Spring Cabinet - 26 April 2024 CHILDHOOD CANCER When identified early, cancer is more likely to respond to effective treatment and result in a greater probability of survival, less suffering, and often less expensive and less intensive treatment. A correct diagnosis is essential to prescribe appropriate therapy for the type and extent of the disease. Standard therapies include chemotherapy, surgery and/or radiotherapy. Children also need special attention to their continued physical and cognitive growth and nutritional status, Wigs for Kids BC is a committee of volunteers that raises money to provide custom-fitted human-hair wigs for children suffering hair loss due to cancer. They accept hair donations of 12 inches or longer, but encourage you to donate 14+ inches of hair; the more length you can donate, the more of an impact your will make. The hair must be clean and dry, no coloring or highlights. Put the "ponytail" in a zip lock bag. Wigs for Kids BC c/o Eva & Co Wigs 3216 Oak Street Vancouver, BC V6H 2L3 Strength is a child fighting cancer with a smile on their face.