MA Lions District 33N EyeMobile
Responsibilities and Liabilities

➡️ Click Here to download a copy of the Responsibilities and Liabilities Form

Now that you’ve reserved the MA District 33N EyeMobile get ready for your event!!!

The District 33N Eye Mobile, Inc., a 501(c)(3) Corporation of the Lions Clubs of Massachusetts, uses the District 33N EyeMobile1 to conduct free health screenings that include blood pressure, hearing and vision. In addition, the District 33N EyeMobile is used as a rolling billboard for events and parades. The District 33N Eye Mobile will be provided to responsible Lions Club Member(s) in good order and with vehicle insurance commensurate with Massachusetts vehicle insurance and Massachusetts state inspection laws.

Responsibilities and Liabilities:

  • Provide a $75 minimum donation to District 33N Eyemobile, Inc. prior to the event.
  • It is the reserving Lions Club’s responsibility to pick up and drop off the EyeMobile2 not the EyeMobile Committee Members or Officers.
  • All drivers must send their names, license numbers, and the date their license expires when booking the EyeMobile.  Reminder: All drivers must be Lions! No exceptions.
  • Seating in the vehicle is limited to two people in the front, no one may ride in the back. It is not allowed with our insurance policy, NO EXCEPTIONS! When vehicle is moving, front seat passengers must be buckled in.
  • Safe usage of the platform must be adhered to at all times.  No riding up and down on the platform for any reason is allowed. Traffic cones must be used to insure safe distance from the platform.  If Lions Club is not familiar with the use of the platform, the club member may request instruction prior to an event.
  • All equipment and vehicle surfaces must wiped down prior to and after use.
    • Sanitizing wipes and gloves are provided.
  • All equipment within the vehicle must be accounted for prior to and after an event and all items returned to respective spots within the vehicle.
  • Plus, fuel replacement.
  • PA System must be shut off! All lights must be shut off! No use of the Police Siren as against the Law!

The District 33N Eye Mobile will be provided in good order and with vehicle insurance commensurate with Massachusetts vehicle insurance and Massachusetts state inspection laws to responsible Lions Club Member(s).

Neither the District 33N Eye Mobile, Inc., a 501(c)(3) Corporation of the Lions Clubs of Massachusetts, nor any of its committee members, is liable for any situation(s) that arise while this vehicle and equipment are in use by the District 33N Lions Club that has requested use of the vehicle and equipment, including transport to/from an event or when in use at an event. By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the responsibilities and liabilities outlined in this document and that these items have been clearly communicated to all Lions Club members and volunteers who will be assisting in an event.

Note 1 and 2: “MA District 33N EyeMobile” refers to the vehicle and equipment owned by District 33N Eye Mobile, Inc. which is used for both reference and marketing purposes along with the term “EyeMobile” that is inclusive of both the vehicle and equipment.

Information contained herein is not inclusive to all responsibilities and liabilities and should be used as a reference. Please download, complete the form, and email to us to secure our EyeMobile for your event.


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