District Governor

Bill Yelland

2023 - 2024


211269 Baseline Rd. R.R. 3

Clifford, ON N0G1M0

Res: (416) 560-3647


Mount Forest Lions Club

Bill retired nine years ago when he and Susan purchased  their current property. After they completed the major renovations they joined the Lions in Mount Forest in 2015. Bill has served as first VP, club President and Zone Chair.

Bill had spent most of his career in the manufacturing sector producing branded merchandise, retail decorated kitchen ware, and the North American promotional products. He has served on the national industry board of directors as chairman and given courses at North American conventions.

Bill joined the Lions to meet new friends and help out in their adopted community. He experienced through participation and  the input of his mentors that unique wonderful tingle inside when a community project works. And Bill adds “I value the time I get to spend with fellow Lions.”

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