
LHCS logoThe Lions Hearing Conservation Society
of New York State (LHCS)

LHCS was created in 1975 with the community interest in mind. Our goal is to prevent deafness by early detection of hearing problems, to correct existing hearing losses, and to educate the public on what causes hearing loss & how/when to protect yourself from damaging noise.

New HCS Pamphlet
Loan-Out Centers for Assistive-Listening Devices

For further information about the Hearing Conservation Society,
see page 73 in the District Directory

Lions Affordable Hearing Aid Project (AHAP)

The Affordable Hearing Aid Project is an initiative of the Lions Hearing Conservation Society of NYS. It provides hearing aids manufactured by Oticon to those in financial need. If you are in need of a hearing aid, please contact your local Lions club.

Instructions and Guidelines for Clubs: This provides guidelines for clubs and instructions for getting hearing aids. (Rev 06/18/2024)

Aid Application: This is the form that the applicant fills out to request hearing aids. (Rev. 05/02/2023)

Order Form: This is the form the club uses to order hearing aids after the applicant has been approved. (Rev. 1/24/2021)

Participating audiologists (Rev. 05/31/2024)

If you have any questions or concerns, contact Lion Dave Parmon, president of LHCS, at 315-868-3206 or

Understanding captioning telephones with Lion Sandie Clark. A YouTube video recorded by PDG Orv Curtis at the Hearing Conservation Society meeting on Nov. 25, 2013.

Read this interesting article about modern hearing aids.






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