring their elementary school students every year to visit our maze and pumpkin patch. Marilyn – Secretary Quincy Valley Lions Club Many thanks to Lion Marilyn, Quincy Valley Lions Secretary for sending this report Joyce Stevens Service Chairperson for District I 3 LCIF Matching Grant for Equipment Replacement at Scotch Creek Fire hall As the LCIF District-I Coordinator (Canada) PDG Debbie Bostock, I am working on the LCIF Matching Grant. The Matching Grant is to replace fire/rescue equipment destroyed in the total loss of the Scotch Creek Volunteer Fire hall. The local Regional District is responsible for the replacement of the actual Fire hall. Lions have an opportunity to help replace valuable equipment lost in the fire. LCIF will match up to $100,000 US (approx. $130,000 Cdn) when Lions Clubs or Lions individuals contribute. The total amount contributed by Lions in the District will be matched by LCIF. This is a wonderful opportunity – your donation is DOUBLED. Total deposited or commitments is $44,000.00. Thank you to all the clubs who already donated or committed monies so far, this is really wonderful. THE DETAILS: Please make your cheques out to “Lions Canada MD19 Alert Fund” and send to DG Michael Livingstone, PO Box 437, Okanagan Falls, BC V0H 1R0. Gaming Funds may NOT be donated. The deadline to contribute is December 31, 2023. Any questions contact PDG Debbie Bostock – debbie.bostock@gmail.com or phone 250-573-7520. I will be away from November 17th, to 29th . TRAINING/INFORMATION There is excellent training available for anyone to take. Attached you will find a list of what is upcoming and a list of the guest presenters. There is Orientation training available the 3rd Monday of the month. Please check the information out and you may find something that would be a benefit to you or perhaps several of your club members. When one door of happiness closes, another opens; But we often look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us. (Helen Keller) UPCOMING EVENTS December 2nd – District Cabinet Meeting via Zoom (date is tentative) April 26-27, 2024 – District ‘I’ Conference in Kelowna BC at the Ramada. IMPORTANT CONTACT INFORMATION District Governor Mike Livingstone lionmichaellivingstone@gmail.com 250-809-6027 1 st Vice District Governor Jennifer Edgar jenedgar@shaw.ca 250-551-3737 2 nd Vice District Governor Chuck Robinson Chuckr49@nwi.net 509-679-4550 Cabinet Secretary PDG Norma Bent bentnj41@shaw.ca 250 572 2201 Bulletin Editor PDG Debbie Bostock debbie.bostock@gmail.com 250-819-6075 District I website https://www.e-district.org/sites/district_19-i/index.php District I Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/5745189942250564 Lions International http://www.lionsclubs.org 630-571-5466 MD19 Lions Foundation www.lionsleadershipfoundation.org Multiple District 19 Office 4141 Maplewood Avenue, Bellingham, WA 98226 md19lions@lionsmd19.org http://www.lionsmd19.com Canadian clubs mailing anything to MD19 Office please use following mailing address: Multiple District 19, Lions International, P.O. Box 1621, Aldergrove, BC V4W 2V1 4