As weather shapes mountains, problems shape leaders.  Almost every great leader has had to meet a challenge head-on. Lions leaders confront challenges like membership growth, keeping projects effective and meaningful, motivating and inspiring club members, etc.  True leaders know that innovation, experimentation, and change all involve risk and possible failure, but they proceed anyway.

 Here are a few ideas to try if you want to take your clubs to places they’ve never been before.  

• Question the status quo.  Make a list of all the things in your club that fit this description: “That’s the way we’ve always done it here.”  For each one, ask yourself if this action is making your club the best it can be.  

• Put idea gathering on your agenda.  Talk to other members, share with other clubs, talk to people in the community, ask other leaders what they think.

• Go out and find something to fix.  Nothing can stifle innovation more than the attitude that says, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”  Something always needs fixing in every club.  Go find what it is and fix it.

• Add adventure and fun to everyone’s work.  Leaders aren’t the only ones who do their best when challenged.  Ask members to join you in solving problems, creating new service projects, or in planning the role of Lions in your community.

The GLT/GMT Leadership Team is gathering valuable resources from LCI that will help you to advance Lionism in your area.  Review the following links and see if any of the information listed below is valuable to your club, zone, or district.

Leadership Resource Center

Sample Club Brochure

30 Marketing Ideas


Lions Clubs International News
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