District Governor's Listing for C2
Listing 1969-2023
Past District Governors Listing 2024-11.pdf (copy & paste)
Lions Club of Lac du Flambeau
The Club History by Lion Hiram Valliere
"The first charter night was held at Yeschecks' Tower. There are no charter members left today that were at the first charter night. There were a number of Lions present from the Arbor Vitae-Woodruff Lions Club who were our sponsoring club.
"The Lac du Flambeau Lions Club was chartered February 11, 1959 and included 39 charter members. The first couple of years went well, however the membership then began to decline. It was at this time a special club meeting was called by the remaining five active members. They met in a car in front of the hardware store on the main street in Lac du Flambeau. They decided not to disband; instead they decided to build up the membership. By the late seventies there were 68 members. Our club did many things. The meetings were fun and we had more ladies nights which included dinner and dancing for charter night, installation of club officers, fall cook out and the Christmas party.
"Our Lions Club to date had one District Governor, Lion Charles Francis. Lion Francis also served as Town Chairman for many years. It was while he was chairman that the Town of Flambeau in 1970 changed its' name to Lac du Flambeau. Lion Ben Guthrie was our last charter member and he resigned after serving our club for approximately 36 years.
"In the late sixties and early seventies the snowmobile had become popular. Our club joined with Arbor Vitae-Woodruff, Lake Tomahawk, Hazelhurst and Minocqua Lions Clubs to sponsor a cross country snowmobile race that started at the Lakeland Airport, to Tomahawk, to Hazelhurst, back to Minocqua and ended in downtown Lac du Flambeau. It was well over 50 miles long.
"I found a news clipping about the clubs 15th anniversary Charter Night. Charter member Ben Guthrie reviewed activities sponsored by the club which included golden glove boxing, little league, trapshooting, summer carnival, organization of the Indian Bowl, street lights, skating rink and lights, original Indian Pow Wow, historical marker, memorial veteran sign, improved roads, area map, high school and grade school athletic banquets, Scholastic Honor Society, eye glasses for the needy, Badger State Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts, Halloween party , Christmas party and clean up detail day."
Lac du Flambeau Lions Club hosted the 27-C2 Convention in 1998 and 2011 and will be hosting the 2014 District Convention in April. We are very proud to have had Lion Bob Moen as District Governor in 2010-2011.
Among other things we currently support the Wisconsin Lions Eye Bank, Lion Camp for the Blind, Sight First, Leader Dog, Diabetes Awareness, Dr. Kate Hospice, Lakeland Sharing, Lakeland Pantry, Lakeland Senior Center, Habitat for Humanity, Northwoods Wildlife Center, Intercultural Leadership Initiative, LdF Domestic Abuse, LdF Volunteer Fire and Ambulance Dept., LdF Museum, Tribal Boarding School Project and give four college scholarships.
We also provide yearly hearing and vision screenings at the Lac du Flambeau K-8 school, many of our members volunteer as tutors in the classroom and in the after school tutoring program, participate in the Lions Peace Poster Contest as well as hold a Peace Essay Contest at the school, provide transporters for the Wisconsin Eye Bank, and twice a year clean up several miles of Hwy. 70 W.
The Story of our Totem Poles
Is there room for another Lions/Lioness/LEO club? rlw
The Lions District in North Central Wisconsin encompasses 8 counties from Bayfield at the northern tip to Taylor with all the Maple trees. The number of clubs in Lions has been fairly consistence throughout the years stand at 40. Is there room for more clubs?
Over the years 18 Lions Clubs that have “Disbanded” from the C2 District. Arbor Vitae Woodruff, Elcho Pelican Lake, Hodag, Irma, Irma Birch Rock Falls, Land O Lakes, Merrill Noon, Nicolet Area Technical College, Odanah Bad River, Saxon-Gurney, Tomahawk Royal, Tripoli Brantwood L C, Westboro-Spirit, Stetsonville, LakeLand Ladies, and Rhinelander Northwoods, Bayfield, Barnes. Some have since combine with nearby clubs and unfortunately some members chose to disband also.
What counties with a population ratio to number of clubs/members could be a candidate for a new club or adding members to existing clubs?
The total population of the C2 District 8 counties is 161,842 residents with 1372 of those residents belonging to a Lions club.
Ashland with a population of 16,866 and 5 Lions clubs Ashland, Mellen, Glidden, and Butternut with 62 total members.
Bayfield with a population of 15099 has 4 clubs, Cable Area, South Shore (Port Wing) Iron River and Washburn with 156 members.
Iron county has a population of 5,916 has 2 clubs Mercer and Hurley with 62 members.
Lincoln’s population is 29,641 with 3 clubs Merrill, Gleason, and Tomahawk with a membership of 155.
Oneida’s population is 36,776 and has 6 clubs Sugar Camp, Rhinelander, Lake Tomahawk, Hazelhurst, Minocqua, and Three Lakes with 265 Lions.
Price County has a population of 15,822 with 5 clubs , Prentice, Park Falls, Phillips, Fifield, Catawba- Kennan and totaling 118 members.
Taylor has a total population of 20,689 and hosts 5 clubs Medford, Gilman, Jump River, Whittlesey and Rib Lake with 155 members.
Vilas has a total population of 21,033 with 12 clubs Sayner Star Lake, St Germain, St Germain Northern, Eagle River, Phelps-Land O Lakes, Plum Lake Lions, Presque Isle, Manitowish Waters, Lac du Flambeau, Conover, Winchester and Boulder Junction totaling 379 members.
"What is your club doing about attracting 40/50 age group Lions? Have you thought about a think tank of local business people and civic leaders in this age group and ask them what sort of a Lions club they would join --- but then you have to be prepared to give them that club."
Past International President Barry Palmer
Comming Soon --- Created By
Lions Clubs International - History
International Association of Lions Clubs began as the dream of a Chicago insurance man Melvin Jones, who wondered why local business clubs -- he was an active member of one -- could not expand their horizons from purely business concerns to the betterment of their communities and the world at large.
Jones' idea struck a chord within his own group, the Business Circle of Chicago, and they authorized him to explore his concept with similar organizations from around the United States. His efforts resulted in an organizational meeting at a local hotel on June 7, 1917.
The 12 men who gathered there overcame a natural sense of loyalty to their parent clubs, voted the "Association of Lions Clubs" into existence, and issued a call for a national convention to be held in Dallas, Texas, USA in October of the same year.
Thirty-six delegates representing 22 clubs from nine states heeded the call, approved the "Lions Clubs" designation, and elected Dr. William P. Woods of Indiana as their first president. Guiding force and founder Melvin Jones was named acting secretary. Thus began an association with Lionism that only ended with his death in 1961.
That first convention also began to define what Lionism was to become. A constitution and by-laws were adopted, the colors of purple and gold approved, and a start made on Lionism's Objectives and Code of Ethics.
One of the objects was startling for an era that prided itself on mercenary individualism, and has remained one of the main tenets of Lionism ever since. "No Club," it read, "shall hold out the financial betterment of its members as its object."
Community leaders soon began to organize clubs throughout the United States, and the association became "international" with the formation of the Windsor, Ontario, Canada Lions Club in 1920. Clubs were later organized in China, Mexico, and Cuba. By 1927, membership stood at 60 000 in 1 183 clubs.
In 1935, Panama became home to the first Central American club, with the first South American club being organized in Colombia the following year. Lionism reached Australia in 1947 and Europe in 1948, as clubs were chartered in Sweden, Switzerland, and France. In 1952, the first club was chartered in Japan.
The International Association of Lions Clubs is today the largest service organization in the world with over 1,4 million members in more than 43 300 clubs in 714 Districts covering 182 countries and geographic areas. Lions Clubs are not social clubs, although there are social benefits to membership. Lions Club members give their time, skills and resources to raise funds for charitable.giving both in their communities and internationally.
Lions Volunteer --- Dedication
Our EMBLEM ---
Our emblem consists of a gold letter "L" on a circular blue field. Bordering this is a circular gold area with two lion profiles facing away from the center. The word "Lions" appears at the top and the word "International" appears at the bottom. The Lions are meant to face both a proud past and confident future.
Our MOTTO ---
"We Serve," our motto is the basis and foremost description of what we do.
Our SLOGAN ---
"Liberty, Intelligence, Our Nation's Safety" is our slogan. The first letter of each word spells LIONS.
Our COLORS ---
Our official colors are blue and gold. Blue for loyalty and integrity and gold for sincerity, liberty, purity, and generosity
1989-1990 Telemark, Cable March 30-31, 1990
1990-1991 Holiday Inn, Rhinelander April 12-13, 1991
1991-1992 Holiday Inn, Hurley April 10-12, 1992
1992-1993 Ashland April 16-18, 1993
1993-1994 Holiday Inn, Rhinelander April 15-16, 1994
1994-1995 Lakewood Resort, Cable April 21-22, 1995
1995-1996 Holiday Inn, Rhinelander April 19-20, 1996
1996-1997 Ashland April 18-20, 1997
1997-1998 Lack of the Torches, Lac du Flambeau April 16-18, 1998
1998-1999 Les & Jims Lincoln Lanes, Merrill April 16-18, 1999
1999-2000 Lake of the Torches, Lac du Flambeau April 14-16, 2000
2000-2001 Lakewood Resort, Cable April 20-21, 2001
2001-2002 Lake of the Torches, Lac du Flambeau April 19-20, 2002
2002-2003 Holiday Inn Express, Rhinelander April 25-26, 2003
2003-2004 Chequemegon Hotel, Ashland April 30-May 1, 2004
2004-2005 Eagle River Inn, Eagle River April 22-23, 2005
2005-2006 Lake of the Torches, Lac du Flambeau April 21-22, 2006
2006-2007 Holiday Inn Express, Rhinelander April 27-28, 2007
2007-2008 Comfort Inn, Minocqua April 18-19, 2008
2008-2009 Lake of the Torches, Lac du Flambeau April 17-18, 2009
2009-2010 Hurley Inn, Hurley April 16-17, 2010
2013-2014 Lake of the Torches, Lac du Flambeau April
2014-2015 Lake of the Torches, Lac du Flambeau April
2015-2016 Lake of the Torches, Lac du Flambeau April
2016-2017 Lake of the Torches, Lac du Flambeau April
2017-2018 Lake of the Torches, Lac du Flambeau April
2018-2019 Lake of the Torches, Lac du Flambeau April
2019-2020 Cancelled - Pamdemdic
2020 -2021 The Waters, Minocqua April
2021 -2022 Lake of the Torches, Lac du Flambeau April
2022 - 2023 Lake of the Torches, Lac du Flambeau April
Alan Becker
Wisconsin State Secretary
On February 7,1987, Lion Alan B. Becker was appointed State Secretary of the Wisconsin Lions. Lion Al had joined the South Milwaukee Lions Club in 1965, served as club secretary and as club president during the 1970-1971 year. On the district level, Lion Al has served in different years as Chair of the Lions Information Committee, LCIF, Public Relations, as Extension Co-Chairman, Zone Chairman and Deputy District Governor. He helped organize three Lions Clubs.
Lion Al is a vete ran who served four years in the US Navy as a part of the Fleet Marine Force and is a life member of the Disabled American Veterans. He is very active in civic organizations, having served on the South Milwaukee School Board and spent four years on the board of Cooperative Education Service Agency 19.
He is a Melvin Jones Fellow, a Master Key member, holds three extension Awards and received the International Presidents Award. Lion Al and his wife, Marie, have one daughter, Heide. He resigned as State Secretary effective January 1,1988.
Debi Lutz
Wisconsin State Secretary
Debi Lutz was appointed to serve as the Wisconsin Lions State Secretary, effective July 1, 1988. Her appointment came after she had served as secretary at the state office for six years and as interim State Secretary since January 1, 1988.
Lioness Debi joined the Plover-Whiting Lioness Club in 1982 wher she maintained perfect attendance and held many offices. During her year as club president, she was 100% President.
Debi resigned as State Secretary in June of 1993.
At the 67th Wisconsin State Lions Convention in 1990, the Council of Governors honored Lioness Debi as a Melvin Jones Fellow and in 1993 as a Birch Sturm Fellow. Lioness Debi and her husband Lion David have two daughters, Sarah and Jennifer.