Cabinet Meeting via Zoom February 3rd, 2024 Zone I12 & 13 Report DG Mike and fellow cabinet members I still need to hold my 2nd zone meeting, as I had to cancel the January one due to illness. I have visited all but 1 club in Zone 12 and still have all clubs in Zone 13 to do. This will probably only be done when I accompany 1st VDG Jennifer on her official visits. I am in the process of organizing a joint meeting for 1st VDG Jennifer with the 100 Mile, 108 Mile and Forest Grove Lions Clubs on April 3rd in 100 Mile House. I have been actively looking for zone chairs for both zones. All clubs are doing well and I was able to attend Christmas Parties in Ashcroft & District and Kamloops Brock Central Lions. Both were very enjoyable with much fellowship and laughter. Clubs are all active and several have brought in new members or have potential members in the wings. Respectively Submitted PDG Debbie Bostock