Adopted at District Convention February 14, 2009
Section 1. This organization shall be known as District 3-L of the International Association of Lions Clubs hereinafter referred to as Lions Clubs International.
Section 1. Provide an administrative structure with which to advance the purposes and objects of Lions Club International in this district.
Section 1. The members of this organization shall be all Lions clubs in the district chartered by Lions Clubs International.
Section 2. The boundary lines of this district shall be as set by the State Plan.
Section 3. Wherever the male gender or pronoun presently appears in the District 3-L Constitution and By-Laws, it shall be interpreted to mean both male and female.
Section 1. Cabinet and Officers
- The district shall have a District Cabinet composed of the District Governor, Immediate Past District Governor, 1st Vice District Governor, 2nd Vice District Governor, Region Chairperson, Zone Chairperson, and a Cabinet Secretary-Treasurer. The members of the District Cabinet shall be the officers of the district. Each officer shall be a member in good standing of a Lions Club in good standing in the district.
- The District Governor and Vice District Governors shall be elected at the annual convention of the district. The District Governor shall appoint, by the time he takes office, the Cabinet Secretary-Treasurer, one Region Chairperson for region, and one Zone Chairperson for each zone, in the district.
C. Any vacancy in any district office, except that of District Governor and Vice District Governors shall be filled by appointment of the District Governor for the unexpired term thereof. The procedure for filling the position of District Governor is in accordance with ARTICLE V11, Section 9. (a), (3) of the Lions International Constitution. The procedure for filling the position of Vice District Governors is in accordance with Article 1, Section 5 of the By-Laws of the Oklahoma Lions (MD-3).
- Each Region and Zone Chairperson shall:
1. Be an active member in good standing in his/her respective region or zone.
2. Have served or will have served at the time of taking office as Region or Zone Chairperson, as president of a Lions Club for a full term or major portion thereof, and served as a member of the Board of Directors of a Lions Club for no less than two (2) additional years.
- If any Region Chairperson or Zone Chairperson ceases to be a member of a club in the region or zone to which he/she was appointed, his/her term of office will thereupon cease and the District Governor shall appoint a successor to fill said office.
- No salary shall be paid to any officer of the District.
Section 2. District Cabinet Meetings
- Regular. A regular meeting of the Cabinet shall be held in each quarter of the fiscal year, with the first to be held within forty-five (45) after the adjournment of the preceding International Convention. The Cabinet Secretary-Treasurer shall give ten (10) days written notice of meetings setting forth a date, time, and place determined by the District Governor to each member. Notification may be published in the District Governor’s Newsletter.
- Special. Special meetings of the cabinet may be called by the District Governor at his/her discretion, and shall be called upon written request made to the District Governor or the Cabinet Secretary-Treasurer by a majority of the members of the Cabinet. No fewer than five (5) nor more than ten (10) days written or telephonic notice of special meetings, setting forth the purpose thereof and a date, time and place determined by the District Governor, shall be given to each member by the Cabinet Secretary-Treasurer.
- Quorum and Vote. The attendance of a majority of the members of the cabinet shall constitute a quorum for any meeting thereof. In all such meetings, the voting privilege shall extend to the District Governor, Immediate Past District Governor, Vice District Governor, Region Chairperson, Zone Chairperson, an the Cabinet Secretary and Cabinet Treasurer or Secretary-Treasurer.
Section 3. Regions and Zones
- The District Governor shall divide the district into regions of no more than sixteen (16) and no fewer than (10) Lions Clubs, and each Such regions into zones of no more than eight (8) and no fewer than four (4) Lions Clubs, giving due regard to the geographical locations of the clubs. All such regions and zones shall be subject to change by the District Governor when, in his sole discretion, he shall deem the same necessary in the best interests of Lions Clubs International.
- Region Meetings. Meetings of representatives of all clubs in a region, with the Region Chairperson or District Governor presiding, may be held during the fiscal year at times and places fixed by the Region Chairperson of the respective region or District Governor.
- Zone Meetings. Meetings of representatives of all clubs in a zone, with the Zone Chairperson or District Governor presiding shall be held during the fiscal year at time and places fixed by Zone Chairperson of the respective zone or District Governor.
Section 4. District Committees.
- District Governor’s Advisory Committee. In each zone, the Zone Chairperson and the presidents and secretaries-, or secretary-treasurers of the clubs in the zone shall compose the District Governor’s Advisory Committee, with the Zone Chairperson as Chairperson thereof. At a date, time and place called by the Zone Chairperson, this committee shall hold a first meeting within ninety (90) days after the adjournment of the preceding International Convention: the second meeting in the month of November, a third meeting in the month of February or March, and a fourth meeting approximately thirty days prior to the MULTI District Convention.
- District Governor’s Honorary Committee. The District Governor may appoint a District Governor’s Honorary Committee composed of past international officers (Past District Governors are past International Officers) who are members in good standing of clubs in good standing within the district. This committee shall meet when call by the District Governor.
Section 1. Annual Per Capita Tax. An annual per capita tax of three dollars ($3.00) shall be levied upon each Head of the Household in the district. The Head of the Household will be charged full District Dues. All other Lion members of the family living in the same household will only pay one half (1/2) of the district dues. The Cabinet Secretary-Treasurer shall bill each club on August 1 and February 1 for one-half (1/2) years dues based upon the club membership reported on the M & A Report for June and December, respectively. The Cabinet Secretary-Treasurer shall collect dues not later than September 15th and March 15th of each year. Newly chartered and reorganized clubs shall be required to pay the per capita tax on a pro-rata basis from the first day of the second month following the date of charter or reorganization. All clubs will also receive a month grace period before they are billed for the new member.
Section 2. Convention Fund. Fifty cents ($.50) of the annual per capita tax shall be designated for the Convention Fund and shall be used to defray expenses of the District Convention. The Convention Fund shall be used at the discretion of the District Governor and the District Convention Committee as start-up monies, to provide entertainment, speakers, or prizes for speech contestants, as necessary. These funds will be restricted and carried forward from year to year as accumulated. They shall not be used in lieu of registration fees or to reduce meal costs.
Section 3. Disbursements. Disbursements from the per capita tax, not allocated to the District Convention Fund, shall be made for non-convention expenses of the district upon approval of the District Governor. The disbursing officer shall be the Cabinet Secretary-Treasurer. Non-convention funds shall be dispensed for district administrative expenses as per the district budget approved by the district cabinet and dispensed by check drawn by the District Secretary-Treasurer.
Section 4. The District Governor shall provide for an annual or more frequent audit of the books and accounts of the Cabinet Secretary-Treasurer. A statement of the financial condition of the district shall be sent to Lions Clubs International and each club in the district within sixty- (60) days after the close of the fiscal year by the District Governor then in office.
Section 1. An Annual Convention of the District shall be held in each year prior to the International Convention at a place selected by the District Governor. The District Governor shall fix the date and time for the convention.
Section 2. The District Governor shall receive invitations in writing from places desiring to entertain the convention. All invitations shall set forth such information as the District Governor shall from time to time require and shall be delivered to him no later than thirty (30) days prior to the convening date of the District Cabinet meeting at which they are to be voted upon. Procedures to be followed in investigation of bids and in presentation of the same to the District Cabinet meeting, as well as action to be taken by a District Cabinet meeting in the event no bids are acceptable to, or receive by the District Governor, shall be determined by the District Governor.
Section 3. The members of the District Cabinet shall be the officers of the Annual Convention.
Section 4. The District Governor shall appoint a Convention Sergeant-at-Arms and Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms.
Section 5. One or more delegates at the Annual District Convention shall represent each chartered club in good standing in Lions Clubs International and the district. Each club shall be entitled in each such convention to one voting delegate and one alternate for each ten members, or major fraction thereof as shown by the records of the International office on the first day of the month last proceeding the month during which the convention is held. The major fraction referred to in this section shall be five or more members. Each certified delegate present in person may cast one vote only for each office to be filled by, and one vote only on each issue to be voted on by the members of said convention. Delinquent dues may be paid and good standing acquired at any time prior to the close of credential certification, as such closing time shall be established by the rules of the respective convention.
Section 6. A majority of the delegates, certified and in attendance, at each regularly announced business session shall constitute a quorum of the convention.
Section 7. Within sixty (60) days after the close of each single and sub-district convention, the secretary thereof shall transmit one copy of the complete proceedings to the international office. Upon written request from any club in the respective district a copy shall be furnished to said Club.
Section 1. This constitution may be amended only at a District Convention by resolution reported by the Convention Committee on Constitution and By-Laws and adopted by the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast.
Section 2. No amendment shall be reported or voted upon unless the same shall have been furnished in writing to all Lions Clubs and the District Cabinet members no less than thirty (30) days prior to the convening date of the Annual Convention with notice that the same will be voted at said convention.
Section 1. Nominating Committee. The Credentials and Election Committee shall constitute the District Nominating Committee.
Section 2. Any member of a club in the district seeking the office of District Governor shall file his/her intention in writing with the Nominating Committee 45 days prior to the convention, and furnish therewith evidence of his/her compliance with qualifications for said office set out in the Lions Clubs International Constitution and By-Laws. The Nominating Committee shall place in nomination at the District Convention the names of all candidates qualified. If none are so received and/or so qualified then but then only, nominations for the office may be made from the floor. Each candidate shall be allowed one nominating speech of no more than five minutes duration, and one seconding speech of no more than three minutes duration.
Section 3. Any member of a club in the district seeking the office of 1st Vice or 2nd District Governor positions shall file his/her intention in writing with the Nominating Committee 45 days prior to the convention, and furnish therewith evidenced of his/her compliance with the qualifications for such office set out in the Lions Clubs International Constitution and By-Laws. The Nominating Committee shall place in nomination at the District Convention the names of all candidates so qualified. If none are so received and/or so qualified, then but then only, nominations for the office may be made from the floor. Each candidate shall be allowed one nominating speech of no more than five minutes duration and one seconding speech of no more than three minutes duration.
Section 4. The election shall be by secret written ballot. The candidate receiving a simple majority of the votes cast shall be declared elected. In the event no candidate receives a simple majority, balloting will continue until one is elected.
Section 5. In the event of a vacancy in the office of District Governor, the vacancy shall be filled in accordance with the provisions of the international constitution. The remaining cabinet officers and members of the District Governor’s Honorary Committee shall convene at a date, time and place called and determined by the immediate Past District Governor to pick a replacement for recommendation to the Lions Clubs International Board of Directors.
Section 1. Duties of Officers. The duties of the various officers and committees of the district shall be in accordance with the Lions Clubs International and the Oklahoma State Lions Constitution and By-Laws.
Section 2. District Advisory Committee. These committees shall consist of the Presidents, Secretaries, and Membership Chairperson of each of the clubs in each zone. The members of these committees shall assist the Zone Chairperson in an advisory capacity and solicit recommendations affecting the welfare of Lionism and the clubs in the zone.
Section 3. District Governor’s Honorary Committee. It shall act under the direction of the District Governor in the promotion of harmony throughout the district. The Chairperson of this committee shall attend meetings of the cabinet when requested by the District Governor.
Section 4. Sergeant-at-Arms. The Sergeant-at-Arms shall maintain order and decorum at the respective conventions and meetings and perform such other duties as are incident to his office under Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.
Section 1. The Credentials and Election Committee of the district shall be composed of the District Governor, as Chairperson, the Cabinet Secretary-Treasurer, and those appointed by the District Governor. The Credentials and Elections Committee shall have the power and perform the duties set forth in Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.
Section 2. Each District Governor Elect shall appoint a Budget and Audit Committee consisting of two (2) active Past District Governors and one (1) active member-at-large for the purpose of formulating a proposed budget for the District. This budget must be presented at his/her first cabinet meeting for approval.
Section 3. The Budget and Audit Committee shall review the budget for compliance after the District Governor has served six (6) months and report its findings and recommendations at the next cabinet meeting.
Section 4. The District Governor shall appoint the CHAIRPERSON of, and fill any vacancies occurring in the following District Convention Committees- Resolutions, Credentials and Elections, and Constitution and By-Laws. These committees shall perform such duties as the District Governor shall designate.
Section 1. The District Governor shall approve the order of business for the District Convention.
Section 2. The Fall Conference and Mid-Year Convention are to be self-supporting. Funds remaining at convention end that are not used for convention expenses are to be submitted to the district treasurer. The exception is a gift for the speaker and his/her spouse shall be paid from district funds.
Section 3. The District Governor Elect shall make plans for an Officer’s Training School and appoint a committee to activate and promote attendance. The emphasis at this school shall be Leadership and Membership.
Section 4. The District Governor may make plans for a district-wide social activity by appointing an activity committee of three (3) or more district representatives to encourage attendance.
Section 5. Except as otherwise provided in the Constitution and By-Laws, or in the Rules of Procedure adopted for a meeting, all questions of order and procedure in any district meeting or convention shall be determined by Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.
Section 6. District Lion of the Year. Guidelines for selection of the District Lion of the Year shall be:
- Must be an active member in good standing.
- Must be nominated by his/her club or zone chair.
- Must have performed outstanding service beyond the club level during the current year.
- Nominations for District Lion of the Year must be received by the District Governor 45 days prior to the State Convention. The District Governor shall forward all nominations to the Committee Chairperson.
- All nominations should include a photo of the individual member nominated.
- District Lion of the Year may not be selected again. A Lion who moves into the district and may have received the award in another district may be eligible in District 3-L.
- Selection of the District Lion of the Year will be made by a committee comprised of prior recipients. The immediate Recipient will be the Chairperson of the committee and will select a minimum of five (5) additional members which must include at least one (1) member from each region and cannot include more than one (1) member from any single club. Each committee member will vote on his/her choices-without regard to name or club membership, if known. The nominee with a majority of the votes will be declared Lion of the Year. The winner shall be known only to the Committee Chairperson, who shall count the votes, and the District Governor prior to the 1st of April each year.
Section 7. Leo of the Year. Nominations for District Leo of the year must be received by the District Governor 45 days prior to the State Convention.
Section 8. DeRoy Skinner Rookie of the Year Award
This is a District level award to recognize a Lion who has advanced the development and progress of Lionism in a tangible and meaningful way. This award will be given at the District Convention to one Lion per region at the maximum. The purpose of this award will be to provide a means for Lions Clubs to recognize one member of their club for his/her outstanding efforts in Lionism.
Eligible Nominees: All active Lion members that have been a member for not more than five (5) years at the beginning of the current Lion’s year. Nominee must be in good standing with the club.
Selection Process: The District Governor will ask for nominees from the clubs to be sent to him/her no later than 30 days prior to the District Convention. The District Governor will appoint a selection committee, and they will recommend to the District Governor the rookies of the year for each region.
The method of selection of the local nominee will be determined by the club. The club president may wish to appoint a special committee to select a nominee or may ask their board of directors to carry out the responsibility.
Selection will be made from a Bio of the nominee submitted by the club president or club secretary.
Section 9. George Hazelbaker Lifetime Service Award
This is a District level award to recognize a long time Lion who has advanced the development and progress of Lionism in a tangible and meaningful way.
- The George Hazelbaker Lifetime Service Award selection will be made by a committee comprised of prior Recipients. The immediate past recipient will be the Chairperson of the committee and will select a minimum of three (3) and a maximum of five (5) additional members and cannot include more than one (a) member from any single club. Each committee member will vote on his/her choices without regard to name or club membership, if known. The nominee with a majority of the votes will be the recipient of this award.
- The awardees must have a minimum of twenty (20) years service as a Lion.
- The Recipient must have contributed to his or her club, district and state to further the goals of Lionism. Though some Lions may be only partially active due to ill health or other unavoidable problems, they would still be considered for the award.
- The George Hazelbaker Life Time Service Award may be awarded only once.
- The recipient must be nominated by his or her club and selected by a committee of the past recipients. Nominations shall be sent to the Committee Chairperson before January 1st each year. The District Governor shall present the Award at the District Convention.
- Funds for the purchase of the award will be included in the District Budget.
Section 1. Subject to the provisions of the Lions Clubs International Constitution and By-Laws, any member of a Lions Club in the district seeking endorsement of a district convention as a candidate for the office of International Director or Second Vice-President shall:
- Deliver (by mail or in person) written notice of intention to seek such endorsement to the District Governor and if this is a sub-district of a multiple district, to the Multiple District Council Chairperson, no less than thirty (30) days prior to the convening date of the respective Convention at which question of endorsement is to be voted upon.
- Deliver notice of intention evidence of fulfillment of the qualifications for such office as set forth in the Lions Clubs International Constitution and By-Laws.
Section 2. Each notice of intention so delivered shall be transmitted forthwith by the District Governor to the Nominating Committee of the respective convention, which shall review and perfect the same by obtaining from each prospective candidate any additional evidence of such intention and qualifications as may be Necessary under the Lions Clubs International Constitution and By-Laws, and shall place in nomination at the respective Convention the name of each such prospective candidate who has fulfilled said procedural and constitutional requirements.
Section 3. Each such nominee for endorsement shall be entitled to one seconding speech of no more than three (3) minutes duration.
Section 4. The vote on the question of endorsement shall be by secret written ballot. The nominee receiving a majority of the votes cast shall be declared endorsed (elected) as the candidate of the convention and district. In the event of a vote or failure of one nominee to receive the required majority, on any ballot, balloting shall continue until one receives the required majority of the vote’s cast.
Section 5. Certification of Endorsement by the respective convention shall be made in writing to the international office by the district officials designated, and in accordance with the requirements set forth, in the Lions Clubs International Constitution and By-Laws.
Section 6. No endorsement of any candidacy of any member of a Lions Club in this district shall be valid unless and until the provision of this Article V have been met.
Section 1. The fiscal year of this District shall be from July 1st through June 30th.
Section 1. These By-Laws may be amended only at a District Convention, by resolution reported by the Convention Committee on Constitution and By-Laws and adopted by a majority of the votes cast.
Section 2. No amendment shall be so reported or voted upon unless the same shall have been furnished in writing to each club and cabinet member no less than thirty (30) days prior to the convening date of the Annual Convention with notice that the same will be voted upon at said convention.
Section 3. Corrections of typographical errors, omissions, or incorrect additions may be done by the Constitution and By-Laws, without voting in convention so long as it does not change the meaning and intent of the provisions as originally voted by the 3-L Lions in Convention.
Section 4. The Constitution and By-Laws Committee may present amendments to the District 3-L Constitution and By-Laws, mandated by changes to the International Association of Lions Clubs constitution and By-Laws, to the District Cabinet for adoption, without the requirement of presenting such amendment or change as a resolution at the next District Convention.
These By-Laws shall take effect at the close of the District Convention at which the same is adopted by the affirmative vote of a simple majority of the votes cast.
The Constitution of the International Association of Lions Clubs and Multiple District 3 will take precedence over this constitution in the event of a conflict.
Section 1. The Central and Southwest Eyeglass Recycling Project is adopted as a joint project of Oklahoma Districts 3L and 3H. The project is organized under independent documents including a constitution and bylaws that reflect the joint nature of this project and require governance by a board of directors of equal numbers from each district.