


Leo District President - Leo Memory Banda (Apex Sunningdale)

Leo District Vice President - Leo Gellis Chiti (Lusaka Ibex)
Leo District Secretary- Leo Dyna Kayanike (Lusaka Ibex)
Leo District Treasurer - Leo Shishwati Kaluba (Kasupe)


Tail Twister 
Leo Maseka Kafika ( Evenlyhone club )

Leo Blessings Nsupila ( Chilanga Club )



Leo Clubs are a youth organization of Lions Clubs International. The word
"Leo" stands for Leadership, Experience, and Opportunity.

In 1986, the Lions District 413 decided to form a Leo District, thereafter in
1987 a Leo Forum was held in Kafue at Kasaka Fisheries hosted by Kafue
Leo Club where a resolution to form a District was passed guided by
Lion Elasto Chalwe DCC Leo (now late).

The following year 1988, the first Leo conference was held hosted by
University of Zambia (Unza) and Evelyn Hone, and Leo Daniel Zyambo
was elected as Charter Leo District President.

Thus a Leo District was established with the following Clubs, University
of Zambia (Unza), Evelyn Hone, Ridgeway, Chainama, kanseshi,
St. Monicas, Nkumbi, Tubombeshe, Mukuba, Livingstone, Kasama, Kafue,
Kalonga, Kitwe, and Highridge.

The Leo Clubs encourage youths to develop leadership qualities by
participating in Social Service Activities.
They are dependent on a Lions club to sponsor and initiate a Leo club.
They conduct various projects in the fields of health care, elders, children,
literacy and education, and self-development.
Leos can raise funds by conducting fund-raising projects. They can conduct
projects with another Leo club, sponsoring Lions club, or with an outside
organization. Leo clubs are sponsored by Lions clubs and comprise an
official program of Lions Clubs International.



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