One Hundred Service Ideas
1. Organize a “Strides: Lions for Diabetes Awareness” event.
2. Organize a community support group for parents of children with diabetes.
3. Volunteer to serve at a children’s diabetes camp.
4. Invite a healthcare professional to speak about diabetes at your club or district meeting.
5. Partner with local healthcare providers to organize diabetes & vision screenings.
6. Distribute educational resources to increase diabetes awareness at a community health fair.
7. Organize a walking club for seniors with diabetes.
8. Provide a diabetes magazine subscription to your local library.
9. Sponsor a child in need to attend diabetes camp.
10. Donate diabetes books to your library with a bookplate to identify your club’s donation.
11. Work with your local school to invite a health care professional to speak about diabetes.
12. Post monthly articles about diabetes on your club or district website.
13. Promote diabetes prevention through a radio public service announcement.
14. Sponsor a healthy cooking demonstration for people with diabetes.
15. Organize a school or community vegetable garden to encourage healthy eating.
16. Work with a community podiatrist or foot care specialist to provide foot screenings.
17. Partner with your local diabetes organization to offer programs & materials.
18. Promote community resources and online materials from LCI partners NDEP, DECA & IDF.
19. Promote the importance of an annual dilated eye exam to detect diabetic eye disease.
20. Provide educational materials to schools & physician offices.
21. Plant trees with the advice of a local environment organization on the best locations and varieties.
22. Clean up a beach, community space or roadside area monthly as a club.
23. Hold an environment-themed photo contest at a school. Plant a tree or another green form of recognition to honor the winner.
24. Challenge all Lions in your club or district to add one green habit to their daily lives.
25. Recognize a local organization or community leader for environmental conservation work.
26. Volunteer with your local park service to maintain trails. Help more people access and enjoy nature!
27. Commit to “Meatless Mondays” or not eating meat one day each week.
28. Collect used cellphones and donate them to individuals in need.
29. Lead an after-school nature walk.
30. Survey homes and community areas for leaks in sinks, communal spigots or water fountains. Contact relevant officials for repairs.
31. Work with city officials to paint “no dumping” signs near road drainage areas.
32. Identify where to recycle toxic items and share the collection schedule.
33. Organize a mural competition to promote environmental awareness. Paint the mural in a prominent community location.
34. Implement a recycling drive where people donate gently-used items to charity organizations.
35. Develop a demonstration garden or landscaping plot using native plant species to restore the habitat and conserve water.
36. Sponsor a training program for farmers on how to make and use organic fertilizers and pesticides.
37. Produce a monthly nature program on a local public radio station.
38. Partner with a local carpenter to build rain barrels. Hold a training session with community members to promote using them for watering and irrigation.
39. Organize an alternative transportation incentive program to encourage walking, biking, public transportation and carpooling.
40. Establish a school garden and composting program to improve school meals & reduce waste.
41. Volunteer to deliver prepared meals to those who are elderly or visually impaired.
42. Organize a program at a local school to provide healthy, nutritious meals.
43. Prepare food baskets for families in need.
44. Volunteer at a soup kitchen or homeless shelter.
45. Take families in need shopping for fruits and vegetables.
46. Organize an event to benefit a food bank in your community; use cans of food as admission.
47. Hold a hunger walk and use proceeds to buy food for a children's center or a homeless shelter.
48. Create a cookbook of inexpensive, easy recipes.
49. Create healthy snack packages to be distributed to children in need.
50. Partner with local restaurants or food markets to deliver donations to a shelter.
51. Start a food co-operative to serve as a resource for healthy food at a more affordable price.
52. Collect infant formula and baby food for an organization serving young mothers at risk.
53. Work with healthcare professionals to provide free classes on nutrition & food preparation.
54. Provide fruits and vegetables as a healthy snack for children in childcare facilities.
55. Provide transportation for those who are elderly or visually impaired so they can shop for food.
56. Teach children to bake a loaf of bread they can take home to their family.
57. Invite a local food bank representative to speak at a club or district meeting.
58. Provide needy children with backpacks supplied with food for when school is not in session.
59. Host a picnic or BBQ at a park for the community.
60. Establish a community vegetable garden where local residents can grow their own food.
61. Organize a braille, large print and audio book collection to benefit a library or senior center.
62. Volunteer to create audio recordings of books & periodicals.
63. Work with local eye care professionals to provide community vision screenings.
64. Sponsor a World Sight Day event.
65. Sponsor visually impaired students through camps, contests or other activities.
66. Create a community arts program for children and adults who are blind or visually impaired.
67. Collaborate with an eye bank to promote the importance of corneal donations.
68. Develop a directory of community resources and services for those who are visually impaired.
69. Volunteer at a visual rehabilitation or vocational training center.
70. Organize an inclusive sporting event for children with and without visual impairment.
71. Host a fundraiser to purchase and donate white canes for those who are blind.
72. Work with local employers to develop an employee vision screening program.
73. Develop a discount voucher program with optical shops for underserved populations.
74. Design a transportation program for those who are blind or have low vision.
75. Host a “Beep Baseball” game or tournament.
76. Support a guide dog training program through fundraising or voluntary labor.
77. Develop an assistive technology library so people can access resources as their needs change.
78. Create a sensory garden that engages the senses of touch, smell, hearing & taste. Provide braille or audio recordings of signage.
79. Partner with a school for the blind to support assistive technology & maintenance needs.
80. Partner with an orientation and mobility specialist to provide ongoing support to teachers and employers of inclusive classrooms/workplaces.
Childhood Cancer
81. Provide craft materials, puzzles, books & games to children receiving treatment.
82. Prepare meals for families with children undergoing treatment.
83. Donate gas, parking & food gift cards to families in need or a childhood cancer center.
84. Provide cancer support books and magazines to your local school.
85. Write cards full of well-wishes and share them with a local cancer center.
86. Make or buy new hats, caps, head scarves and blankets to donate to children’s cancer centers.
87. Coordinate travel arrangements to and from treatments for a family of a child with cancer.
88. Provide tutoring services to children with cancer and their siblings.
89. Organize a childhood cancer camp or sponsor a child to attend one.
90. Volunteer to assist a family in sharing their story through photography.
91. Sponsor an activity day for children with cancer.
92. Raise awareness through radio public service announcements or social media campaigns.
93. Provide children’s entertainment at a hospital or treatment center for children with cancer.
94. Organize a weekend retreat for families with children in remission.
95. Remodel a children’s cancer center.
96. Form a support group for those affected by childhood cancer.
97. Familiarize yourself with the bone marrow transplant registry.
98. Volunteer at a housing facility serving children with cancer.
99. Assist at camps for children with special needs.
100. Host a wellness and nutrition day advocating healthy living habits for young people

Little Rock Founders King Lion Robert Maxwell, PCC Bill Heaston, DG Cleon at the Environment AdoptAStreet project along Fair Park Blvd by WSB, Feb 2021.