DISTRICT GOVERNOR LETTER – AUGUST 2011 Dear Lions, Lioness, and Leos, Getting everything up and running for the new year is a mind-blowing experience. Glad that only happens once. And someone told me that I still have to clean the house and mow the grass! Isn’t all day on the computer and phone enough?! I enjoyed Beacon Lodge. It was a wonderful day. Have you been there? Why not? Go and see your dollars at work. The campers love to strut their stuff in the talent show. Simon Cowell needs to check out some of these performers. I had the opportunity to install the officers of our newest Leo Club – the Pittston Area PDG Club. It was a great night. Congratulations! I was handed a large bag of eyeglasses that they have already collected. The Leadership Conference was not the crowd that I hoped for but change (a different place) takes time. The food was good (Chef Father Martin and Company), the hall was cool (on one of the hottest days), and the presenters were knowledgeable. Thank you to my Club and Father Martin for their gracious hospitality and hard work and to the presenters and helpers. I am grateful. Have you been through Dallas, PA lately? One day my daughter and I went out to the Lake for a ride and she noticed the banners. On the way back, we went slower and admired the idea. Way to go Dallas! It’s a wonderful way to honor those who served and those who gave their life for our freedom. Thank you. It’s a fitting tribute. There was an error on the Zone Chair listing last month and it’s corrected now. Club Secretaries - please remember – one copy is sent to me, and one to your Zone Chair (check the list for your ZC). Don’t forget the date – submit your District M&A by the 20th of the month. Consider becoming the Global Membership Team Coordinator or the Global Leadership Team Coordinator for 14W. It’s a good chance to help shape our future. I know that there are leaders in 14W. We need you. Please step up and help out. August is busy. There’s a State Council meeting, a SWB Yankees baseball night, the First Cabinet Meeting, an Outback Night, a pig roast, and so much more. Don’t say you have nothing to do. It’s out there – just get in the car and drive! There was no winner on the question about the Lion Secretary who’s a baker on the side. Come on. Get in on the fun. Doesn’t anyone in that Lion Secretary’s club know the answer?? Read on in the newsletter for the answer and the next question. See you around the District. Mimi P.S. If anyone wants to go somewhere they have never been before – an event like Beacon Lodge or State Council Meeting etc, call me. You can hitch a ride or follow me. Try something new. It’s fun. There’s a big world of Lions outside of your club and 14W and they don’t bite! Honest! They just roar and have a good time. Have Courage Make a Commitment Take Action AUGUST 2011 DISTRICT 14-W NEWSLETTER TABLE OF CONTENTS District Governor’s Letter 1 Table of Contents 2 Commentary 3 New Lions, Deceased Lions, VA Visitations, Eye Bank Meeting, 100% Presidents Award, Bear Creek Pig Roast Pauly Friedman Walk, Fourth Cabinet Meeting, Hazleton Lions at FunFest, 4 Newport Lions Golf Outing Yankee Base Ball 5 Plains Lions Out Back Chicken and Ribs 6 Bear Creek/Buck Twp Flea Market, Hughestown Lions recognize Fred Pierantoni, 7 Worth a Mention Forty Fort Lion Golf Outing, Drums Lions B-B-Q, Dupont Lions Form New LEO Club 8 What do you know about the Lion next to you? New LEO Officers Fall Membership Rally, PAWS for a CAUSE 9-10 MDA Needs Volunteers, District Bowling Event, Bear Creek New Officers 11 Leadership Problem, Membership Retention 12 M&A Reporting Changes, Ursula Burke Makes Presentation 13 2012 PA Lions State Convention 14 State Council Meeting Call, Schedule of Events, Luncheon Information 15 LCIF, USA/Canada Forum, Senior Lions Leadership Institute, Supplemental Insurance 16-17 Form 990 New Filing Requirements 18 Wayne Madden, First Vice President 19 Key Dates of Interest 20 Cover 21 As of August 1st, there are ten clubs in 14-W set up with the free LCI e-clubhouse web site. COMMENTARY We welcome and congratulate our following new members, and thank their sponsors: Charles Pahler Ashley Lions Sponsor-Joe Calore Kevin Ricci Ashley Lions Sponsor-Durant Pask Kerry A. VanLuvender Avoca Lions Sponsor-Joseph Regan Sandra VanLuvender Avoca Lions Sponsor-Joseph Regan John Bendick Bear Creek/Buck Twp Sponsor-Robert Evans Philip Celestino Bear Creek/Buck Twp Sponsor-Mike Grourke Jo Ann D Sprau Bear Creek/ Buck Twp Sponsor-Dave Roberts Sterling T Sprau, Jr Bear Creek/Buck Twp Sponsor-Dave Roberts Jean Chacko Dupont Lions Sponsor-Roseanne Linko Joshua Lee Perrins Plains Lions Sponsor-Richard Yurish Richard M Sorokas Plains Lions Sponsor-Richard Yurish Sarah Collins Misericordia Holly Lesagonocz Misericordia We regret the passing of the following 14-W Lions: as well as all Lions everywhere. SCHEDULE OF VISITS TO THE VA NURSING CENTER Call Ursula Burke 654-3744 or Ann Rose 654-3936 to schedule your visit. Visits are second Saturday of each month, 9:00am-11:00am. Report to Liberty Hall, 2nd Floor (C2-14). Staff from the Recreation Therapy will be available to assist you. Please confirm prior to visit with Recreation Therapy Office, 824-3521 Ext. 7429. Aug 13th Kingston Nov 12th Jenkins Twp Feb 11th Open May 12 th Open Sept 10th Exeter Dec 10th Bear Creek March10th Swoyersville June 9th Open Oct 8th Pittston Twp Jan 14th Dupont April14th Avoca July 14th Open EYE BANK MEETINGS Eye bank meetings are held the First Thursday of each month, except July and August. These meetings are open to each and every Lion in the District. All District Lions are urged and encouraged to attend. Ursula 654-2744, Marina 709-0907 for meeting locations or information. 100% CLUB PRESIDENT EXCELLENCE AWARD The requirements are listed in the district directory. Form also may be downloaded from LCI website, www.lionsclubs.org, Click “Members”, “Club Resource Guide”. Scroll to “Activity Reporting Forms and Applications” click on 2010-2011 Club President Excellence Award. It does require the DG Signature, so start filling it out, get the Zone Chairs to help and work the pay plan. The major qualifier is item # 6; if your clubs has had a net increase in membership, and also if your club has made a donation to LCIF, no matter how large or small, then proceed with the other information. Deadline to apply is September 30th. BEAR CREEK/BUCK TOWNSHIP LIONS PIG ROAST Bear Creek Buck Township Lions Club Annual Pig Roast, Sunday August 28. Noon till 5:00pm.The REAL "Pig" and much more. Music, refreshments, FUN, food, & fellowship is on hand. Location: Bear Creek Recreation Facility at the rear of Municipal Building; Route 115. Going south on Route 115, turn left on Recreation Road at traffic light with intersection with PA Turnpike. Donation: $15 adult, $8 children 7-12, children under 7, FREE, Take-outs $10.00. Call Will Kresge 472-3892; Carolyn Burke 472-3948; Frank Jones 472-3125 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED AT PAULY FRIEDMAN WALK/RUN 5K On Sunday, August 14th, the third annual “PAULY FRIEDMAN 5-K WALK/RUN” will be held at Misericordia University. Registration is 8:30am at the Anderson Sports Center, 301 Lake Street Dallas. Medals for RUNNERS for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place will be awarded. Trophies will be given to: Overall Male and Female RUNNER and Overall Female and Male WALKER at a post-race party at Banks Student Center Cafeteria with music, food, prizes and beverages for all. Proceeds benefit “HELP LINE” the 24 hour emergency assistance part of Family Services Association. Help is needed in Traffic Control, registration, set-up and tear down. Information: Ruth Kemmerer: fsawv.ruthkemmerer@verizon.net; 823-5144 X309 DISTRICT 14-W FIRST CABINET MEETING WEST SIDE SOCIAL CLUB 711 MC ALPINE STREET AVOCA, PA Registration Noon-12:30pm; Cabinet Meeting and Dinner will follow; Committee people please have your reports ready to be read. Mail or email a copy to: Cabinet Secretary Terry Milligan 40 Perkins Street Plains, PA 18705; 822-0889; terrymitree@aol.com First Cabinet Meeting Reservation Form Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________ Club: _______________________________________________________________________ Please reserve_______________dinners at $13 each. Total amt $_______________________ Checks Payable to: DISTRICT 14-W: Mail form and check to: Lion Rich Kilvitis, Region 1 Zone A Chair 1016 Plane Street Avoca, PA 18641 457-5633; richard.kilvitis@laminations.com OR Lion Mary Lou Bechtold, Region 1 Zone B Chair 209 Willow Road Pittston, PA 18640 655-1089 maryl1009@aol.com WMB122008-042011 HAZLETON LIONS CLUB FUNFEST 2011 How would you like to win $4000? Hazleton Lions Club selling Funfest Raffle Tickets. Funfest is an annual Street Fair held in downtown Hazleton the weekend after Labor Day, which will be September10-11th. Tickets cost $2.00 and our club will receive $1.00 from every ticket. There are two coupons for $1.00 off from two of the sponsors of the tickets. So, if you use the coupons, then the ticket cost you nothing. BUT, here is the really great news! The Main Cash Prize is $4000. Hazleton Lions Club has been using this as a fundraiser for 17 years. If you are interested in winning $4000, Lions Secretary Andy Piskel @ 956-1245; ajp668@ptd.net NEWPORT TOWNSHIP LIONS GOLF The Newport Township Lions Club 33rd annual golf tournament is being held Friday, August 5, at Mill Race Golf Club in Benton. The Captain and Mate-Better Ball point systems Tournament will have an 8am shotgun start. It will feature $1,500 in cash prizes and 80 golfers participate. Fee is $130 per team and includes green fees, cart, refreshments and a skins game. A 2011 Ford Fiesta, donated by Pat and Dan’s Delbaso Ford, will be awarded to the first player shooting a hole-in-one. Anyone interested in playing can contact John Zyla at 735-1714. Registrations will be taken on a first-come basis. • SUNDAY • AUGUST 14 2011 • SWB - YANKEE - BASEBALL OUTING WITH THE DISTRICT 14-W LIONS - AUGUST 5TH - “If you treat people like people, you will leave a legacy that will never be forgotten.” DINNER OUT BACK A COMMUNITY DINING OUT EVENT WITH OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE TUESDAY AUGUST 9TH, 2O11 5:OOPM TO 7:OOPM COMPLETE CHICKEN & STEAK DINNER WITH ALL THE FIXIN'S PLAINS LIONS CLUB PAVILION PLAINS TWP MUNICPAL PARK CLARK LANE PLAINS, PA ADULTS ..................... $15.00 CHILD UNDER 12 .... $10.00 ALL TICKETS IN ADVANCE…TAKE OUTS ARE AVAILABLE TICKETS AVAILABLE THROUGH ANY PLAINS LIONS MEMBER OR BY CALLING 570-606-9944 OR 570-332-7806 PROCEEDS TO BENEFIT LIONS CLUB PROJECTS “Following the path of least resistance is what makes rivers and men crooked.” PLAINS LIONS CLUB BEAR CREEK/BUCK TOWNSHIP LIONS Our club is having a Flea Market on Sept. 24th from 9-3. Open to any and all, especially Lions Club members, who may want to purchase table space? Each table space is 6 feet long will cost only $10. I know most of us have “treasures” we wish to sell. Food and beverages will be available for purchase. We are holding the sale on the Municipal Building grounds. Contact Carolyn Burke 472-3948; cmburke@ptd.net . HUGHESTOWN LIONS HONOR FRED PIERANTONI Lion Fred Pierantoni was honored with the Hughestown Lions Club Melvin Jones Fellow Award last week. The award is the highest honor the club bestows. The fellowship, which was created in 1973, is named in honor of the founder of the Lions Club International, Melvin Jones. The fellowship was established as the Lions Club Internationals highest form of recognition to acknowledge an individual’s dedication to humanitarian service. The Hughestown Lions Club proudly presented Lion Fred the award for his contributions and dedication to the community at a dinner to honor him and the winners of the scholarship awards. In the photo, left to right: Lion Frank Tierney, Lion President Steve Golya presenting the plaque to Melvin Jones Award recipient Fred Pierantoni, Lion Phil Falvo, Past District Governor Chris Kalmanovich and Dupont Lion Bart Bryk. Article and photo appear here courtesy of TIMES LEADER. Hughestown Lions club is located in District 14-W. WORTH A MENTION There have been some favorable comments on our District newsletter recently and I would like to share them with you: “Hello at District 14W, thanks for the newsletter some great stuff keep them coming”. “PDG Walter, I just completed reading your newsletter and I’m amazed at the quality and quantity of information. You are to be congratulated for an outstanding job. Can you give me some insight on how the letter is done…?’ Good work, Editor PDG Wally! It’s not an easy job and I appreciate your efforts. You deserve the praise. Somehow you manage to pull the bits and pieces we give you into something that other Districts have noticed. Thank you. IPDG Eileen took first place in the state with her DG pin. Congratulate her when you see her! She’ll give you a big smile! Well done! Do you know someone who has done a good deed or received an award, or needs a pat on the back for whatever reason, send it to me or Editor Wally and we will give it a “Mention”. DG Mimi FORTY FORT LIONS ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT The Forty Fort Lions will hold their Annual Golf Tournament on September 18, 2011.The location is “The Wilkes-Barre Municipal Golf Course” Registration is at 8:00am and Tee Off is at 9:00am. Watch here for more details or contact any Forty Fort Lion. Select images available for purchase from TIMES LEADER photo store DRUMS LIONS CLUB Butler Township Festival, Drums PA Held at Freedom Park, Butler Drive, Drums, PA. Two days only: Festival Dates and Times; August 20th from 1am - 8pm, and on August 21st 11am-6pm. Also, the Drums Lions Chicken BBQ Dinner, Aug 20th 1pm-6pm, and August 21st 11am-4pm. Tickets will be sold at the door and are just $8.50 per person. Event will be held rain or shine. There will be lots of food vendors, local artisans, live music and games. Contact Lion Keith Medash, kmedash@hotmail.com, for any and all information. DUPONT LIONS SPONSOR NEW CLUB AT PITTSTON AREA HIGH SCHOOL Dupont Lions Club, sponsor of the newly organized Pittston Area PDG LEOs Club, recently invited the membership to a meeting where they were introduced to their fellow Lions. Pictured left to right, seated are Annmarie Paddock, Leo’s Club Moderator; Jessica Baker, Ellen Renfer, Stanley Knick, Dupont Lions President; Marie Carey and Rose Linko, Dupont Lions Secretary. Second row: Christine Briggs, Dominique DellPriore, Megan Dougherty, Irene Magda, Haleigh Zurek and Shirleen Jones, Leo’s Club moderator. HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE LION NEXT TO YOU? Every month a question will be asked. When you know the answer be the first to e-mail or leave a phone message (if you don’t have a computer available) of the correct answer to Fun and Fellowship Chair Tom Mulhern dyscodog@comcast.net; 606-9944. You will be entered into a drawing to get a free Saturday Night Banquet Dinner at the District 14-W Convention in April 2012. This is both a contest to test your knowledge of District 14-W Lions and part of a plan to increase Public Relations (by reading the newsletter). So start talking to the Lion next to you. You may be surprised at what she/he does or did in the past. For anyone that has some unknown tidbit that is different or unusual for us to discover about you, please submit it to Chairman Tom and he will use it in the next month’s query – How much do you know about the Lion next to you? Here is the first question - What Lion Secretary (who is not a baker by profession) has been baking cakes for special occasions for over 20 years? The answer to this question and the winner’s name will be announced in the next month’s newsletter. Get those thinking caps on. Start talking to your fellow Lions to learn more. Have Fun with Fellowship. P.S. No family members can enter for their loved ones query. They know who you are and what you did. There was no winner for the GUESS WHICH LION for the past month....please post the answer: "Tim Trently of Hazleton Lions Club”....Tim desired to make a Birthday cake for his young daughter many years ago, and as a result has been making "Wedding Cakes" ever since. Call Tim if you have a special need for his talent. Thomas J. Mulhern Jr. PITTSTON AREA PDG LEO CLUB OFFICERS Officers for the Pittston Area PDG LEO Club--- Charted July 16, 2011: President- Ellen Refiner; Vice-President- Irene Magdon Secretary- Jessica Baker; Treasurer- Megan Dougherty Club Advisor - Roseanne Linko; Co- Advisor - Tina Macdonald School Advisor - Ann Marie Paddock; School Co-Advisor Clare Ellen Hopple Club Liaison - Sharlene Jones DISTRICT 14-W FALL MEMBERSHIP RALLY COME TO AN OLD FASHIONED FALL RALLY TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2011 PLAINS LIONS PAVILLION 6:00 pm Registration 6:30 pm Food/Refreshments Music by Lion DJ ROB SAX Hosted by PLAINS LIONS CLUB Checks payable: District 14-W Reservation Deadline: Sept. 10th Per Person Admission: $7.00 or Lion & Prospective Lion Admission: $10.00 District 14-W Lions Show Your Pride by wearing your Lions Pin &Lions Apparel Goals: 100% District 14-W Clubs Participation; LEO Clubs Participation; 1 Prospective New Member from every Club; Make Reservations by Deadline Attorney Paula DeJoseph, of Mission of Healing Eyes will be the guest of our District Governor Mimi. Paula spoke last year of her mission to Mexico. RESERVATIONS TO: Lion Tom Mulhern 606-9944; dyscodog@comcast.net Great food, FUN and fellowship, terrific music, as well as entertaining speakers and interesting commentary are just a few of the items for your evening’s enjoyment. If you have not been to a Lions Rally in quite a while, now may just be your time. C’mon out and enjoy yourself. PAWS FOR A CAUSE CALENDAR CONTEST Want to make your dog a star? For her senior project, Alison Besecker, the daughter of Hanover Area Lions Club President Harry Besecker and Terrie Morgan Besecker of the TIMES LEADER, is sponsoring a 2012 calendar contest that will feature photos of dogs of Northeastern Pennsylvania. All Lions club members, their family, friends and general public are invited to enter photos of their dogs for consideration for the calendar. Net proceeds from the sale of the calendar will be donated to the Leader Dog program to help pay the cost to train the dogs. The contest is being run through the social networking site, Facebook. To enter, log on to Facebook and do a search for the Paws for a Cause Calendar Contest and follow the instructions on the page to upload your photo. All photos must be submitted by Aug. 15, 2011. Full details on the rules of the contest are available on the Facebook page. This project has the potential to raise a significant amount of money for the Leader Dog program, but it needs the support of Lions Club members. Please take the time to check out the Facebook page and enter your dog! We will also need the support of Lions Club members in selling/purchasing the calendars once they are printed, which is expected to be in October 2011. Please help support this worthwhile cause! If you have any questions, email to paws_for_a_cause@yahoo.com (note the underscores). Thank you! - “Give to the world the best you have and the best will come back to you.” Volunteers NEEDED! The Muscular Dystrophy Association, MDA, needs your help for the Wyoming Valley Lock Up City Lock Up to be held on August, 23th 2011 from 10:00am till 5:00pm at Bentley’s in Ashley, PA. • Drivers (must be 21 and over and have a valid driver’s license) You will be picking up business leaders from around the area and taking them to and from the event (we will provide you with directions.) Drivers are needed from 9am –6pm. You will be driving a rental car and we pay for the gas! • Event Volunteers Interact with business leaders from around the area, answer questions, take pictures, etc. Please contact: JO ANNE LIPLES 570-234-2450; 339.office@mdausa.org if you have questions or would like to volunteer. Thank You! DISTRICT 14-W BOWLING The District 14-W Bowl-A-Thon for White Cane is booked for Friday evening, October 14th, 2011 starting at 6:00pm. This event will be held at Stanton Lanes, 470 Stanton Street Wilkes-Barre, PA. Cost for Bowling is $5.00 (to bowl 3 games) and includes shoe rental. Food consisting of Wimpies, Potato Salad Chips, Desserts, soda, coffee is an additional $5.00, for a total of $10.00. However, you can pay just the $5.00, not bowl, just watch, and enjoy the great food and friends. Reservations and more information available from Lions Tom Mulhern 606-9944; dyscodog@comcast.net or Tommy Mulhern 332-7606; tmulhern79@comcast.net BEAR CREEK/BUCK TOWNSHIP NEW MEMBERS At their annual Members Picnic, the Bear Creek/Buck Township Lions Club #6050 inducted 4 new members. This brings our club total to 60 members. In the attached photo Back row left to right are Eileen Yurish, IPDG, and Incoming Club President, John Yencha. Front row seated is Dave Roberts, sponsor of 2 new members – JoAnn Sprau and Sterling Sprau (holding the flag). Next is Robert Evans, sponsor of Jack Bendick. Finally, is Philip Celestino, whose sponsor is Mike Grourke (missing from the photo). IPDG Eileen also installed the 2011-2012 officers. “. . . We Have A Leadership Problem” by PDG Ed Dudley (July 2011 14-U newsletter) In 1995 Lions International President William H. Wunder said, “We don’t have a membership problem, we have a leadership problem” and we have continued to hear about our leadership problems since then. However, prior to the implementation of the Global Leadership Team there has not been a concerted effort to stress the Leadership Development portion of our obligation to keep our clubs and our district strong and healthy. Just as every member has a duty to recruit two new members, one to replace him and one to grow his club, each leader has the duty to mentor new Lions so that they will be able to assume leadership roles at both the club and district levels. What are the signs and symptoms of our leadership problem? Difficulty filling positions - officers, chairpersons and committees are left unfilled or arm twisting results in marginal commitment. Individuals filling multiple positions – overworked leading to burnout, blocking potential leaders and possible lack of focus. Repeat Officers - can lead to lack of enthusiasm and possible lack of innovation and unwillingness to embrace change. Too many leaders coming from the same club or same group within a club - lack of current or past district cabinet members can result in reduced knowledge of and participation in district functions, activities and projects. Non-involvement and apathy among club members; when Lions do not have specific responsibilities they do not develop ownership of club and district projects and activities. We urge all of our clubs to look at the symptoms of our leadership problems and see if there is anything you can do to help us broaden the pool of available, competent, and experienced leaders. The health of our district and all of our clubs is at stake. We cannot compromise our ability to serve in these times of great economic and disaster need. Once again, the District will sponsor a Leadership seminar this fall and will be looking for clubs to nominate Lions who have served or are now serving as a club officer. By spreading leadership around and involving more Lions in leadership positions, we will be taking the first step toward solving both our leadership and membership problems. Thank you PDG Ed for the use of your ideas and comments. MEMBERSHIP RETENTION WHY ARE LIONS LEAVING THEIR CLUBS? Why do Clubs continue to lose Lions? We’ve all seen lists of reasons given by members who leave their clubs. All of the reasons to continue or drop membership are greatly influenced by you, the club members and leaders. The most common threats to retention, as given to us by our members are; •Lengthy/boring meetings •Poor meeting quality •Not planning and running effective meetings •Not having a prepared agenda •Club politics and cliques •Lack of having new member’s involvement •Not working together Let’s gave our District Governor a good year in membership growth. - “Leadership and learning are indispensible to each other.” - John F. Kennedy - “He who knows does not speak; he who speaks does not know.” -Lao-Tzu - “When God takes something from your gasp He's not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better; The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.” – Anonymous E-Mail 2009 M & A REPORTING CHANGE Beginning with this newsletter, Secretaries will need to email District 14-W and LCI, M&A reports to the following; District Governor Mimi Tosh, mjtosh51@yahoo.com. Also, you must email a copy to your Zone Chair, whose email is listed below as well as in the new District Governor’s Directory. Direct mail is accepted in cases where no email capacity exists. HELLO 14-W LIONS, HAVE YOU MET YOUR NEW ZONE CHAIRS YET? GREET THEM HERE, NOW! ZONE CHAIRS URSULA BURKE MAKES BOOK DONATION TO WEST PITTSTON LIBRARY Ursula Burke, of West Pittston, recently made a book donation to the West Pittston Library. Ursula received this book, entitled ™ Lions Clubs in the 21st Century in celebrating her 35-years as a Junior League of Women, and Mountain Laurel Lion. She, in turn, donated the book to the library in her name. Pictured are Elsie Belmont, President of the Lions Club, Ursula Burke, and Maria Jiunta Heck, West Pittston Library Circulation Coordinator. OCTOBER IS WHITE CANE MONTH REGION 1 ZONE A CHAIR Richard Kilvitis (Mary) 1016 Plane Street Avoca, PA 18641 457-5633 Richard.Kilvitis@laminations.com REGION 2 ZONE A CHAIR Marina Martin 591 North Main Street Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702 822-7725; mm_ebm@yahoo.com REGION 3 ZONE A CHAIR Dennis Cook 115 Parsonage Street Pittston, PA 18640 905-5202; dcook@lightspeedtech.net REGION 4 ZONE A CHAIR Pat Kwetkauskie (John) 745 N. Old Turnpike Road, Drums, PA18222 788-1229; jorpkwet@epix.net REGION 1 ZONE A CHAIR Mary Lou Bechtold 209 Willow Road Pittston, PA 18640 655-1089; MaryL1009@aol.com REGION 2 ZONE B CHAIR Mike Wisniewski 108 Crescent Avenue Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702 823-3719; wiszy01@cs.com REGION 3 ZONE B CHAIR Atty. David R. Lipka 30 Tamanini Drive Wyoming, PA 18644 696-2871; atty.drlipka@verizon.net REGION 4 ZONE B CHAIR Dan Boehmer (Missy) 115 Glen Rock Road Sugarloaf, PA 18249 384-6399; bates@pa.metrocast.com 2012 Pennsylvania Lions State Convention Gettysburg, PA May 17th thru 20th Mark your Calendar NOW. The Lions are coming to Gettysburg and you should be there to enjoy the History, the fun and the great experience of Lionism. This is the first of monthly newsletters to inform you about the activities planned for your State Convention. Thursday, May 17th. Start your visit with a Gettysburg Ghost tour, perhaps a walking tour of the most haunted places in Gettysburg or a haunted bus tour of the battlefield and other ghostly places. After returning to the Hotel, there will be time to compare stories and share experiences with each other. Also, there will be 8 district hospitality rooms open for your enjoyment. Friday, May 18th. You can tour the Eisenhower Farm; attend leadership seminars morning and afternoon that are presented by veteran US/Canada Forum speakers. Friday night is the host hospitality room featuring desserts and we know how Lions like dessert. Saturday, May 19th. There will more seminars in the morning, the All State Band concert and a special guest “La Donna Gatlin” in the afternoon and later, the International Banquet featuring International President Dr. Wing-Kun Tam as the speaker. Sunday, May 20th. Voting, the final session, and there will still be time to tour the Battlefield or many of the attractions that we will tell you about in future newsletters. Make plans to come early or stay after the Convention to fully enjoy Historic Gettysburg. One final thought; please register before the deadline. Gettysburg College graduation is the same weekend and all rooms will be gone after the deadline. See you in Gettysburg, 14-C, 2012 State Convention Committee Vice Chm. Larry Bare PDG, Chm. Larry L. Shaull PDG - “There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.” -Helen Keller - “Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.” -Confucius Pennsylvania State Council of Lions Clubs 949 East Park Drive • Harrisburg, PA 17111-2810 • Phone (717) 564-2586 • Fax (717) 564-2880 TO: 2011-2012 State Council of Governors, 1st and 2nd Vice District Governors, Lions of Pennsylvania International Family, MD-14 Committees and Coordinators and other interested Lions FROM: Lion Marcia Shaull, MD-14 Administrator Incoming State Council Chairman Cindy Gregg, has issued a call for the 2011-2012 State Council to convene Saturday, August 6, 2011 (Council will hold a preliminary meeting on Saturday morning at 10:00am) This meeting will be held at the Harrisburg East Holiday Inn, 4751 Lindle RD, Harrisburg, PA 17111. Room reservations should be made by contacting the hotel directly @ (717) 939-7841. The room rate is $92.00 plus tax. Deadline for all reservations is July 21, 2011.Use the enclosed form to make reservations for a Saturday luncheon. There is no Saturday night Banquet. PLEASE NOTE IMPORTANT CHANGES TO AUGUST COUNCIL MEETING; Based on the surveys submitted by the committee chairpersons and project coordinators the Finance committee presented recommendations to the 2008-2009 State Council concerning the elimination of several positions and downsizing the reporting times of the committees and coordinators. These recommendations were approved. The approved changes most dramatically change and downsize the August Council Meeting which you will no doubt notice on the proposed agenda and meeting room schedule included. All other state projects and committees may submit written reports and may request to report only if the committee has an action item or special project to present to state council. This request must be submitted in written form and sent to the State office no later than July 15th so it may be copied and distributed to State Council for consideration. Please keep in mind that budgets reflect these changes in policy. Please contact me with any questions or concerns. Lion Marcia Shaull MD-14, Administrator Meeting Room Schedule Augusts, 2011 Friday August 5, 2011 Time Room Hearing Research Foundation Dinner 6:00 PM PA Ballroom Saturday August 6, 2011 Constitution & By-laws 8:00-8:45 Keystone Finance 8:45-9:30 Keystone Vice District Governor Leadership mtg 7:00 -9:00am Harrisburg Suites Eye Research Board meeting 8:45 -9:30 Nittany LCIF District Coordinator meeting 8:30 -9:30am Hershey Hearing Research Foundation 10:00-11:00 Hershey State Council Preliminary Meeting 10:00am-11:30am PA Ballroom State Council General Session 2:00pm -4:30pm PA Ballroom Partners in service meeting 1:30 -3:30pm Harrisburg Suites Saturday Luncheon 12:00 -1:30pm Lancaster Room SATURDAY LUNCHEON 12:00 noon to 1:30pm; $20 per person, vegetarian selection or special menu requirement available upon request Tossed salad, choice of sliced sirloin or stuffed chicken breast, oven roasted potatoes, chef’s choice vegetables, and touch of strawberry cake. Name: ____________________________________________________________ District: ________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________E-Mail: _______________________________________________________ Stuffed Chicken Breast________Roast Sirloin_________Number _______@ $20 TOTAL DUE $___________ Checks payable to PA State Council of Lions Clubs Mail to: PA Lions State Office 949 East Park Drive Harrisburg, PA 17111; 717-564-2586 LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION The new LCIF web site will help Lions and the public find information and resources while staying up-to-date on LCIF projects. The site has six main categories you can check out as soon as you click on www.lcif.org. Under Our Programs Lions will learn about LCIF's four main service areas: Restoring Sight, Providing Disaster Relief, Supporting Youth, and Humanitarian needs such as Health and Industry. A visit to the web site will help you become familiar with donation options and recognition programs on Melvin Jones Fellowships. As you are aware, your participation with generous contributions is what makes LCIF a success! Respectfully, Paul Rose, LCIF Coordinator 735-1381; rsmarion@aol.com USA/CANADA LIONS LEADERSHIP FORUM TRAVEL The USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum has arranged with Suzi Davis Travel to handle the travel arrangements of thousands of Lions attending the event in Anchorage. Visit the Suzi Davis Travel website to book flights or rail transportation or call them at 888- 677- 8728. Make sure to mention that you are attending the Forum. If you use the Suzi Davis Travel on-line service, you will need to create an account www.suzidavis.com/lionsclub 888-677- 8728. There is a three-day waiting period before you can make reservations. Suzi Davis Travel also can arrange for a rental car or ground transportation from the Ted Stevens International Airport, Merrill Field Airport or Alaska Railroad Depot to hotels in downtown Anchorage. SENIOR LIONS LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE Senior Lions Leadership Institutes focus on building skills of Lions leaders to prepare them for leadership responsibilities at zone, region and district levels. Qualified candidates are Lions in good standing who have completed a successful term as club president, but have not yet attained the position of First Vice District Governor. Candidates do not have to hold a position currently. Candidates must be willing to commit to every day of the institute. Lions Clubs International will pay for each participant's meals and lodging during the actual days of the institute at the training facility. Participants are responsible for their own transportation and related travel expenses to and from the institute. Lions who meet the qualifications may apply to the Senior Lions Leadership Institute. Applications will be available 4 months prior to the event. If interested, please obtain a copy of the application from the district governor. Constitutional Area I & II: USA, Affiliates, Bermuda, Bahamas and Canada: SLL Institute is November 17-20, 2011; Oak Brook, Illinois. Deadline to apply: September 7, 2011 SUPPLEMENTAL INSURANCE PROGRAM Effective October 1, 2010 Lions Clubs and Districts in the United States can apply to purchase Directors & Officers Liability, Crime / Fidelity (Bond), Special Events / Liquor Liability and Accident Insurance coverage at discounted rates. Lions Clubs International has arranged for a program of supplemental insurance coverage in which Lions Clubs, Districts and other authorized Lions organizations in the United States may apply to purchase certain coverage at discounted rates. Coverage is underwritten by Philadelphia Insurance and QBE Insurance. Applications, additional coverage information and further instructions are available through the links below: • Directors and Officers Liability Insurance - This coverage protects officers of the Lions Club or District for actions brought against them for actual or alleged negligent acts or omissions and for misleading statements that lead to a claim. Entity coverage for claims made specifically against the Club or District may also be available. • Crime / Fidelity (Bond) Coverage – This coverage protects Clubs or Districts for losses incurred as a result of fraudulent acts by members. The coverage may also extend to loss or theft of money from a Lions event. This coverage cannot be purchased individually. It can only be purchased along with Directors and Officers Liability Insurance. Directors and Officers Liability Insurance (Often called D&O) protects the directors and officers of a company, or the organization itself, against damages or defense costs in the event they suffer a loss as a result of an alleged wrongful act.  D&O coverage insures the behavior of directors and officers. Many D&O claims are the result of an incorrect decision that causes a discontented member to file a lawsuit against the directors and officers who made that decision. Even innocent errors in judgment can bring D&O insurance into the forefront of such matters. Directors and officers of a Lions Club or District can be liable if they damage the organization by breaching their duties, violating the organizations bylaws, or failing to disclose conflicts of interest. One claim example would be the situation where a group of association members filed a lawsuit alleging the recent election of a new board President did not follow the association bylaws. The members argued that a 51% majority vote was not obtained for the election to be valid. This action resulted in over $75,000 of defense costs.  While a Club or District can choose to indemnify their directors and officers against a lawsuit, this approach puts the clubs assets at risk. In addition, should the Club / District assets prove to be inadequate for defense or settlement the director or officer’s personal assets would be in jeopardy. The purchase of Directors and Officers Liability Insurance provides a cost effective way to eliminate the chance of financial loss from this exposure.  Directors & Officers Liability Coverage Highlights: Policy provides a comprehensive solution for the Directors and Officers of Lions Clubs and Districts or other approved Lions organizations. Whereas General Liability coverage insures for liability arising out of bodily injury and property damage, this policy protects Directors and Officers against wrongful acts as described above Defense costs are in addition to the limit of liability Optional selection of counsel – Club may request specific defense counsel or tender defense to the underwriter Definition of individual insured includes lawful spouse / domestic partner, the estate and heirs True worldwide coverage territory Order of payment language with priority placed on indemnifying individuals first Automatic acquisitions coverage for non-profit entities coming within the insured Organization’s control during the policy period For profit subsidiary coverage available Crime / Fidelity (Bond) coverage protects your club for the dishonest acts of your employees / members resulting in the loss of money and securities. This optional coverage is available with the completion of the supplemental application This description is for information purposes only and does not extend or alter coverage offered Special Events / Liquor Liability – This coverage offers limits of insurance in addition to the $1,000,000 of coverage that Lions Clubs International automatically provides through the Global General Liability Insurance Program. A Club or District may purchase coverage for a single event or for all activities during a single policy period, subject to policy exclusions. If the Event(s) Liability coverage is purchased, the Club / District may also apply for Liquor Liability coverage. • Accident Insurance – This coverage insures for accidental injuries to Lions members and volunteers that occur while working at Lions events. IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU! DON’T LET THE IRS TAKE AWAY YOUR TAX EXEMPT STATUS! FILE NOW-ON LINE IT’S EZ LIONS CLUBS HAVE A NEW FILING REQUIREMENT It’s short, easy and electronic – it’s the new E-Postcard and it’s required by the IRS. Don’t throw away your tax-exempt status – be sure to file your e-Postcard.  How do you know if your Lions Club has a filing requirement? If you are a small tax-exempt organization that normally has annual gross receipts of $25,000* or less and does not have to file Form 990 or 990-EZ, you must file the e-Postcard (also known as 990-N). Please note that this is an IRS requirement.  When is the e-Postcard due? It’s due by the 15th day of the fifth month after the close of your tax year. Lions Clubs operate on a fiscal year, July 1 – June 30, and the e-Postcard will be due by November 15th each year.  What information does your club need to provide on the e-Postcard? — a legal name and mailing address and any other names used — a Web address if one exists — employer identification number (EIN) — organization's annual tax period — the name and address of a principal officer — statement confirming the organization's annual gross receipts are normally $25,000* or less  What happens if you don’t file? You risk losing your tax-exempt status! Any Lions Club that fails to meet its annual reporting requirement for three consecutive years automatically loses tax-exempt status under new law.  Why is the IRS calling it an e-Postcard? Because it’s as simple as sending a postcard and it’s electronic.  Need more information? Go to www.irs.gov/eo for details and while you’re there sign up for Exempt Organization’s free email newsletter, EO Update, to receive up-to-date information posted on the charity pages of irs.gov. * The IRS intends to increase the Form 990-N (e-postcard) filing threshold from $25,000 gross receipts to $50,000 gross receipts, beginning with 2010 tax year, filed in 2011. - “To succeed, you need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you.” Tony Dorsett LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL WAYNE A. MADDEN, FIRST VICE PRESIDENT Wayne Madden, of Auburn, Indiana, was elected to serve as second vice president of The International Association of Lions Clubs at the association’s 93rd International Convention, held in Sydney, Australia, June 28-July 2, 2010. Vice President Madden owns an insurance agency. He is an insurance agent and a certified insurance counselor. A member of the Auburn Lions Club since 1984, Vice President Madden has held many offices within the association, including club president, zone chairperson, region chairperson, state council chairperson and district governor. In addition, he is a past president of the Indiana Lions Foundation. He served as a District Governor-elect Seminar faculty member five times and as Campaign SightFirst II sector coordinator for Multiple District 25.In recognition of his service to the association, Vice President Madden has received many awards, including the 100% Club President Award, Life Membership in the Association, the Senior Master Key Award, four Extension Awards, an International President’s Leadership Medal, six International President’s Medals and the Ambassador of Good Will Award, the highest honor the association bestows upon its members. He is a Charter W.P. Woods Fellow, a Kentucky Colonel, a Duke of Paducah, a Helen Keller Fellow and a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow. In 2008, he was recognized for his humanitarian service by the governor of Indiana as a Sagamore of the Wabash, the highest honor the governor can bestow. In addition to his Lion activities, Vice President Madden is active in numerous professional and community organizations. Vice President Madden and his wife, Linda, also a Lion and Melvin Jones Fellow, have two daughters and four grandchildren. 24th Annual Lions International Peace Poster Contest Encourage the youth in your community to express their feelings of peace, while gaining exposure for your club. Participate in this year’s Lions International Peace Poster Contest. Start now. Purchase a 2011-2012 Peace Poster Contest Kit (PPK-1) which contains all of the materials needed to sponsor one contest. Kits are sold through the Club Supplies Sales department, January 15-October 1, 2011, at International Headquarters. A kit must be purchased for each contest sponsored. Allow 2-3 weeks for delivery, outside the U.S. may take longer. CALL 1-800-710-7822 On line, visit the Lions Store, (Item Search: Peace Poster Kit) at www.lionsclubs.org or download the order form (PR-785) Should your club have any questions, please contact Lion Fred Pierantoni at 570-654-8455 Children Know Peace DG MARYLIN “MIMI “ TOSH 2011-2012 KEY DATES OF INTEREST Aug 1 White Haven Golf Outing Aug 2 BANNER EXCHANGE @ Woodlands Aug 5 SWB Yankee Baseball with your District 14-W Lions Aug 5 Newport Twp Golf Outing Aug 6 First State Council Meeting Aug 9 Out Back with the Plains Lions Chicken and Steak Aug 14 First Cabinet Meeting Aug 14 Pauly Friedman Walk/Run Aug 28 Bear Creek/Buck Twp Lions PIG ROAST Sept 1 First Eye Bank Meeting Sept 8 Forty Fort Lions Golf Outing Sept 10-11 FunFest in Hazleton Sept 13 District 14-W Fall Membership Rally Sept 24 Bear Creek/Buck Twp Flea Market Sept 30 Deadline for 100% Club President LCI Award Sept 22-24 USA/Canada Forum Anchorage, Alaska Oct 1 Deadline to Purchase Peace Poster Kits Oct 14 District Bowl-A-Thon @ Stanton Lanes ADDRESSES TO REMEMBER District 14-W Lions: www.district14w.org ; 570-208-LION (5466) Lions Clubs International: www.lionsclubs.org PA State Council of LC: www.palions.org District 14-W Newsletter Editor, Publisher and Distributor, PDG Walter Bechtold 209 Willow Road Pittston, PA 18640 570-498-2636; wbech48@aol.com D ISTRICT 14-W LIONS, DO YOU HAVE YOURS YET? DISTRICT MEMBERSHIP CONTEST 2010-2011 Started as the brainchild of PDG Ron Filippini in 2007-2008, this New Member’s Sponsor Pin is highly distinctive, great looking and unlike any other. This contest runs from July 1, 2010 to June 1, 2011, just prior to the last cabinet meeting. What do you need to do to earn this pin? It’s simple and easy; just ask and invite quality, prospective members to become a LION. That’s all there is to it. M & A Reports recorded at LCI will be used as the determining factor. “SHINE YOUR LIGHT” NOTICE: There has been a policy change with the sponsor’s pins. Now a Sponsoring Lion will only receive the new DG dangler if you have already been issued a #1 pin. Please do not be offended, this is a fiscal decision by the finance committee. The International Association of Lions Clubs (Lions Clubs International®) MARYLIN “MIMI” TOSH DISTRICT GOVERNOR PENNSYLVANIA 2011-2012 156 KIDDER STREET WILKES-BARRE, PA 18702 Between the Lions DISTRICT NEWSLETTER FIRST EDITION – JULY 2011 PLEASE SHARE WITH ALL MEMBERS OF YOUR CLUB