Fall Cabinet - 02 December 2023 CHILDHOOD CANCER The incidence of childhood cancer is highest in the first five years of life. Children under the age of four are twice as likely to be newly diagnosed than children ages five to 14. In Canada today, nearly 84 per cent of children diagnosed with cancer survive. Survival often comes at a price. Despite advances in research, two-thirds of children who survive cancer live with permanent side effects, which may include but are not limited to, deafness, blindness, growth issues, motor impairments, cognitive difficulties, organ failure, heart, kidney and fertility issues, psychological, neurological and endocrine disorders. B.C. Children's Hospital and Seattle Children's Hospital are the top hospitals for treating childhood cancer. The international awareness symbol for Childhood Cancer is the gold ribbon. August 2022, LCIF has awarded 4 childhood cancer-related grants totaling US$200, Linda Schaffrick, ZC