49B Lions Foundation By-Laws

District 49B Foundation Board of Directors

President - Donna Bellows  -  dlbellows@yahoo.com

Vice President - Totsie Pursey  -  totsie748@gmail.com

Secretary - Dianna Durbin - dianna-99@hotmail.com

Treasurer - Sally Benevento  - 

Directors - Helen Blattner

                  George Kirchner

                  Lydia Oblak

                  Elizabeth Johnson

                  George Pursey

                   Joy-el Culligan

                   Garry Doering

                   Stephanie Brown

Ex-Officio - Janis Marcinkowski (District Governor)

                   Buddy Lane (1st Vice District Governor)

                   Beth Durbin (2nd Vice District Governor)

                   Bobbi Kirchner (IPDG)

Regularly elected Board Positions are 4 terms. 

Bylaws state we should have 12 Directors



Anne Sullivan

Trust Liaison (Chair - Donna Bellows)

Gaming (Chairs - Sally Benevento / Ski Marcinkowski)


Trust Committee

Ski Marcinkowski

Cheryl Markwood

Elizabeth Johnson

Howard Rixie

Juanita Webb

Rich Welliver

Rick Webb

*Per the Bylaws, there should be 7 Trustees



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