District 14-W Newsletter March 2013 Pennsylvania District 14-W Lions Issue 9—March 2013 www.e-district.org/sites/14wFellow Lions, On February 28th, I had the great honor and pleasure of inducting the first female member into the Parsons Lions Club. I would like to welcome Margret to our great organization, and I look forward to many more great things with this club. I challenge all of our clubs to be more open-minded and diverse. This is the only way we will grow and continue for generations to come. Hopefully by now everyone has read our convention call. Help me in wel- coming our International Guest ID Stacie & Mary Jones. If you have never been to a convention your time is now. This year we have changed some things around to include a morning full of service projects. Come out and show your support for VDG Andy and vote. One of the highlights of the convention will sure- ly be the hospitality room hosted by the Hazleton Lions Club. Let’s help them cel- ebrate the honor of being the home club of the District Governor elect. Through recent newspaper articles I became aware that a basket raffle is not a legal fundraiser. Due to this we will not be having a basket raffle this year. In place I would ask clubs to consider placing an ad in our program book. The raffle was a big help in offsetting some of the cost of our convention. In Lionism, Dennis Cook District Governor 14W 2012-2013 570-905-5202 dcook@lightspeedtech.net Greetings from 1stVice District Governor Greetings Fellow Lions , Just a quick reminder that our convention is this month, and I am looking forward to see you all there. It should be a great time. Also I would remind all club presidents and secretaries to get the PU-101 forms in ASAP. This is the only way I will have of knowing where and when your club will meet, so I may get my scheduling of club meetings complete and up to date. Also all club secretaries, try and use LCI’s web site to submit your monthly reports. It’s easy and quick. It gives International, the State and District a real time view of how our district is doing. That’s all for now!!! Just remember: International President Elect Barry Palmer’s Theme “Follow Your Dream”. Yours in Lionism, Andrew J. Piskel 1st VDG Andy Piskel 570-455-1261 ajp668@ptd.net The Hazleton Lions Club invite all Lions, Leos and guests to their Hospitality Room to be held on Saturday, March 23 at the District Convention to be held at the Woodlands Inn. The hospitality room is hosted by the Hazleton Lions in honor of 1stVDG Andy Piskel, who will seek the nomination to the office of District Governor of District 14-W. Breakfast will be served from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM; Lunch from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM. The Hospitality Room will also be open following the Convention Business Session until 5:00 PM and im- mediately following the Convention Banquet. Come out and celebrate with the Hazleton Lions. The Hospitality Room will NOT be open during the Necrology Service or the Business Session. A message from our Global Membership Team (GMT) Coordinator PDG Chris Kalmanowicz Global Membership Coordi- nator for District 14-W. The GMT Coordinator was established to replace the MERL Team in assisting clubs with membership issues. PDG Chris is willing to visit your club to speak on Membership. He can be contacted at 570-603-0660 or e-mail chris.kalmanowicz@gmail.com Upper Valley Eye Bank—Change of Venue The Upper Valley Eye Bank will meet on March 7, 2013 at the Holy Resurrection RO Church, 591 North Main Street , Wilkes Barre, PA. The meeting was to be hosted by the Hughestown Lions Club. The April meeting will be hosted by Bear Creek Lions Club. For more information contact Marina Martin at 709-0907 or Nancy Baiera at 655-0345 NEW LIONS Member Club Sponsor Marilyn Gubbiotti Exeter Lions John Brogan Mary Kistler Hazleton Lions Kristen Molinaro LIONS THAT HAVE PASSED John Sabatini Exeter Lions Club Our deepest sympathies to the family and friends of all departed Lions of District 14-W May they rest in peace! Avoca Lions Club The Lions donated $100.00 to the Avoca Crime Watch, $250.00 to the Little League and $100.00 to the Teener League. The Avoca Lions will host the Coffee and Donut hour at the VA Nursing Home on Saturday, March 23. Bear Creek/Buck Twp Lions Club are planning a breakfast for Sunday , May 5, 2013. Dupont Lions Club conducted a State Highway Clean-Up on March 2. The Lions will conduct their annual Park and Playground Clean-Up on Saturday, March 23. They will conduct their annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, March 30. PDG Eileen Yurish presented a program and video on the Northeast Eye Bank at a recent meeting. Hanover Twp Lions is spearheading a drive to help one of our club members daughter, Shannon Claherty, who was diagnosed with a rare illness called Hodgkin's Lymphoma. The Club is asking anyone willing to help in this cause to mail your donation to “M&T Bank, Shannon Claherty Fund, Crossroads Office, Hanover Town- ship , PA 18706”. All donations will be appreciated. Hazleton Lions Club is planning a Night at the Races on April 6 and a Flapjack fundraiser on March 16. The club is accepting contributions for their Hospitality Room at the District Convention on Saturday, March 23. The Hospitality Room will be held in honor of VDG Andy Piskel who will seek the position of District Governor for the 2013-2014 Lions year. JLW Mountain Laurel Lions Club will organize a volunteer blanket making activity at the District Conven- tion on March 23 for the NICU Unit at the Geisinger Wyoming Valley Hospital. The club will sponsor an all you can eat breakfast on Sunday, April 14 at the West Wyoming Hose Company on Shoemaker Street, West Wyoming. Kingston Lions Club volunteered at the St. Vincent DePaul Soup Kitchen preparing and serving food to the homeless. Lake Silkworth Lions Club is sponsoring a “Strikes for Sight” bowling Fund Raiser on Sunday, March 10 at Chacko’s Family Bowling Center, Wilkes Barre. For more information contact Lion President Janet Swanger at 477- 3308 or e-mail popup@epix.net. Plains Lions Club members will hold an Easter Egg Hunt for Community children at the Plains Municipal Park on Saturday, March 30. A collection of canned goods will be held at the hunt, which will be donated to the area food banks. Swoyersville Lions Club will visit the VA Hospital Nursing Home Wilkes Barre Lions Club gave out care packages for Valentine’s Day to more than 100 residents of the VA Hospital Nursing Home. Antique Car Magazines were donated to the VA Library. The club recently participated in a Halushki Sale together with Holy Resurrection Church. The club awarded a $50.00 check to the first place Peace Poster contest winner Emily Urbanski. Emily’s entry won first place on the District level. Wyoming /West Wyoming Lions Club participated in the BonTon Community Days Coupon Book Sale. Pittston Area PDG Leo Club assisted Joshua Pimentiject with his Senior Project for Wyoming Area High School of collecting Eye Glasses. The Leos will assist the Dupont Lions with the Easter Egg Hunt. Updating District 14-W Constitution and By-Laws February 10, 2013 Submitted by First Vice District Governor Andrew J. Piskel The District 14-W Constitution and By Laws Committee met on Wednesday February 6, 2013 to go over and revise the District’s Constitution and By-Laws. Members in attendance: Dist. Gov. Dennis Cook, VDG Andrew Piskel, PDG Peter Duda and Lion Frank Molinaro. PVDG Paul Rose was not in attendance. After going over the Constitution and By-Laws, the committee came up with the following recommendations for housekeeping changes to be made: Constitution Article VI District, State and International Dues Section 1 A: District Per Capita Changes to be made instead of Per Capita being divided into two billing periods of $.40, the committee recommend- ed that a onetime levy of the $.80 per member be collected at the beginning for the fiscal year starting on July 1. Section 1 A: District Per Capita Sub Section C To clarify what “Rules of Audit” that should be followed. The committee recommended that the section should read “follow the established “Rules of Audit” of MD-14. This is a housekeeping change. Section 2 State and International Per Capital Change the wording to reflect the changes in dues collected from $13.00 to $16.00 per member starting July 1, 2013. This is also a housekeeping change: Section 2 Sub Section A The funds so collected shall be used, distributed, and credited as follows: State Convention Fund: $0.45 (2013) International Convention Fund: $0.85 (2013) Promotional Fund: $0.35 (2013) DG International Convention Expense Fund: $0.36 (2013) State Council Administration Fund: $7.50 (2013) Sub District Administration Fund: $2.50 (2013) Pennsylvania News Publication Fund: $2.50 (2013) All State Band: May be taken from project money $1.50 (2013) Updating District 14-W Constitution and By-Laws-cont’d Section 3 Sub Section A International Per Capita This is also a housekeeping change: Fiscal Year: 2013-14 Annual: US $43.00 Semi Annual US $21.50 Family/Student US$10.75 By-Laws Article II Duties of Officers Sub Section 2 This is a housekeeping change: To clarify what “Rules of Audit” that should be followed. The committee recommended that the section should read: in accordance with the established “Rules of Audit” of MD-14. Sub Section 17 Should be changed from: District Leadership Development Chairperson To: District Global Leadership Team or GLT Sub Section 20 Should be changed from: Membership and Retention Chairperson To: District Global Membership Team or GMT CONVEDisNtricTt 1I4O-WNNew2sl0ett1er3 NEWS March 2013 Have you made reservations for this year's District Convention? Deadlines are coming quickly. There is still time to make dinner reservations for both Friday and Saturday nites. On Friday we honor our presidents and secretaries and plan on coming as you are or dress up. It’s anything goes! Saturday's Banquet features our guest speaker ID Stacey Jones. Come out, enjoy the ban- quet and meet ID Stacey and his wife Lion Mary. Saturday’s daytime activities are different events and opportunities for volunteer service. This is an opportunity for Lions from all Regions of the District to come together to work for the underprivileged, handicapped, and sight impaired residents of our community.  Baby Blanket Project for the NICU unit at Geisinger Wyoming Valley - JLW Mountain Laurel Lions at 8:30 AM at the Woodlands. If you are planning on coming to help, please bring a pair of scissors and your sense of humor. The cost will be donated by the JLW Moun- tain Laurel Lions, but donations will be gladly accepted from any club or individual. Contact PDG Joan Milligan 570-823-6035 or any club member for more information.  Avoca Lions will be at the VA Hospital at 9:30 AM to serve the donuts and coffee to the vets. Anyone is welcome to assist. Contact President Rich Kilvitis 570-570-457-5633 if you would like to participate.  Jenkins Twp Old Timers Hockey Club will host an open skate from 8:30 AM to 10:00 AM at the Revolution Rink in Pittston. This will afford handicapped, visually impaired and special needs person the opportunity to enjoy an activity they might not have experienced be- fore. Anyone who can skate is asked to help out  14-W Lions will be preparing and serving lunch at St. Vincent DePaul Soup Kitchen form 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM.  Contact PDG Joan Milligan if you plan to attend any of the volunteer opportunities. Due to the recent publicity on the fund raising/small gaming and games of chance the District Governor Dennis Cook has cancelled our traditional Basket Raffle. Please consider placing an ad in the program book or a donation to the convention in place of your donation of a basket or raffle item. Thank you for your support and see you at the convention. Please check the marquees in the Main Lobby at the Woodlands for room assignments for Convention Events. Guest Speaker - Stacey W. Jones International Director 2012-2014 Our Guest Speaker ID Stacie W. Jones and his wife, Lion Mary of Miami Florida, MD 35 will be visiting us for the weekend of March 22 & 23. Director Jones is a retired Secondary School Principal. He is a charter member of the Florida E-Lions Club and a Lion since 1992. He has held many offices in the organiza- tion and as well as serving as an International Director is also president of the Florida E-Lions Club. He has served on the board of directors of the Florida Lions Camp and was a pre- senter and moderator at the USA/Canada Leadership Forum. In addition to his Lions activities and responsibilities he is active in numerous professional and community organizations. We wel- come and are honored to have ID Stacey and Lion Mary as our guests. 2013District 14-W Lions Clubs 27th Annual District Convention March 22-23, 2013 - Woodlands Inn, Plains, PA Program Ads will be available at prices of : Full Page 7 x 4 $50.00 Half Page $25.00 Patron $ 5.00 Checks should be made out to DISTRICT 14-W LIONS DEADLINE FOR ADS IS MARCH 11, 2013 Forward all print material and payment to: Lion Tom Mulhern, 206 Heather Highland, Pittston, PA 18640. Ad copy may also be sent to: Dyscodog@comcast.net Call Lion Tom with any questions at 570-606-9944 Mountain Laurel Lions Club All You Can Eat Breakfast Sunday, April 14, 2013 West Wyoming Hose Company Shoemaker Street,West Wyoming, PA Price: $7.00 More Information to follow Drums Lions Club Annual All You Can Eat Breakfast Date: Sunday April 2, 2013 Location: Butler Township Fire Hall Route 309, Drums, PA Time: 7 AM to 11:00 AM Price $7.00, Children under 5 eat free Omelet Station $2.00 additional charge Hazleton Lions Club Pancake Breakfast Sunday, March 16, 2013 Applebee's 2 Weis Lane West Hazleton, PA Serving from 8 AM to 10 AM Save the Date! Hazleton Lions Club Night at the Races Saturday April 6, 2013 Elk’s Club Post Time 7:00 PM BEAR CREEK/BUCK TOWNSHIP LIONS CLUB SUNDAY, May 5th, 2013; Breakfast Buffet & Bake Sale 8 am to 1 pm Includes many various breakfast items as well as juice, coffee, & tea Tickets: Children (ages 5 to 9) $3.50 Adults $7.00. Tickets available from any club member or at the door. Information: John Yencha 443-0553: BYencha@live.com , Car- olyn Burke 472-3948: cmburke@ptd.net , Frank Jones 472-3125. There will be a baked goods sale and chances for specialty baskets. Bear Creek Twp. Community Building Rte. 115, across from PA Turnpike Exit Join Lake Silkworth Area Lions Club “Strikes for Sight” Fundraiser Sunday, March 10, 2013 Chacko’s Family Bowling Center 3PM-5PM $25 per bowler- includes 2 hours of bowling, pizza, pitcher of soda, shoe rental, Strikes for Sight Tee Shirt* *Must pre-register by 3/1 to receive Tee Shirt 1st , 2nd & 3rd Prizes awarded in each category Age Groups include: Boys/Girls Age 11 and under Men/Women Age 12 to 20 Men/Women Age21 and older Registration should include: Last Name, First Name, Address, Phone Number and Shirt Size. For more information and entry forms: Contact Lion President Janet Swanger 570-477-3308 or e-mail popup@epix.net BOWL FOR KID’S SAKE STANTON LANES WILKES BARRE MARCH 23, 2013 9 AM TO 5 PM For more information, call: 570-824-8756 or 1-800-955-4376 Visit our website at: www.bbbsnepa.org Schedule of Visits to the VA Nursing Home March 9, 2013 Swoyersville Lions Club March 23, 2013 Avoca Lions Club April 13, 2013 Parsons Lions Club May 11, 2013 Edwardsville Lions June 8, 2013 Kingston Lions If you are having a problem with your scheduled date, please do not call the VA Hospital or Nurs- ing Home. Contact Lion Ann Rose at 654-3936 or E-mail—wpmommom@verizon.net; or call Lion Ann to schedule your club’s VA visit! DG Dennis Cook 115 Parsonage Street Pittston, PA 18640 dcook@lightspeecdtech.net ANNUAL DISTRICT CONVENTION MARCH 22-23, 2013 THE WOODLANDS INN & RESORT, WILKES BARRE, March 2013 ATTENDANCE/REGISTRATION FORM LION/LEO Title First Name, Last Name Address City, State, Zip Club, District Phone, E-mail Guests, District Friday, March 22 Come As You Are Themed Party/ club President & Secretary Recognition Social Hour 5:30 to 6:30 with Cash Bar, Music and Dancing to 11:00 PM Dinner 6:30 PM # Attending X $35.00 Per Person $_ Leo Pizza Party # Attending X $10.00 Per Person $ SATURDAY, MARCH 23 SATURDAY CONVENTION BANQUET SELECTIONS CHICKEN $40.00 # MEALS $ LONDON ENCRUSTED TILAPIA $40.00 # MEALS $ PRIME RIB OF BEEF $45.00 # MEALS $ All Checks Payable: District 14-W Lions Two Day Grand Total Due $ Mail form and check to: Zone Chair Rich and Mary Kilvitis 1016 Plane Street, Avoca, PA 18641 Reservation Deadline March 14, 2013 The Woodlands Inn & Resort has set aside a block of rooms and suites at a rate of: $89.00 Main/Tower, $99.00 Suites The rooms will be reserved until February 25, 2013. Please call the Woodlands directly to reserve your District 14-W Newsletter March 2013 VDG Andy Piskel 668 Liberty Court Hazleton, PA 18210 ajp668@ptd.net W E ’ RE ON T H E W E B ! www.e-district.org/sites/14w Dates to Remember: District Convention…………...…..Mar 22-23, 2013 State Convention, Valley Forge...May 16-19, 2013 VDG Day, Beacon Lodge……….……..June 1, 2013 4th Cabinet Meeting……………….….June 2, 2013 International Convention, Hamburg, Germany… July 5-9, 2013 Lions Appreciation Day—Beacon Lodge Camp…. July