What We Do for Lions

  LionNet was formed in 1995.Members joined the group frin 1995 through 2014.   

The goals of LionNet:

  • to create a well crosslinked network of Lions services throughout the world
  • to save work and coordinate efforts of Lions webmasters through cooperation
  • to create a well-defined structure to the Lions net, which helps users to navigate in it
  • to create bridges between Lions members in different countries, to promote contacts, discussions and cooperation between clubs, districts and Lions countries
  • to create a truly international, yet manageable infrastructure to the Lions Internet services


Ecourage Lions to create websites for their Clubs/District and Lions Club Projects.

We assisted the developmnet of Lions e-Clubhouse and Lions e-District.  Many Lions who are affiliated with LionNet perform many volunteer hours to assist Lions with these standard websites

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