Eyeglass Recycling Resources

General note from Lions Clubs International:  Where to donate eyeglassesSend your collected eyeglasses to an official Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center (LERC) for processing.  There, the glasses are sorted to determine those that are usable or unusable, processed, and placed in inventory for distribution to optical missions around the world.  Lions help to minimize landfill waste by supporting precious metal reclamation and scrap processing for damaged glasses that are unusable. 



You Should Be Able To Drop Them Off At Your Local Walmart or Optical Shop, or With Your Local Lions Club

Eyeglasses and hearing aids recycling webpage

Our recycling efforts rely on a strong volunteer force to process eyeglasses. We conduct recycling the 2nd & 3rd Saturday of each month, from 9 am - 2 pm.  Come join us.


One pair of glasses can change a person's life!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_lt7bDGDMc

Our center, with the assistance of Lions Clubs across Alaska, USA and Yukon Territory, CAN, collect nearly 40,000 pairs of eyeglasses each year.  Through donated transportation services from Lynden Trucking and Carlile Transportation, eyeglasses make their way to our center.


At our center, the hundreds of boxes ofeyeglasses are sorted, inspected, cleaned, and then their prescriptions are read.  The eyeglasses are then sorted into adult and children by each range of prescriptions.


Our center produces nearly 22,000 pairs of useable single vision eyeglasses each year. Through the efforts of many volunteers, our eyeglasses impact the globe. 
Internationally we typically support about 13 international health missions. 
We pride ourselves in helping college students studying optometry, with eyeglasses to support their missions, 
We stand ready to support the Rural Alaska Eye Care program by filling prescriptions for those in the bush communities.
We send many glasses to Lions Clubs who have community residents in need
And we finally support our Lions Eye Care program.

If you have eyeglasses contact our recycling coordinator, Theresa Shorter at tashorter@yahoo.com.


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