Fellow Lions - Volunteers request for
Indiana Special Olympics State Finals Corn Hole Competitions.
DATE: September 29, 2024, 8:00 a.m.-12:30 and 12:30-5:30 p.m.
LOCATION: Grand Park
1900 Grand Park Boulevard
Westfield, Indiana 46074
Come see the fun and games. Come and receive recognition as the major sponsor of the Indiana Special Olympics Corn Hole Competitions.
Please RSVP so we know how many Lions volunteers to expect.
Need: your name-club-shirt size-shift availability
Bill McDonald
SO Committee Chairman CC
812-689-6699 Lionmcdonald5 3@gmail.com
Time to register for District 25 B Banner Night
Beginning now all Lions information must be sent to this address: lions25bnews@gmail.com My previous address is going to go away.
Above is a picture of the Fuelling family who was at the playground dedication at the Union Township park. This playset was dedicated in memory of Marie Fuelling a 13 year old student who passed away from brain cancer at Riley’s Children’s Hospital on April 8, 2024.
ALL CLUB OFFICERS AND ZONE CHAIRS:Please mark these dates on your calendars. Club Officer Traning -- May 21, North Part of District, May 23, South end of the District and May 23rd, Central area of the District. This is training for ALL Club officers, both new and returning. Locations to be announced latter. Zone Chair Training will be June 8th. Please watch the District Calendar for up dates.
The Union Township Lions Club would like to announce a scheduled work day at the Union Township Park on Saturday, April 13 starting at 8:00 AM. The reason for this work day is to prepare the playground area for a new and larger playground structure at the township park being donated by the Union Township Lions Club. We would like to invite local residents to help the Lions club just as they did in 1977 when the Union Township Park was built with labor supplied by the local community. Please bring shovels, rakes, cordless driver/drill, and a great attitude. We will be removing the old wood mulch in the play area so bring a truck/trailer to load the old mulch. We will be expanding the play area and leveling it for the new equipment. With generous help from the community this should take less than 2 hours. If we have extra help we will do “spring cleaning” of the outside area of leaves, twigs, and other winter debris. We encourage any youth groups (church, 4-H, Scouts, etc.) to come together and help with this project. The Lions club will have diagrams and pictures of the new playground equipment for everyone to see. In the event of bad weather it will be postponed to Tuesday, April 16 at 6:00 PM. The Union Township Lions Club looks forward to seeing everyone there!
Note to news media: If you would like to have any reporter come and take pictures/video of this event please send them. Hopefully the following week the new playground equipment will be installed and we would like to dedicate the new equipment on April 20. If that happens; I will contact you about the schedule for dedicating the equipment.
Lions Park in the Dark
Don’t miss this once in a lifetime opportunity to experience a total eclipse of the sun on April 8, 2024. Zionsville, Indiana is in the path of the eclipse and the Zionsville Lions Club and Park has a deal for you. You can reserve a space in our parking lot for the entire day and enjoy a fun family adventure. There are only 290 spaces available, so get your reservation in now! Our 28 acre park is located at 11053 Sycamore St, Zionsville and has 2 playgrounds, pickleball, tennis and basketball courts, sand volleyball, baseball diamonds, and a creekside hiking trail. There will be food available to purchase inside the park or you can walk one block from the park and explore the historic brick Main Street restaurants and unique shops. There are restroom facilities in the park. For more info about the park, see zionsvillelions.com. The parking lot opens at 8:00 AM on April 8th so you can avoid the crowd, come early and spend the day. The eclipse will start at about 3:00 PM. You are welcome to stay and enjoy the park until the traffic clears the area. No overnight parking is allowed in the park before or after the event. To protect your eyesight, ISO certified eclipse glasses, made in the US will be available for purchase for $1.00 per pair while the supply lasts. The parking spaces are sized for private passenger vehicles. No large trucks, buses or RVs will be allowed. Ours is a family park, so no alcoholic beverages are allowed. You can enjoy this once in a lifetime event for only $40 per parking space. Parking is available on a non-refundable, pre-registration basis only. All proceeds will be used to support the many service projects of the Zionsville Lions Club, Inc. To reserve your space, go to: https://event.ontaptickets.com/events/lions-park-in-the-dark-4-8-2024
Last night, October 30, PDGs Pat and Charlie Short were invited by the Union Township Lions (25B) to join them in leading the local Callithumpian Festival parade in Decatur (just southeast of Fort Wayne). This club was designated as Parade Marshalls and had 3 Lion Mascots lead their group including Lafayette Lions Melvin (AKA PDG Charlie Short). Other mascots provided by
Andrews Lions club and the Leo High School (school mascot).
The Callithumpian Festival is the oldest annual Halloween festival in the country, having begun sometime between 1911 and 1922.DG Terry, I am also attaching for your newsletter some additional details on the event.
PDG Charlie Short - middle Melvin. Stephanie Marbach was standing by Lion logo and Lion Scott Marbach (Decatur Lions Club) standing to right of PDG Charlie.Mascots being loved by members of the Decatur Belmont High School Band.
PDG Pat Short - Lafayette Lions Club SecretaryPDG Pat Short - ISBVI Trustee765-418-3614 C 765-743-3160 H
Nominations and Elections Alert
Please note all nominations for DG, 1VDG, 2VDG and Trustees for each of the state projects is due to the Nominations and Election chairperson NO LATER THAN February 14, 2024. Nominations for trustees must have their letter of intent to run along with their club's endorsement. Those standing for DG, 1VDG or 2VDG need to submit the apropreate biology form along with their intent to run letter and their club's endorsement. Since the District does not currently have 2VDG a PDG may run for 1VDG. If you have questions on this please contact the Nomination and Election Chairperson.
August 23, 2023
To: MD 25 Past District Governors
Re: International Director Application and Endorsement
There has been an expression of interest from Senior Lions International Leadership in a potential International
Director from the State of Indiana.
In line with our State Lions Constitution and By-laws, as amended at the Indiana Lions Convention in 2022, (Article II, Candidates for International Office), the MD 25, 2023-2024 Council of Governors voted on July 22, 2023, at the first Council Meeting to open the required endorsement period for the position of International Director to all Indiana Past District Governors.
The Lions International Constitution and By-laws states that notification of endorsed candidates must be submitted 60 days prior to the beginning of the International Convention. The 2024 Indiana Lions Convention will be held on April 26-28, 2024. This date is less than the required 60 day notice. Therefore the decision was made to open the required endorsement period now.
Candidates should forward their Candidate Letter and Club endorsement to their District Governors and PCC Sue Topf, State Administrative Secretary.
1.) Submit your Candidate letter/Qualifications to your Club President, for your Club’s Endorsement.
2.) If endorsed, your letter and your Club’s Endorsement letter must be forwarded to your district Governor for
The District Endorsement.
3.) If endorsed by the District, the District Governor will forward the endorsement packet to the Council
Chair (CC Bob Hrdy) and a copy to the State Nominations and Elections Chairperson (PDG Barbara Toosley).
4.) The State Nominations and Elections Committee shall review the qualifications of each candidate for
Convention Endorsement.
2023-2024 Council Chair Bob Hrdy requires this District endorsement to be received by no later than midnight Sunday,
December 3, 2023.
If MD 25 has one or more qualified candidates, a Special Convention will be convened at the January, 2024, Mid-Winter Conference for the sole purpose of endorsing a candidate for International Director. This will be done in order to meet the 60 day timetable set forth by Lions International.
The Special Convention will be called in accordance with the International Association of Lions Clubs, Constitution and By-Laws, Standard Multiple District, Fiscal Year 2022-2023, revised June 23, 2022, Article VII-Multiple District Convention: section 4. SPECIAL CONVENTION.
It is a great honor for us and our State, so let’s get ready to place another great Hoosier Lion on the Board of
Lions International.
Yours in Lionism,
Council Chair Bob Hrdy
Good morning this is Freda Donley..
Do you have a mass text mail for lions in this district?
We are in need of drivers for the auction next week.
We need golf cart drivers to transport visitors from lot parking to front door.
We are in need of auction car drivers..to get cars from the showroom to the auction arenas.
Wed thru Sat.
Please message me for details
260 908 5071.
Any help is appreciated.
Good Morning Lions All,
Please note that the calendar for the 2023-2024 Lion year is now posted.
For more events, such as other district events, please visit the MD25 website. We encourage all Lions to attend the the Council Meetings and District Cabinet Meetings to stay current with what is happening in Lions and for the comradery with other Lions.
Dr. Slavich at Indiana Hearing Specialists created a new video to promote their Pay it Forward campaign.
Hoping you could post it to the Lion’s Facebook page:
In addition, we will be adding it to the practice Facebook page along with postings throughout the month promoting the event:
It would be fantastic if you could encourage members and volunteers to interact with and share the posts to help raise awareness & hopefully increase donations!
Please let me know if you have questions or need more information.
The January 2023 Disrict Newsletter is now up loaded. There are several dates in it that the Lions of the district need to make their calendars for.
Please check the calendar page for the correct form to register for the 2023 25B Holiday Social.
Take a quick look at the Noble County Lions Facebook page.
Do you have one of Waynedale's gumball machines or know how to get into them. If so please contact FVDG Terry Marker