Major Programs
While each club is unique, Lions clubs have a long history of assisting the visually impaired, supporting health programs for the disadvantaged, and making life better for people with disabilities. Lions also provide leadership development for future leaders through youth programs and work diligently to protect the environment.
Lions preventing River Blindness
We want everyone to see a better tomorrow. That's why Lions support sight programs and services including vision screenings, eye banks and eyeglass recycling. Provide eye care services to those at risk of losing their sight. And raise donations through campaigns like SightFirst and Campaign SightFirst II to eradicate river blindness and other preventable and treatable eye diseases.
Lions providing clean water to a village
Health Programs
We believe everyone deserves a healthy life. From providing health programs that focus on hearing loss to supporting efforts to control and prevent diabetes, we're working to improve the health of children and adults. In Africa, Lions provide treatment for curable diseases, build hospitals that bring doctors closer the people in need and expand treatment for AIDS.
Youth Programs
We empower the next generation. Whether it's providing volunteer and leadership experiences in a Leo club or sharing a message of peace through our Peace Poster contest, our youth programs invest in the future by reaching out to young people and empower them to improve their community while they gain valuable leadership skills.