CALL TO CONVENTION DISTRICT 14-W LIONS CLUBS February 1, 2012 To: ALL LIONS, All Past International Officers, Past District Governors, Vice District Governors, 2011-2012 Club Presidents, Club Secretaries, Other Club Officers, Cabinet Officers, Zone Chairs, Committee Chairs and Members, All 14-W Lion Members and other Interested Lions DISTRICT 14-W LIONS CONVENTION APRIL 20 – April 21, 2012 District Governor Marylin “Mimi” Tosh has issued a “Call to Convention” for the 2012 District 14-W Lions 26th Annual Convention, to convene at 5:30pm on Friday, April 20, 2012 with a 1960’s Themed Hospitality Night. The Convention will reconvene at 9:00am on Saturday, April 30, 2011 and conclude Saturday evening with the District Convention Banquet, beginning with a 5:30pm social hour and dinner at 6:30 This will be the twenty-sixth (26) Convention of District 14-W. Our weekend will see the election of our District Officers for the 2012-2013 Lions year; Honor our Deceased Lions in a Service of Remembrance; Honor our Club Presidents and Secretaries for the leadership they have shown this past year. Lions will communicate, educate, care, share, change and grow during this weekend and of course have FUN This Convention will be held at the Best Western East Mountain Inn and Suites, 2400 East End Boulevard, Wilkes-Barre, PA. Room reservations are to be made directly with the East Mountain Inn @ 570-822-1011. Room rates are $99 plus tax. Mention the District 14-W Lions when making your reservations Come out and celebrate with your fellow Lions, meet our International Guests, show your Lions PRIDE by wearing your Lions Pins, Lions Apparel and bring your Lions Club Banners for Friday and Saturday (there will be no stealing of Lions gear this weekend) Remember: “SHINE YOUR LIGHT” Have Courage! Make a Commitment! Take Action! Marylin J. “Mimi “Tosh Marylin “Mimi” Tosh District Governor District 14-W © WMB Updated 011712 DISTRICT GOVERNOR LETTER – FEBRUARY 2012 Dear Lions, Lioness, and LEOs, This is February -Leap year! What will you do with the extra day? Make it count! If you have a leap birthday, let me know before the cabinet meeting. Will you be 10? 12? 15? I won’t tell! I’m told that the year is winding down – not for me! The pace has picked up -Cabinet meeting, Council meeting, planning a convention, checking for qualified awards winners, working with clubs to solve problems, trying to increase membership, finding new leadership, and mostly trying to increase the level of enthusiasm. Come on – get excited! This is a great organization! You are part of the more than 1.3 million Lions around the world helping to make this a better planet through measles shots, erasing river blindness, saving the sight of children born with cataracts, vision screenings, eyeglasses, food programs, helping people in times of disaster, building homes and community centers. Wow! There is nothing that a Lion can’t do. And that Lion is YOU! Now is the time for clubs to think about elections. Don’t forget the PU101. That form is very important -not just to the incoming District Governor, but for the clubs. Lions International is not a mind reader. If they don’t know who the officers are, they can’t send out club officer- specific materials, especially the ever-popular dues statement! Club Treasurers – do you know that you can now pay club dues online with a credit /debit card? Read about it online at This is also the time to consider helping out in your District. We need leaders just as much as we need members. Now is the time to step up and become a leader. As 1stVDG and 2ndVDG, you will be trained by some of our best leaders in the State and you will meet some great people from other Districts. Friendships will be formed for life. The date is March 16th for the Lions Day at the UN and the reservation deadline is soon. If you have not gone, check it out. Last year it was a mild day and good for walking around at lunch. I would like to go but going to NYC by myself isn’t fun. If anyone is interested in going for the day, let me know. Maybe we can carpool. 3rd 19th The Cabinet meeting will be held on February . Originally it was to be at the Checkerboard Inn but that has changed. It will be at the Castle Inn. It has been there before. The food is good and it’s easy to get to the Dallas Memorial Highway. Don’t forget to make your reservation now! Give Zone Chair David Lipka a call and let him now you are coming. Don’t wait until the last minute! We will honor our Peace Poster winners and meet their families. Please come and thank them for getting involved. Every club should have a representative present. This is your District and you should know what we’re doing. Club presidents should come out to show your club’s support for the District. Share a meal and some of your time. You might learn something. Save April 20-21, 2012 for the convention. Do not plan any club activities for that weekend. This is a time for the District to come together. Get to know your fellow Lions, share ideas, problems, concerns. Show your support and appreciation for the people that step up to lead you. If it’s your first time, we will be happy to see you. Come see what we do. Don’t just listen to the words that I say. Put them into action. Get involved! See you around the District. Mimi Have Courage! Make a Commitment! Take Action! VICE DISTRICT GOVERNOR LETTER – FEBRUARY 2012 As the convention approaches and we start to make our plans to attend, I would like to ask everyone to think about who they will consider to replace themselves in their current roles next year as we move forward to except our new responsibilities. As important as the great job you have done this year, it is equally as important to help your fellow Lion member, your club, your district, and up through Lions Clubs International advance to ensure our children have the option to be part of the greatest organization in the world. With many cabinet positions remaining open this year, and a full slate to fill for next, now is the time to start thinking and talking about next year. Many times I have been asked about what we pay dues for? I would like to point out a local recruiting tool paid for by our dues. It is in Dupont on Main Ave (on the left as soon as you leave Old Forge). There you will see a Lions Club billboard that is raising awareness about our mission to prevent blindness and seeking membership. Check it out. Let’s be positive, keep our heads up and continue to do the right things to build a better tomorrow. VDG Dennis Cook District 14W 570-970-9202 On November 30, 2011 Lions Clubs International had 1,358,385 ­members in 46,354 . clubs in 747 - districts in 208 - countries and geographic areas As of January 5, 2011 MD 14, State of Pennsylvania had 22,844 . members in 772 . clubs As of January 30, 2012, District 14-W had 1041 . members ATTENTION CLUB SECRETARIES Designation of Club Delegates and Alternates To The 26th Annual District14-W Convention April 20-April 21, 2012 Best Western, East Mountain Inn and Suites, Wilkes-Barre, PA Club Name: ____________________________________________ Date: _______________ The rules governing selection of Club delegates and alternates: 1. Each club is allowed one (1) delegate and one (1) alternate for each ten members or major fraction thereof, as reported to the District Governor on the preceding month’s Club Membership Report. A major fraction shall be considered five (5) or more members. In addition, Past District Governors and the District Governor are also delegates (not to be included in the total of delegates allowed from each club). 2. To vote in the upcoming election(s) each club must be in good standing. A club shall not have any unpaid balances to International, or the State and/or the District exceeding $50.00 for more than thirty (30) days. 3. Every delegate or alternate must be in good standing within his or her club in order to vote, as attested to by this form being completed and returned. 4. Either the Club President or Club Secretary must sign this form. 5. Form must be returned by March 20, 2012 to Cabinet Secretary Theresa Milligan 40 Perkins Street, Plains, PA 18705 -Delegates--Alternates 1. ________________________________________ 1. ________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________ 6. ________________________________________ 6. ________________________________________ 7. ________________________________________ 7. ________________________________________ 8. ________________________________________ 8. ________________________________________ 9. ________________________________________ 9. ________________________________________ 10.________________________________________ 10._______________________________________ GOVERNOR and/or PAST DISTRICT GOVERNORS (does NOT count against club delegate count) 1._________________________________________ 2._________________________________________ 3._________________________________________ 4._________________________________________ 5._________________________________________ Completed by: ________________________________________ Title: ________________ © WMB Updated 123111 (Signature) DISTRICT 14-W CONVENTION RULES OF PROCEDURE 1. A copy of the Program and the Rules of Procedure will be made available to each Registered Delegate. These will govern the Order of Business, and will not be deviated from except with the consent of three fourths of the delegates at any session at which a quorum is present. A quorum shall consist of a majority of those registered Lions present at any session. 2. Except as otherwise provided herein, Roberts Rules of Order shall govern Parliamentary Procedure. 3. All resolutions to be brought before the convention must have been submitted to the Resolutions Committee, at least thirty days prior to the Convention. The Resolutions Committee, after discussion of the proposed resolution shall submit said resolution to the Convention Session with the recommendation that it be accepted, that it not be accepted, -or with a stated “No Recommendation”. 4. Any speaker discussing a subject, which does not appear on the Program, shall be limited to three minutes. However, the District Governor, at his discretion, may allow up to three additional minutes. Time in excess of this limitation will be allowed only after approval by a majority vote of those Lions present. This limitation does not apply to those giving programmed reports. 5. Election of the District Governor and Vice Governor(s): • The assembled delegates will receive the report of the nominating committee as to the candidates who have been nominated. All candidates so reported shall have their names placed on the ballot. • Each candidate whose name has been placed in nomination will be entitled to a nominating speech of no longer than three minutes. The order in which these speeches are presented shall be determined by lot, except that all nominating speeches for District Governor shall precede nominating speeches for Vice District Governor(s). • Only those persons who are registered and designated or their certified alternates shall be entitled to vote. In the event that any delegate cannot be present at the time of voting, a designated alternate may be certified. This substitution will be noted on the Delegate-Designated form by a member of the Credentials Committee. • Voting shall be supervised by the Elections Committee, which is composed of only Lions in good standing who have been appointed by the District Governor, with one member being appointed Chairman. In the event that the Lions appointed are not all present to serve at the time of voting, the chairman may appoint any Lions present to serve, providing that the total number shall not exceed four. • Counting of ballots may proceed as soon as voting is completed. At this time, the Chairman of the Elections Committee shall order the area closed, and no one except members of the Elections Committee and one representative of each of the candidates shall be allowed in the area. • At the completion of the tabulating of votes, a written report shall be prepared and signed by the election committee listing all the winners without specifying the number of votes cast for any candidate. This report shall be immediately delivered to the District Governor who shall announce the results to the assembled Lions. • The candidate receiving the greatest number of votes shall be the winner. In the event of a tie, the tie shall be broken by a method acceptable to both candidates. • No band, written material or demonstrations will be permitted in or near the room or where the voting is being conducted. 6. Admission to sessions of the District 14-W Convention will be limited to Lions, Lioness and Leos of the District, current and past International Family and spouses, and invited Lion guests. © WMB Updated 123111 COMMENTARY We welcome and congratulate our following new members, and thank their sponsors: Elizabeth Shovlin Tia Spagnuolo Hillary Spryn Amanda Stamherr Courtney Sult Caitlin Vitale Katie Steffney Marianna Wright Ali Zara Erin Zeigler Brittany Bressler Kellianne Bauman Morgan Ream Marybeth Rissinger Sarah Rizzlo Erin Roberts Taylor Robinson Rebecca Santoleri Alyssa Sedor Ashley Cocuzza Kristi Gabriele Marley Gozick Heather Derenick Megan Hardy Melanie Harris Kelsey Feinman Hannah Biskup Michelle Bruno Kayla Turonis Sophia Genkin Andria Dalley Dana Greisback Natalie DeWitt Alexis Dolena Kelsey Hart Nathan Finn Hannah Harvey Laura Hughes Rebecca LaRussa Kenslie Kerestes Theresa Klaus Maria Maas Emily Kolakowski Misericordia University Misericordia University Misericordia University Misericordia University Misericordia University Misericordia University Misericordia University Misericordia University Misericordia University Misericordia University Misericordia University Misericordia University Misericordia University Misericordia University Misericordia University Misericordia University Misericordia University Misericordia University Misericordia University Misericordia University Misericordia University Misericordia University Misericordia University Misericordia University Misericordia University Misericordia University Misericordia University Misericordia University Misericordia University Misericordia University Misericordia University Misericordia University Misericordia University Misericordia University Misericordia University Misericordia University Misericordia University Misericordia University Misericordia University Misericordia University Misericordia University Misericordia University Misericordia University Sponsor-Lori Cimino Sponsor-Lori Cimino Sponsor-Lori Cimino Sponsor-Lori Cimino Sponsor-Lori Cimino Sponsor-Lori Cimino Sponsor-Lori Cimino Sponsor-Lori Cimino Sponsor-Lori Cimino Sponsor-Lori Cimino Sponsor-Lori Cimino Sponsor-Lori Cimino Sponsor-Lori Cimino Sponsor-Lori Cimino Sponsor-Lori Cimino Sponsor-Lori Cimino Sponsor-Lori Cimino Kerrin McKeever Misericordia University Sponsor-Lori Cimino Katie Kugler Misericordia University Sponsor-Lori Cimino Terry Murgallis Misericordia University Sponsor-Lori Cimino Lyndsay Kusko Misericordia University Sponsor-Lori Cimino Lauren Oertner Misericordia University Sponsor-Lori Cimino Kathryn Labrie Misericordia University Sponsor-Lori Cimino Briana Oswald Misericordia University Sponsor-Lori Cimino Stephanie LaManna Misericordia University Sponsor-Lori Cimino Misericordia University Sponsor-Lori Cimino Amanda Phillips We regret the passing of the following 14-W Lions: SCHEDULE OF VISITS TO THE VA NURSING CENTER Call Ann Rose 654-3936 to schedule your visit. Visits are second Saturday of each month, 9:00-11:00am. Report to Liberty Hall, 2nd Floor (C2-14). Staff from Recreation Therapy will be available to assist you. Please confirm prior to visit with Recreation 824-3521 Ext. 7429 Jan 14th Dupont March10th Swoyersville May 12th Parsons July-Open Feb 11th Wilkes Barre April14th Avoca June 9th W Barre Twp August-Open DISTRICT EYE BANK NEXT TWO MEETINGS District Eye Bank meetings are the First Thursday of the month and are open to everyone. All Lions are encouraged to attend. Call Nancy 655-0345, Marina 709-0907 for information. Next Meeting is February 2nd Jenkins Twp host at 7:00pm at Tony’s Pizzeria. Steve Vitek asks that you to please bring a canned goods item or other non perishable to benefit Greater Pittston Food Pantry. Peggy Burke, Director, G P Food Pantry will be our guest speaker. The next meeting is March 1; Plains JLW host 7:00 @ East Mtn Apartments Community Room, Wildflower Drive. DISTRICT 14-W THIRD CABINET MEETING REGION 3 TO HOST • SUNDAY • FEBRUARY 19, 2012 • CASTLE INN 415 Memorial Highway Dallas, PA 18612 Registration 12:00-12:30; Dinner and Cabinet Meeting will follow; Committee people please have your reports ready to be read. Mail or e-mail copy to: Cabinet Secretary Theresa Milligan 40 Perkins Street Plains, PA 18705; 822-0889; Third Cabinet Meeting Reservation Form Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________ Club: _______________________________________________________________________ Please reserve_______________dinners at $13 each. Total amt $_______________________ Checks Payable to: DISTRICT 14-W: Mail form and check to; Lion Atty. David Lipka, Region 1 Zone B Chair 30 Tamanini Drive Wyoming, PA 18644; 779-5353; ©WMB12312011 PEACE POSTER WINNERS WILL BE RECOGNIZED @ THIS CABINET MEETING The first, second and third place winners and members of their families will be recognized at the beginning of this, our third Cabinet meeting. What a great way to show your support for the efforts and the work of our students is by showing up at this Cabinet Meeting DISTRICT 14-W PEACE POSTER WINNERS Congratulations to all who entered the contest. The artwork was wonderful. The winners are: First Place---------Samantha Pontier from Pittston Area M.S. Sponsor -Hughestown LC Second Place------Kara Johnson from Crestwood M.S. Sponsor – JLW Mountain Laurel LC Third Place--------Kayla Hogan from Pittston Area M.S. Sponsor – Jenkins Township LC Samantha’s poster has been sent to the State Office for the next judging level. Good Luck! DISTRICT CONVENTION SPECIALTY BASKETS I have been asked by the District Governor to do the basket raffle once again. This is something that the Lions of the District look forward to every year as a money maker for the District. Last year, there were not as many baskets, and not as many Lions attending a Convention that people work hard to put together. I realize some of our Lions are getting older and they can’t be as active, but what about our younger lions? Have you ever attended a Convention and voted or bought a ticket for our raffle? There is a lot of hard work that goes into this and some of you haven’t even donated a basket our even voted for a new District Governor. I always give you ideas on baskets, but why not make it a club project? Appoint someone to put the basket together, have each member bring a little something to put in the basket. It won’t cost the club anything, if each club does it themselves. Think of the money your club would be saving that could be used for something else in the community. I’ll even give you some ideas: Pasta basket, pet basket, beauty basket, snack basket, bath basket, spring basket, movie basket, book basket, lottery basket, wine basket, to just name a few. I really can use your help, now more than ever. We really would like to see some fresh faces; I know we have them because I see them in the newsletter all the time. Come and support the District because it is your district! Roseanne Linko Specialty Baskets Chairperson 883-7052 DISTRICT CONVENTION AD BOOKLET Sponsorship ads for the 2012 District Convention can be placed with Lion Thomas Mulhern. Ads are $100.00 for full page, $50.00 for 1/2 page, $25.00 for 1/4 page, Patron Ad for $10.00. Your ad and check should be sent to: Lion Thomas Mulhern, 206 Heather Highlands, Pittston, PA 18640; Show your support for your district and the fine effort of the district and cabinet members. DEADLINE FOR ALL ADS IS MARCH 20th, 2012 CHANGE TO GROW? Steve Jobs has been a very dynamic engineer and marketing guru. His real successes have resulted from his practical skill in understanding why Apple had to change and to evolve. As part of the development process we might again draw wisdom from these words from Steve: "Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes -the ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things. They push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world are the ones who do" LARKSVILLE LIONS DISTRIBUTE CHRISTMAS BASKETS The Larksville Lions Club recently held its annual Christmas basket project. Christmas baskets were given to 38 shut-ins from Larksville. The next meeting of the club is at 7pm at Happy Pizza. With some of the baskets, from left, are Paul Kachinko Sr.; Bernie Kachinko Jr.; Charles Prohaska; Tillie Radsavitch; Maryann Wydra; Ronald Kachinko, president; Matt Detwiler; Guy Goodman; and Paul Wydra. Larksville Lions Club is located in District 14-W. Article appears as courtesy of TIMES LEADER SCHOLARSHIP HONORS LAKE LEHMAN SCHOOL DIRECTOR The Lake-Lehman Foundation has established a scholarship in memory of John Peter Farrell, a member of the Lake-Lehman School District Board of Education who was killed in an automobile accident in April 2011. From left, are James McGovern, superintendent, Lake- Lehman School District; Mrs. Lorraine Farrell, widow of John Peter Farrell; and Bill Holena, treasurer, Lake-Lehman Foundation. Farrell’s wife, Lorraine, and his family have established the annual $500 scholarship that will be presented to a graduating Lake-Lehman High School senior student at the Lake-Lehman Foundation Tea on April 15. Farrell was a respected and well-like board member. A resident of Harveys Lake, he was active in his community, serving as a member of the Harveys Lake Lions Club and the Harveys Lake Sons of the American Legion Post 967. Donations for the scholarships can be made to the non-profit Lake-Lehman Foundation Scholarship Fund at Lake-Lehman Foundation, P.O. Box 277, Lehman, PA 18627. Harvey’s Lake Lions are located in District 14-W. Article appears courtesy of TIMES LEADER BEAR CREEK/BUCK TWP LIONS HOST CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PARTY The Bear Creek/Buck Township Lions Club recently held its fourth annual children’s Christmas party. The free holiday party for area children included lunch, crafts, games and pictures with Santa. Each child also received a gift from Santa and a stocking full of treats. Girl Scout Troop 34501 assisted in serving lunch, taking photos with Santa and organizing the games and crafts. Participating Girl Scouts, from left, first row, are Hallie Pierandozzi, Diana Stavinski, Madisyn Hawkins and Carly Lewis. Second row: Madison Claus, Skyler Panattieri, Alexis Kowalski and Jessica Stewart. Bear Creek Lions are located in District14-W. Article appears courtesy of TIMES LEADER BEAR CREEK/BUCK TOWNSHIP LIONS BRING GIFTS TO VETERANS Members of the Bear Creek/Buck Township Lions Club recently distributed Hickory Farm gift boxes and doughnuts to disabled veterans at the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center. From left are Gail Andrews, Al Sofranko, Ted Carl, Frank Jones, John Mack, Betsy Kresge, Willard Kresge and John Yencha, president, Lions Club. Bear Creek/Buck Twp Lions are located in District 14-W. Article appears here as a courtesy of TIMES LEADER DALLAS LIONS HOMETOWN HEROES PROJECT CONTINUES The Dallas Lions Hometown Hero Project 2011 was very well received, and based on the number of requests and inquires about possible sponsorships for next year, the club has decided to once again promote the project for 2012 in partnership with Frontier Communications. Planning the 2012 Hometown Heroes project sponsored by the Dallas Lions Club are, from left, seated, Don Berlew, project chairman; Dan Corbett, president; Joe Czarnecki, secretary. Standing is Joe Hudak, lion tamer; Joe Dwinchick, director; and Dave Fitch, director. The project will be a tribute to those men and women from the Back Mountain who have served or who are presently serving in any branch of the military. Hometown Hero Project is a street pole banner program. Banners are 30” wide and 60” high. Each is unique and honors a specific honoree. Banners include a picture of the service man or woman in uniform, branch, service era and rank. Photos can be in black and white or in color. Banners will be placed throughout Dallas Borough on Memorial Day and displayed through Veterans Day. At the conclusion of the program, banners will be given to family members. Sponsorship cost for each banner is $200. Family members and loved ones of service men and women may purchase a banner themselves or obtain sponsorship by a local business. Should a family wish to purchase a banner; the family name will appear on the bottom of the banner. Businesses that sponsor a banner could have their name at the bottom of the banner. Any proceeds from the project will be donated to the 1st Lieutenant Michael J. Cleary Foundation. Sponsorship forms will be available at the Dallas Borough office, Frontier Communications office, Dallas American Legion Post #672, Back Mountain Memorial Library and NAPA Auto Parts. For additional information, contact project chairman Don Berlew at 675-4360 or 7606147 or Dallas Lions P.O. Box 54, Dallas, PA 18612. Deadline for sponsorships is March 31. Dallas Lions are in District 14-W. Article appears courtesy of TIMES LEADER WORTH A MENTION The New Pittston Area PDG Leo Club's President Leo Ellen Refner has gotten a membership growth pin from Lions International for bringing in 3 new members. This is the 1st award for this newly formed Leo Club. Congratulations Leo Ellen Renfer WORTH A MENTION I don't like tooting my own horn but as you all know the Lions are Knights of the Blind, and the theme for this year is" Shine Your Light". Little did I know when I decorated my neighbor’s house for Christmas that the lights really made a difference? See, she suffers from Macular Degeneration so her eye sight isn’t the greatest. I was taking her to the hair dressers one day and she asked me if I could put some lights up because her vision is getting worse, and she is afraid to answer the door because it is so dark on her porch She remembered how those Christmas Lights made a difference. So I got some LED white lights and put them around her doorway. She looked out the door and couldn't believe the difference. That day I felt proud to be a Lion. You don't have to do something big to feel good, doing something small as "Shining Your Light" to brighten up a doorway for a person whose vision is going day by day, can do it for you. Congratulations Lion Roseanne Lion Rosenne Linko, Secretary, Dupont Lions Club PLAINS JLW LIONS PANCAKE AND SAUSAGE BREAKFAST The JLW Mountain Laurel Lions will be sponsoring a “Flapjack Breakfast” Fundraiser on Sunday, March 25th at Applebee’s Grill and Bar at 235 North Wilkes Barre Boulevard, Wilkes- Barre. The “All you Can Eat” Pancake and Sausage Breakfast will be served from 8:00am to 10:00am and cost will be $6.50 for adults and $4.50 for children. Tickets are available from any club member and will also be sold at the door. We look forward to seeing you at this event, so come out and enjoy some good food and fellowship with the Lions of the Plains JLW. Contact Terry 825-3707; FORTY FORT LIONS 27 TH ANNUAL “NIGHT AT THE RACES” Dear Fellow Lion: The Forty Fort Lions will be hosting “Night at the Races” on Saturday, March 3, 2012. This event will be held at the American Legion on 259 Shoemaker St., Swoyersville, PA. Doors open at 6:30PM. Post time is at 7:00PM We are requesting donations for ad sponsors. Your name will appear in our program booklet on one page of the 10 scheduled races. Also your full colored ad will be on display at the front table throughout the night. Your donation would be greatly appreciated Horses are $ 10 each and you have a 1 in 10 chance to win $ 50. If you purchase a horse admission is free the night of the event. GOOD LUCK!!! Please return your donation by February 22, 2012 Any questions call Andy Reno @ (570) 905-4905 Thank you for your support! Forty Fort Lions Night at the Races Committee Ad Sizes and Prices: Horses $ 10 each: FULL PAGE $ 30.00 HORSE NAME: ___________________________________________ Please include ad logo as you wish for it to appear. SPONSOR: _________________________ NAME: ____________________________________________________________ SELLER: __________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________ PHONE: ___________________________________________________________ Please make check payable to Forty Fort Lions ** Mail to: Andy Reno – c/o Forty Fort Lions 62 Waller St Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702 BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS BOWL FOR KIDS SAKE LAKE SILKWORTH AREA LIONS CLUB Join Our “Strikes for Sight” Fundraiser Sunday, March 18, 2012: Chacko’s Family Bowling Center: 1pm-3pm $25 per bowler-includes 2 hours of bowling, pizza, pitcher of soda, shoe rental and Strikes for Sight Tee Shirt* *Must pre-register by 3/1 to receive Tee Shirt Age Groups 11 and under 12 to 20 21 and older singles Men/women Men/women Men/women 1st Gift certificates Gift certificates $50.00 2nd Gift certificates Gift certificates $30.00 3rd Gift certificates Gift certificates $20.00 Prizes depend on number of bowlers participating. Bowlers will bowl in groups of 4 or 5. Walk- ins welcome, if space allows. Strikes for Sight Registration Form Last Name First Name Address Phone No. Shirt size Contact Person: _____________________________ Contact Person phone: ________________________ Contact Person email: ________________________ Send completed form and money to: Lake Silkworth Area Lions Club PO Box 182 Sweet Valley, PA 18656 JENKINS LIONS PEACE POSTER CONTEST WINNERS The Jenkins Twp Lions Club announced the winners of its annual Peace Poster Contest. This year’s theme was “Children Know Peace.” First-place awards went to Kayla Hogan and Josh Russo. Second-place awards went to Madison Stanton and Allison Strelecki. Third-place winners were Kiley Klein and Cheyenne Kelley. The two first-place winning drawings were sent to the Lions Club district level for judging with Kayla Hogan’s drawing receiving a third place in the district. Bob and Virginia Linskey chaired the event and Mrs. Kathleen DiMaggio coordinated the contest at the middle school level. From left, Madison Stanton, Cheyenne Kelley, Kayla Hogan, Josh Russo, Allison Strelecki and Kiley Klein. Jenkins is located in District 14-W. Article appears courtesy of SUNDAY DISPATCH JENKINS LIONS GIVE GIFTS TO PARTRIDGE-TIPPET RESIDENTS Members of the Jenkins Lions Club recently delivered gifts of slipper socks to residents of Partridge-Tippet Nursing Facility on the United Methodist Homes Wesley Village Campus. As part of their annual holiday tradition, Lions Club members delivered over 150 pairs of socks and visited with residents. Some of the participants, from left, first row, is resident Connie Angelella. Second row: Lions members Jerry Kozich, Taylor Baloga, Susan Baloga, John Baloga, Santa Stephen Vitek and Jack Albert. Jenkins Lions club is located in District 14-W. Article appears courtesy of TIMES LEADER. NORTHEAST PENNSYLVANIA LIONS EYE BANK Small tour groups are welcomed and encouraged. Contact Wendy Naugle @NEPAEB today 610-625-0360 to arrange in advance for your tour Karl Jones is Director of Development for the NEPA Eye Bank. Karl will gladly come out to your club meeting, region meeting, zone meeting or any meeting and explain all about the great events taking place right here in Northeastern Pennsylvania, at your Lions Eye Bank Karl can be reached at 610-625-0372; NEPAEB NEW VISION SOCIETY Since 1957, the Northeast Pennsylvania Lions Eye Bank has enabled more than 25,000 people to receive the Gift of Sight. With the loyal support of Lions, Lioness, and LEO Clubs in Pennsylvania, the Eye Bank has been able to fulfill that mission in an ever-changing world. Today, our world-class Eye Bank employs over 30 people who recover, test, cut, and prepare eye tissue for distribution throughout the world. Eye banking has changed a great deal since the days of the "Minute Men." The NEPA Lions Eye Bank is poised to play a key role in giving the Gift of Sight through the NEW VISION Society. You can become a member of the NEW VISIONS Society by making a contribution to a Planned Gift opportunity at these levels: $100 –Visionary; $250 -Minute Men; $500 -Directors’ Circle $1,000–Humanitarian; $5,000-Honorary Eye Banker; $25,000-Heart of Gold Named Fund) Your donation to the NEW VISION Society is done very easily when your club is making a donation to the Governor’s FAIR SHARE Program. A minimal donation of $100 is needed. If the club has been giving $50, $60, $75 each year, why not adjust that level to a $100 minimum in your check to the DG Fair Share? If you have an individual member who wishes to donate $100 or more, include that amount also in with the Fair Share check. BUT, you must include that individuals name along with address and full information in order for him or her to be properly recognized. As always, your club can also be named as the NEW VISION Society member 2012 Pennsylvania Lions State Convention th th Gettysburg, PA May 17thru 20Welcome to 2012. The Pennsylvania Lions State Convention will be here before you know it. The 14-C committee has a very full schedule for you in Gettysburg and we hope that you are planning to attend. The registration packets are in the mail to the clubs and you should already have them or you will by the middle of January. Look them over and sign up for the meals and events that you want to attend. The Eisenhower farm tour will leave the information center at 9:30 AM on Friday and will be back at the center at 11:30 AM. The information center is only 10 minutes from the Hotel so you can make the 12:00 lunch to hear our speaker, Pennsylvania’s own Past President Joseph Wroblewski. The Thursday night Ghost tour will start downtown at Nesbit tours right after it gets dark. The tours last about 1 ½ Hrs and the special pins included in the $10.00 price are pictured above. The ladies get the White Ghost and the men get the Grey Ghost. The walking tour covers about 6 to 7 blocks. When you return, the hospitality rooms will be open for your enjoyment. Don’t miss this opportunity to have some fun, if you don’t sign up for this one, you will just have to listen to the story and not be part of it. On Saturday, the Ladies/Lioness breakfast will start at 7:00 AM, The Presidents meet the President will be at 9:00 AM followed by a great presentation on (Everything I know about Lions I learned at the Zoo) by PCC Terry Goodman of New Hampshire. The Pennsylvania Lions All-State Band will perform at noon. Ladonna Gatlin will be next from 1:30 to 3:00. Then the All-State Band will play for an hour before the Banquet which starts with a social hour at 6:00 and dinner at 7:00. One last thing, the tables for the Banquet are for 10 instead of 8 that I mentioned in the last Newsletter. No problem, all you need is one more couple to fill you table. The tables are extra large so you will have plenty of room. When you get the registration form, please fill it out and be sure to sign up for each event and meal that you want to attend then send it in with your payment. The reason for this is easy. Gettysburg College graduation is also the same weekend and after our deadline we cannot guarantee you a room See you in Gettysburg. 14-C, 2012 State Convention Committee, Vice Chairman Larry Bare PDG Chairman Larry L. Shaull PDG PA LIONS ALL STATE BAND 2012 Dear Band Directors, former, present future PA Lions All-State Band Members: For many years the Lions of Pennsylvania have organized an All-State Band to accompany the PA Lions to the annual State and International Conventions. Although the Band will not accompany the Lions to the 2012 International Convention in Korea, the Lions are organizing an 80 member band to perform for the 2012 State Convention to be held in Gettysburg, PA on May 18 and 19. The State Convention will involve one overnight. The band will rehearse Friday evening at Gettysburg High School and the over-night will be at the Courtyard Marriott. On Saturday, May 19 the band will present two concerts at the Wyndham Gettysburg. The Lions will pay all the meal and lodging expenses for the Convention. Students need only to provide transportation to and from Gettysburg. Schedule is as follows: Registration, Friday May 18 at 5:30pm; concert Saturday morning 11:00am; and 2nd concert 5:3pm and leaving Gettysburg, Saturday May 19 at 7:00pm If you are a former member of the band, you will recall the fun times that you had, not to mention the rewarding musical experience that you received by working with the different directors. If you are a “first-timer” you can look forward to an exciting time! If you are interested in applying, do so as soon as possible because we are limited to an 80 member band. The Lions All-State Band wears a light weight marching/concert uniform for all performances. Students will be provided with a PA Lions shirt and a cummerbund and sash as part of the uniform. You will however, need to supply the following items: white slacks/trousers, white shoes and white socks, and a music stand. Sincerely, Ray Barfield, PA Lions All State Band Committee Chairperson Robert Zellner, PA Lions All State Band Director APPLICATION PENNSYLVANIA LIONS ALL-STATE BAND NAME_________________________________________________ Concert instrument: _______________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________EMAIL:______________________ Telephone: _____________________________________AGE: _______________ SCHOOL GRADE: ___________ Male ___________ Female___________ Shirt Size (Please Check) S__M__L__XL__XXL___XXXL____ Parent signature (If under 18) ____________________________________________________________________ List any festival or honor bands: (list year, part, and chair) ____________________________________ High School or College band director’s name ____________________________________________________ All PA Lions Band alumni are welcomed!!! SEE YOU IN GETTYSBURG Send to: Robert Zellner 950 Fairview Avenue Gettysburg, PA 17325 717-818-5536; 2011-2012 PENNSYLVANIA STATE PIN ORDER FORM The 2011-2012Gold Pin with the Pagoda ________Pins at $2.50 each Total: $ _____________ The 2011-2012 Silver Pin with the Fan Pins at $2.50 each Total: $_____________ _______ Plus Shipping: $15.00 or under, add $3.95 $_____________ $15.01 to $30.00, add$5.25 $_____________ $30.01 to $55.00, add$6.50 $_____________ PLUS 6% PA Sales Tax $_____________ Total Due $_____________ Mail This Form and Payment to: PA LIONS STATE OFFICE 949 EAST PARK DRIVE HARRISBURG, PA 17111 Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________Club Name: ___________________________ MULTIPLE DISTRICT 14 PEACE POSTER WINNERS The Peace Poster judging took place December 6th in the office. The results are: 1. 14-K Student Katie Bacher -Lower Lehigh Lions Club 2. 14-P Student Sabrina Kline – Spring Township Lions Club 3. 14-R Student Amber Lee – Lansdale Lions Club HONORABLE MENTIONS: 1. 14-G Rachel Zhang – Harris Twp. Lions Club 2. 14-L Jenna Long -Lakemont Lions Club 3. 14-T Miranda Suder – Mercersburg Lions Club The 14-K poster will be forwarded to LCI for entry into the international judging. I will return the remaining posters to you at the February council meeting Lion Marcia DOWNLOAD THE NEW LIONS CLUB APP FOR IPHONE AND ANDROID Stay in touch with Lions Clubs International with your iPhone or Android phone by downloading our new Lions Clubs App. With the Lions Clubs App, you can access videos from Lions Clubs International – and Lions around the world – on YouTube. See photos from other clubs on Flickr, Lions Clubs International Facebook page, Web site, Club Locator and more. Stay up to date on Lions Clubs International news and information – download the Lions Clubs App from iTunes or the Android Market 2012 LCI WEBINARS Webinars are virtual trainings generally one hour long that are conducted online with a group of participants and instructors. Participants use the Internet to connect the group members with the instructors. To register and login, participants are directed to an Internet address. Most webinars have one or two instructors and a moderator/host. Participants view a PowerPoint presentation and polling questions on their computer. They listen to the instructors either via their computer speakers or headset. Participants may use the phone for audio/speaking or computer headset with microphone to interact in discussions and respond to questions asked by the instructors, similar to training in a classroom. To convert the times below visit the TimeZoneConverter Webinar Description oDates/Times Managing a Service Project • Wednesday, February 29, 2012: 7:00 PM CST (Chicago) How to coordinate and • Tuesday, March 6, 2012: 10:00 AM CST (Chicago) manage a service project • Friday, March 9, 2012: 7:00 PM CST (Chicago) Club Secretary Training • Tuesday, April 24, 2012: 10:00 AM CDT (Chicago) Login, submit membership • Friday, April 27, 2012: 7:00 PM CDT (Chicago) and service activity reports, • Wednesday, May 2, 2012: 7:00 PM CDT (Chicago use club member data LIONS DAY WITH THE UNITED NATIONS Join us to celebrate the historic 67-year partnership between LCI and the United Nations during the 34th Lions Day with the UN; March 16, 2012 in New York City. The event is an opportunity to reflect on the common goals of the two organizations, accomplishments of working together, and a shared commitment to meeting the humanitarian needs of the global community. Event Highlights • Presentation by LCI’s International President, Wing-Kun Tam • Presentations by invited speakers • Luncheon with UN ambassadors (pre-registration required) • Lions International Peace Poster Contest award ceremony • Presentation of Lions-UNICEF School-in-a-Box awards • Tour of the historic UN building (pre-registration required) Program fee: $65; Luncheon with UN ambassadors: $55. Credit card payments, register online. Deadline: February 10, 2012; Cancelation Policy: No refunds after February 10, 2012 Registration for Lions Day with the United Nations is available on a first come, first serve basis. Lions Day with the UN will be presented in English. Lions Clubs International will be documenting Lions Day with the UN for promotional purposes. Your participation may be filmed or photographed at this event. Your registration is your consent for use of these images by Lions Clubs International. The United Nations reserves the right to cancel this event. The needs of governments take precedence over the requests of nongovernmental organizations Seating for the luncheon with UN ambassadors is limited. To secure a reservation, please register early. 630-468-6914 E-mail: LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION THE MELVIN JONES FELLOWSHIP – NOT AN AWARD BUT A RECOGNITION The good news is every year dozens of MJFs are named in local districts. The bad news is they are incorrectly reported as awards rather than recognitions and as coming from Lions Clubs International (LCI) rather than coming from Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF). To correct this error we must consider the fellowship history, purpose, and difference between such recognition and an award Established in 1973 the Melvin Jones Fellowship was followed in 1986 by the new Progressive Melvin Jones Fellowship recognition. The purpose was and continues to be for Lions to increase financial support for LCIF, charitable arm of our association. Humanitarian work defines the recognition. These honors are presented to people who make unrestricted donations of $1000 to LCIF or to those in whose name a donation is made by others (individual, club or district) Melvin Jones Fellows, as we continue our WE SERVE motto we must also continue our support of MJF/PMJF programs. Those of us who had this honor bestowed upon us should pledge to enroll annually as LCIF Contributing Members for $20 and wear the current term's LCIF pin proudly Paul Rose, LCIF Coordinator 735-1381; INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT TAM’S TREE PLANTING CAMPAIGN Trees Planted: 6,644, 475 USA/Canada Forum September 13-15 2012 TAMPA BAY, FLORIDA 34th ANNUAL LIONS DAY WITH THE UNITED NATIONS Friday, March 16, 2012 UN Public Building, First Avenue at 46th Street, New York City Registration and security begin at 9am. The program begins at 10am A separate registration form is needed for each attendee. Registration deadline: February 10, 2012 Please type or print name as it appears on passport/photo ID Name Family Name First Name Lions Title Street Address (UN Security cannot accept a Post Office Box Number) City, State Postal Code Country Business Telephone Home Telephone Email Address Fax Number Club Name Club Number District Number Day Program LDUN Luncheon . $65 per person . $55 per person (UN Delegates Dining Room) . I prefer a vegetarian meal Full Payment is required with this form. Two Payment Options: 1. To pay in USD: send your registration form and a check in US dollars drawn on a US Bank, directly to the Association’s Lockbox at the address below. You must indicate on the check that it is for LDUN 2012 THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LIONS CLUBS 35842 EAGLE WAY CHICAGO, IL 60678-1358 2. To pay in other currency: please visit, type “payment instructions” in the search field and click on your respective country. When making payment, please indicate the payment is for LDUN 2010.Please mail a copy of proof of payment with your registration form to Lions Clubs International; Lions day with the United Nations; 300 W. 22nd Street; Oak Brook, IL 60523-8842. *To pay by credit card, please register online at and keyword search "Lions Day" UN Tours: Tours are available at 3:30 p.m. -on a first come, first serve basis (limited availability). . Yes, I will take a tour. . Senior citizen (over age 65) . Leo/Student (up to 18 years of age) LITPC’s $2500 STUDENT SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE APPROACHES The Lions International Pin Trading club is proud to announce a Youth Scholarship of $2,500 for a graduating senior who is the child or grandchild of a Lion or a member of a Leo Club. The most important aspect of the Youth Scholarship Program is to help a young person pursue his/her education and follow their dreams. The LITPC takes great pride in fulfilling the motto of Lions Clubs International, “WE SERVE”. During the Sight First II Campaign, the pin traders contributed $ 144,000 to LCIF. Our Scholarship Program is another example of the pin traders’ slogan, “Lions First” Selection of the scholarship recipient will be based on academic achievement, an essay stating the student’s goals, a statement of reason (s) for applying and an overview of work, community and school service, and letters of recommendation. Applications and supporting documentation are to be completed and submitted to the PA Pin Traders Club Secretary: Lana K. McCaulley at 12 Fieldstone Drive, Mechanicsburg, PA 17050 We encourage all graduating seniors who are the children/grandchildren of Lions members or who are members themselves of Leo Clubs to participate in our Scholarship Program Applications and information will also be on the LITPC website at LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL TRADING PIN CLUB YOUTH SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM EDUCATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM APPLICATION 2011-2012 ACADEMIC SCHOOL YEAR Name of Applicant ____________________________________________________________ List name and address of the college or institution of higher learning you will be attending. Attach a copy of the letter of acceptance if available. Name of Institution ______________________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________________ Number/Street City State Zip Phone No _______________________________________________________________________________ I acknowledge the information that I have provided is truthful, honest, and is to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any misrepresentation of the information provided in this form constitutes a complete and unconditional rejection of this scholarship application. I am willing to write a brief report of my academic progress at the end of the school year upon request. I understand this scholarship will be used for tuition, fees, and books only and agree to this use Applicant’s Signature _______________________________________ Date _____________________ The completed application should be sent to the local pin trading club or scholarship committee By March 1, 2012 for regional evaluation PA Pin Traders Club Secretary: Lana K. McCaulley at 12 Fieldstone Drive, Mechanicsburg, PA 17050 A scholarship in the amount of $2,500 will be awarded. A check in this amount will be issued payable jointly in the name of the student and the college/institution of higher learning This form may be copied or reproduced as needed, but alteration of application form will result in disqualification of applicant. LIONS INTERNATIONAL TRADING PIN CLUB YOUTH SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM EDUCATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM APPLICATION 2011-2012 ACADEMIC SCHOOL YEAR This scholarship is intended for the children/grandchildren of Lions and/or Leo Club members All scholarship applications must be processed through a Lions Trading Pin Club or a State/Area Scholarship Committee, and submitted to the Secretary of the Lions International Trading Pin Club Scholarship Eligibility: Applicant must be a graduating senior who has been accepted for admission to an accredited college or institution of higher learning APPLICANT: (please type or print clearly in ink) Name ___________________________________________________Date of Birth _________ Last First Middle Mailing Address Number & Street City State Zip Permanent Address (If different from mailing address) Number & Street City State Zip Phone Numbers _______________________________________________________________ Day Evening Email address_________________________________________________________________ Father’s Full Name ____________________________________ Occupation ______________ Mother’s Full Name ___________________________________ Occupation _______________ Number of siblings at home ___________ ______Number of siblings in college ____________ Estimated cost of 1 semester of school _____________________________________________ How do you intend to fund? ______________________________________________________ What other scholarships have you applied for? _______________________________________ What other scholarships have you been offered? ______________________________________ High School Presently Attending __________________________________________________ *High School G.P.A. _____Class Rank ____ of ______ SAT/ACT Score_____ Percentile ____ *Certified copy of high school transcript, including activities, must be attached) APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS: . In 250 words or less, state your present and future goals and include your reasons for applying for this scholarship. . In 350 words or less, describe your work experience and/or community services while attending high school and tell how your participation affected you. . Attach recommendations from two persons (i.e., teacher, coach, clergy, employer, etc) . Attach a recommendation from a Lions Club member indicating the name of the Club and state in which the Club is located. KEY DATES OF INTEREST Feb 2 District Eye Bank, Jenkins Host 7:00 @ Tony’s Pizzeria Feb 3-5 Third State Council Meeting Pittsburgh Feb 14 HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY TO ALL WONDERFUL 14-W LADIES Feb 19 Third District Cabinet Meeting Region 3 Host @ Castle Inn Mar 1 Deadline for $2500 LITPC Scholarship sent to Lana McCaulley Mar 1 District Eye Bank Plains, JLW Host 7:00 @ East Mtn Apartments, Wildflower Mar 3 Forty Fort Lions “Night at the Races” Mar 16 Lions Day with the United Nations Mar 20 Deadline to return Club Delegate Form to District Secretary Mar 20 Deadline to turn in ads for District Convention Banquet Program Booklet Mar 25 Plains JLW Pancake and Sausage “All you can eat” @Applebee’s Mar 31 Deadlines for MD 14 PA Membership Contest Mar 31 Big Brothers Big Sisters Bowl for Kids Sake May 17-20, 2012 MD 14 State Convention Gettysburg, PA Jun 22-26 LCI Convention Busan, Korea April 20-21 SAVE-THE-DATE DISTRICT CONVENTION EAST MOUNTAIN Sept 13-15 USA/Canada Forum, Tampa Bay, Florida ADDRESSES TO REMEMBER District 14-W Lions: 570-208-LION (5466); Lions Clubs International:; PA State Council of LC:; PA Beacon Lodge:; Leader Dogs for the Blind:; District 14-W Newsletter Editor, Publisher and Distributor, PDG Wally Bechtold 209 Willow Road Pittston, PA 18640 570-498-2636; FEBRUARY DISTRICT GOVERNOR’S VISITS FEB 3, 4, 5 State Council Meeting; FEB 23 Parsons; FEB 18 Ashley; FEB 28 Kingston DISTRICT MEMBERSHIP SPONSOR’S PIN 2011-2012 This New Member’s Sponsor Pin is unique, highly distinctive and great looking. Opportunity runs from July 1, 2011-June 1, 2012. How do you earn this pin? Simple and easy; just ask and invite a prospective member to become a LION. That’s all there is to it. M & A reports recorded at LCI will be used as the determining factor. Please Note: There is a policy change with the sponsor’s pins. Sponsoring Lions will only receive the new DG dangler if you have already been issued a #1 pin “SHINE YOUR LIGHT” ©WMB