Here is a list of the programs/speakers provided and available from District 5M-8 which Clubs in the District can utilize for their membership meetings. This page includes links to programs, program chairman, program discriptions and links to both program websites and contacts.
Please schedule as early as possible to ensure that the program/speaker is available when you need them.
Can Do Canines Committee
Lion Duane Finger, Co-Chair
Kimball Lions: ( )
Staples '93 Lions: ( )
“Hearing and Service Dogs of Minnesota” in now known as “Can Do Canines”. Can Do Canines is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for people who are deaf, hard of hearing, autistic, diabetic or disabled by creating mutually beneficial partnerships with specially trained dogs. The main duties of the committee are to inform and educate 5M-8 membership in this program and their needs. The committee is prepared to present to clubs and assist their participation in the programs of Can Do Canines.
Sandstone Lions: ( )
Lion Geri Altricher, Co-Chair
Randall-Cushing Little Elk Lions: ( )
Type I and Type II diabetes can be controlled by proper diet, exercise and by checking our blood sugars regularly. It is important to remind those that have diabetes or that care for someone with diabetes hos important good control is. Several clubs have used the supplies that we have for chekcing blood sugars at their pancake breakfasts or before their club meetings. The main duties of the Diabetes Awareness Committee Chairman are to speak at a meeting and to assist in any way with any questions anyone might have about diabetes. We have many Dream Catcher Awards looking for homes with our local Lions Clubs. Please let us know and we will be happy to get them out to you.
District Advisor
PDG Dr. Ray Lindeman
Paynesville Lions: ( )
The District Advisor shall be appointed by the District Governor to serve as council and a source of general information to the 5M8 Cabinet and Clubs. The intent of this position would be to inform Lions and Leos, in some depth, on subjects often needed, overlooked, or neglected in the course of “routine” Lions gatherings.
5M-8 e-Clubhouse Committee
Lion Jim Muellenbach, Chair
LeSauk Township Lions: (c) 320.260.1987
Princeton Lions: ( )
The 5M-8 e-Clubhouse Committee will promote and assist Clubs within the District with the implementation and usage of their own "e-clubhouse" websites and will develop, administer and maintain the Cabinet Directory, District Calendar and Club Links on the "e-district" site as a supplement to the District website provided by the Technology Committee. This committee will also develop and administer the District's social media "facebook" page as a supplement to the e-district site.
Leader Dogs for the Blind Committee
St. Cloud Lions: ( )
Little Falls Dandee Lions: ( )
The mission of Leader Dogs for the Blind is to enhance the lives of people who are blind and visually impaired. 5M-8 supports this mission through referrals to the program for needy community members, encouraging people to be ‘Puppy Raisers’, and to inform clubs on services offered by this program. The main duties of the Leader Dog for the Blind Committee Chairman are to ...
Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF)
PDG Pete Kleingartner, Co-Chair
Princeton Lions: ( )
Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) was started for the sole purpose of enabling Lions to help with larger projects. The very first grant from LCIF was in the modest amount of $5,000.00 and was to help a folded area. Since that date, LCIF has grown into the number one Non-Government Organization (NGO) and has donated more than $680 million dollars worldwide. The main duties of the LCIF Chairpersons would be to inform Lions in 5M-8 of those programs supported by LCIF worldwide. They will assist Lions in applying for and assistance from LCIF for qualifying local/regional needs. The Co-Chairs are available for club presentations and assisting the awarding of Melvin Jones Fellowship Awards.
Lions MD5M Hearing Foundation Committee
PCC Frank Loken, Co-Chair
Sandstone Lions: ( )
Sartell Lions: ( )
This Committee shall provide programs to all Lions, Lioness and LEOS in 5M-8 to allow awareness of the Lions MD5M Hearing Foundation and its purposes. This program should develop understanding of programs and purposes of the Lions 5M Hearing Foundation including the clinic, newborn hearing screening, used hearing aid collection, hearing aid loaner bank, affordable hearing aid program, and cutting edge research.
MN Lions Eye Bank Committee
PDG Bob Hoofnagle, Co-Chair
Lion Jennelle Shriver, Co-Chair
Staples '93 Lions: (c)
The goal of this committee is to assure that ALL Lions, Lioness and LEOS in 5M-8 understand the purpose and vision, the current needs and goals, and the accomplishments of Lions’ Sight Programs. This includes Minnesota Lions Eye Bank, Children’s Eye Clinic, the Macular Degeneration Center and the Lions Research Center.
Club Extension Committee
PDG Bill Landwehr, Co-Chair
Sauk Rapids Riverside Lions: (c)
2nd VDG Donna Mae Landwehr, Co-Chair
Sauk Rapids Riverside Lions: (c)
The Extension Committee will work to recruit new communities to form a Lions club serving that community. Their intent would be to go into a new community, contacting community leaders to develop interest in forming a new club. Once completed, this committee will guide that group of interested people in forming and operating a new club.
Eye Glass Recycling Committee
PDG Bob Hoofnagle
Leo Club Activities Committee
Lion Kristine O'Brien
Fairhaven Lions: (c)
Leo clubs create opportunities for young people to contribute, and make new friends both in their community and around the world. This program helps young people feel like members of the community and provides opportunities for them to take on leadership roles and develop decision making skills. The Leo Club Activities chair is the liaison between the local Leo clubs and District Governor's cabinet. They ensure a successful Leo/Lion relationship, guide Leos to develop and increase confidence and leadership abilities. They also mentor Leo clubs advisors and help them attain their goals, assist in motivating and helping Leos to understand the compassionate aspect of community service and to perform service activities
Leo Club Extension Committee
Lion Vince Thiel
Sauk Rapids Riverside Lions: (c)
Leo clubs create opportunities for young people to contribute, and make new friends both in their community and around the world. This program helps young people feel like members of the community and provides opportunities for them to take on leadership roles and develop decision making skills. The Leo Club Extension chair contributes to the success of their districts through the promotion, development and continual support of Leo clubs. Appointed at the district level, Leo club chairpersons serve a three-year term during which they encourage Leos and Leo advisors to bring new energy, inspire fresh ideas for service, and grow the Leo Club Program.
Leadership Development Committee
PDG Frank Leidenfrost, Co-Chair
Staples '93 Lions: (c)
IPCC Jim Diehl, Co-Chair
St. Augusta Lions: (c)
The Leadership Development Team is responsible for training Zone Chairpersons and club Officers in order to strengthen the District and their clubs. This team will assist the Extension Team to help insure clubs can be strong in the District and in their communities.
Membership Committee
Lion Frank Voigt, Co-Chair
Pierz Lions: (c)
Lion strength is through strong Membership. The Membership Committee, with the support of all Lions, will strive to assist all clubs to accomplish this endeavor. This committee will effectively help clubs serve their communities by increasing membership by recruiting new service-minded people to strengthen and build membership.
Retention Committee
Lion Judy Hoofnagle
Sauk Rapids LIons: (c)
Retention is vital to the success of any Lions club. The Retention Committee will work with all clubs to enhance their retention. This will be accomplished through counsel and training using proven tools to successfully show gains in retaining strong club membership.
Orientation Committee
Lion John Frank, Co-Chair
Hinckley Lions: (c)
Lion , Co-Chair
Lions: (c)
Orientation is a tool used to strengthen membership. Membership needs to understand the history of the organization and how it operates from the highest level to the club level. The Orientation Committee will present programs for Zone and Club presentation that will allow membership knowledge of Lions, its organization, operation and principals.
St. Cloud Lions: (c)
Project New Hope is a program developed to assist returning service personnel to the challenge of transition from a war footing to civilian life. Often, it can seem as though nothing had changed during their time away. Lions support this program and assist however they can. The main duties of the Project New Hope Committee would be to prepare and present club programs required and act as a liaison between the clubs and Project New Hope.
Publicity/Newsletter Committee
Lion Donna Orstad
Sandstone Lions: (c)
The Publicity/Newsletter Editor is responsible for informing the District of the ideals and direction of the District Governor’s programs. This position will develop a monthly newsletter informing District Membership of past and future happenings from LCI, the District and Lions, Lioness and LEO clubs. This will happen in both written and photo form and will be disseminated though all means possible.
If you have any questions or comments about this "social" site, or have any recommendations of what you would like to see on the site, please contact the 2011-2012 5M-8 eClubhouse Committee: