Planting and harvesting the seads


Third Quarter Multiple District 39 Newsletter


Dear AMAZING Multiple District 39 Lions,


Welcome, to the third edition of our new, quarterly newsletter!


    As we quickly approach the halfway point of the current Lion  fiscal year, I wanted to give you an update on our MD 39, reported stats for Service, Membership, and LCIF (donations). Congratulations, on your service and achievements so far! ROAR!


Multiple District 39 Stats as of December 20, 2024:

Membership= 1,241  Net Growth = +27

One new Lions Club (39W)

One new Leo Club (39E)

Service Activities Reported= 446

Service Volunteer Hours = 13,625 hours

People Served = 147,429


      Congratulations, to our first and second place, MD 39 Peace Poster winners! What talented, young artists we have in our MD. The MD 39 first place poster has already been sent in for judging at the International level. The MD 39 first place winner will receive a $50 prize from our Multiple District; the second place winner will receive a $35 prize from our MD. The winners’ checks will be mailed to each sponsoring club to award. A special “thank you” goes to our MD 39 Peace Poster Chairperson (PCC Bob Saunders), the panel of six judges, both DGs, and the sponsoring clubs. Be sure to read the Peace Poster article in this newsletter and view the poster photos. (Also, note the reminder about the MD 39 Patriotism Essay Contest in the article.)

      In this newsletter, you will find a MD 39 Convention “Save the Date,” as well as both pages of the MD 39 Convention sponsorship form. Sponsorship levels range from $25 (business card size) to $500. These sponsorships will help with convention costs and help lower the registration fees breakdown for our MD convention. We appreciate any Lions club, employer, Lion, or businesses that are interested in doing a sponsorship. It is our goal to keep the prices as reasonable as possible to enable more of our Lions/clubs to attend. Additional, exciting MD 39 Convention information and details will go out the end of February -first of March, 2025.

      An updated list of our MD “Heart of a Lion” recipients is included in this newsletter. Congratulations!


Thank you, for being an important part of our Multiple District 39, Lion “family!”



With my Warm & Appreciative Regards,

Lion Council Chair Betty


Download the newsletter for the rest of the Story

District 39W January Newsletter

DG John Hand - "Opening New Doors"



As I have visited many of you over the past 60 days, it reinforces how incredible the people of District 39W truly are!  Thank you for your service to your communities and to each other.
Each District Governor receives a packet to recognize years of service with Milestone Charter Monarchs (for those members who signed an original club charter) and Monarch Chevron Awards which honor length of service (five-year increments after ten-years).


This year, my packet honors 116 Lions Club members with an average of 22.3 years of service.  WOW--A TOTAL OF 2,590 SERVICE YEARS.
Thank you all of those awarded for their dedication to community service as a Lion!
I want to especially call out the following for serving 50 OR MORE YEARS:
Terry Brady (Boise Bench)
Donald Frank (Boise Vista)
William Parsons (Burley)
Andy Ross Anderson (Declo)
Duane Yamamoto (Kuna)
John Hiler (Mountain Home Charter)
Kenneth Everett (Mountain Home Charter)
Floyd Miller, Past International Director (Twin Falls)
I look forward to visiting every club this year to deliver all of the awards. 
Thank you, John    (208)869-8007


Download the 39W newsletter here for the rest of the story and pictures!!!!



December District 39E Newsletter

A Word from our District Governor

This year started off with a bang! I barely had time to catch my breath after PDG Lion Brookepulled the ribbon on my nametag during the International Convention in Australia beforeheading to Chicago for the Mission 1.5 Summit. At the same time, many of our District clubswere doing vision, hearing and diabetes screenings at the Eastern Idaho State Fair. I held myfirst cabinet meeting in August and coupled it with zone chair training. Lion Neal Jorgensenhas held two Zone Meetings and the other Zone Chairs are busy visiting clubs. First ViceDistrict Governor, Paula Turner and I have been all over the district, training Presidents andSecretaries as we go. Oh my gosh, our clubs are so busy! I have been to several greatfundraisers, and projects throughout the district recently and I am excited to see so manyclubs active and making a difference in our communities. If you haven’t seen me yet, look forme to do a club visit with you in the near future. Lion Irene Torgesen (our GlobalMembership Coordinator) has been working tirelessly with me to get several Leo clubsgoing in our District. I have been holding monthly contests for various initiatives includingmembership growth, service, and the upcoming one in December focusing on Lionsmarketing. Look for others to come up throughout the year! I have also been working hardto nail down the details of our Midwinter Convention coming up in February of 2025. I havesome great ideas in mind, so plan on joining me for a fun and informational convention. Inclosing, please remember I am here to help. If there is anything I can do for you, please don’thesitate to contact me! - District Governor, Lion Lisa Allen

Download the newsletter here for even more information

December District 39W Newsletter

DG John Hand - "Opening New Doors"
Over the past six weeks I have enjoyed so much getting to spend time with many clubs and see the difference Lions make to our communities every day. Thank you to Emmett, Boise Bench, Payette/Syringa, Nampa, Caldwell, Mountain Home, and Adrian! Every visit is rewarding and underscores how each Lions Club is unique. We share common values and purpose, of course, but priorities and challenges differ from community to community and club to club.
As a district, our primary focus this year is membership. Since July we have grown from 858 to approximately 885 members—which is great!! But while we have several big success stories in clubs like Mountain Home and Boise Bench, our growth is challenged in other areas. What can YOU do? Make a goal for your club! 10% or 15%--even 20%! growth—by July 1. As I said last month, this is the most important service project every Lion can do to keep our clubs healthy! Asking is always the hardest part, but it is always worth it. I am happy to update you on my five recruits: one has committed to join this month and two in January. If you want support in any way, just call me at 208-869-8007! All the Best, John Hand District Governor Email:

Download the newsletter here for the rest of the story





First Quarter Newsletter September, 2024 you can download the complete newsletter and pictures in this link


Please share this Newsletter with your members it is only sent to Club Presidents and Sectaries

CC Betty Simpson




Dear AMAZING Multiple District 39 Lions,


Welcome, to the second edition of our new, quarterly newsletter!

We are asking all club Presidents or secretaries to please, share our MD newsletters with their club members. Thanks. We hope you enjoy reading this newsletter.

    Please, be sure to check out the LCIF “Heart of a Lion” article. Funds raised will go toward a Multiple District (MD) Melvin Jones Fellowship Award. WOW! Wouldn’t it be exciting if enough funds are raised to award more than one? (Since this will be used for a MD MJF/MJFs please, be aware donations for this fundraiser will not apply toward individual MJFs.)


Q- May a club raise funds to help their members attend their district and the MD 39 Conventions?

A- Yes, with a friendly reminder that all monies for this needs to be raised Lion to Lion (i.e.- Tail Twisting, club meeting raffles). Funds raised from the public (i.e.- concessions at a game) must be used for community projects.** We can’t wait to see you at the conventions! J Plans are already underway in each district for their convention as well as plans for our MD 39 convention.


** Section B, Int’l. Board Policy Manual - “Use of Funds Policy”

General Policy on Funds Raised from Lions Clubs Activities.

Funds raised from the public must be used for the benefit of the

 public and community in which the Lions Clubs serve. The International

Constitution and By-Laws and Articles of Corporation (the governoring

documents) provide that chartered Lions clubs shall be not-for-profit

of the individual club or its individual members. Consequently, no part of

the net earnings of funds raised from the public shall benefit any individual

Lions members.


Thank you, for all the service you do in your communities. Each of you is such an important part of our dynamic, Multiple District 39 “family!”


With my Warm & Enthusiastic Regards,

Lion CC Betty

H 1-208-549-0299  C/T 1-208-550-0691

“Planting and Harvesting the Seeds of Lionism

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