

Frequently Asked Questions About BAIT-

A4 Lions Blind Anglers International Tournament


When is BAIT?

BAIT takes place in the spring each year. In 2025, it will be held May 30-June 1.

Where does BAIT take place?

BAIT takes place on the Ottawa River near Arnprior, Ontario

How can my Club get involved?

Clubs can donate financially as the event is run almost solely on these donations. Help spread the word. Refer Pros to the Committee. Volunteer to be a Guide or a Worker.

Where does my Club’s financial donation go?

Donations go to cover the expenses for the Blind Anglers and the Pros. The expenses include, but are not limited to, accommodations, food, prizes, and transportation.

What are ways I can get involved?

Lions can assist with financial donations, prize donations, volunteer to be a Guide, volunteer to be a Worker, and help spread the word.

How many Blind Anglers and Pros are involved?

In 2019 we had 26 Blind Anglers and 16 Pro Anglers. Numbers can vary between years.

Do I have to go for the whole weekend?

Some Lions only attend for part of the weekend. Should you wish to do this, please contact the Committee so we have more accurate counts for meals. If you are not registered to attend the entire weekend, you are responsible for covering your own meal costs.

Where can I get more information?

You can visit and you can also follow us on our facebook page  BAIT-A4 Blind Anglers International Tournament

Are there photos from past events?

You can visit and click on the Photo Gallery or check our facebbok page.

What happens to the fish?

We practice catch and release. Fish are held in proper fish holds on the boats then released after they are weighed on shore.

What are the fish breeds and prizes?

There are prizes for Biggest Pike, Biggest Walleye, Most Pike by Team, and Catch of the Day (most fish by weight). We also have the Frank Frier Trophy for the Volunteer of the Year.


For more info, check our website our facebook page BAIT-A4 Blind Anglers International Tournament, or email

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