
Diabetes Resources


The following diabetes resources will help with diabetes awareness and education.  They are all geared towards the public - not health care professionals.  


Feel free to pass these resources on to family and friends as well as fellow Lions.


1 in 11 people in the US are living with diabetes

1 in 3 US adults are living with pre-diabetes; 90% do not know it!

Source: Centers for Disease Control (CDC)



The American Diabetes Association (ADA) risk assessment is a great place to start.  This 7 question list will give you a good indication of your diabetes risk in less than a minute.



This ADA 'ask the experts' town hall series includes archived presentations as well as future web events covering a variety of useful topics such as: planning meals, blood glucose monitoring for beginners, and managing stress (very important for everyone; especially important for people living with diabetes!)



An excellent resource for people living with pre-diabetes and diabetes.  Includes information on why it is important to control diabetes, types of professionals who can help you, diabetes ABC's and a very good summary of the routine exams and medical care you should pursue.



The NDEP is an arm of Centers for Disease Control (CDC).  Here are two links- one covers pre-diabetes, the other covers diabetes: for pre-diabetes  for diabetes



A link to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) overview which includes a DPP location finder.  Good nutrition and exercise can cut the risk of progressing from pre-diabetes to diabetes by 58%!



The following is a link to 'Diabetes Forecast' magazine.  This is their consumer publication.  There are a ton of useful articles on nutrition for folks with diabetes (E.g. What can I eat), exercise, recipes, medications.  The list goes on.  In addition, clubs may want to donate a subscription to their local library.



Of course the Lions Club International diabetes websites! 

 Information on diabetes resources, STRIDES walks, diabetes chairperson guide and more



For more information or to schedule a club talk on diabetes, contact your Indiana Lions District Diabetes Committee Chair or Chris Reinhold, Indiana Lions State Diabetes Committee Chair





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