
Nevada Lions District 46 Major Projects
Blind Center of Nevada
City of Hope
Lions Burn Center at UMC

Lions Eye Foundation
Lions In Sight

Canine Companions LPCCI
Read Between the Lions
Washoe County Lions Sight Conservation Committee
Kids Sight 

White Cane Days

Primary Programs
Camp Dat-So-La-Lee
Camp Lotza Fun
Lions Quest

Student Speakers Foundation
District Service Programs 
Youth Exchange (YEP)
Lions Sight First Foundation of Southern Nevada
Peace Poster
Prison Eyeglass Recycling Program

Flag Day

District 46 Foundation 

District Resources 
Access to Zoom reservation and support for meetings 

New Committees

Cancer Family Respite Program
Cancer Facts

  • 13% increase in incidence of childhood cancer over the last 20 years
  • 6 years average age at diagnosis of children with cancer
  • Each year, more than 300,000 children are diagnosed with cancer globally. This    means that a child is diagnosed with cancer every 2 minutes.
  • Globally, 37% of children with cancer sur­vive, but survival rates vary widely by region.
  • In 2018, the World Health Organization launched the Global Initiative for Childhood Cancer with the goal of reaching at least 60% survival rate for children with cancer by 2030. The Initiative brings together stakeholders from around the world and across sectors to­wards the common goal... >90% of childhood cancer deaths occur in low resource settings.

We are moving forward with assisting in the program in Northern Nevada by procuring goods and services for our families in need. If you have connections that could pro­vide needed items such as gas cards, or services such as house cleaning, oil changes, staycations, movies, and more so the siblings and family can have some sort of normalcy in their lives…if only for a few hours or days.

For further information contact:
IPDG Barbie Hertz

Burn Center at UMC
In 1968, the need for a special care center for the treatment of burn victims in Southern Nevada was brought to the attention of the Lions. The Lions took on this challenge, and through a concerted effort, the LIONS BURN CENTER was opened in February 1969,at what was then the Southern Nevada Memorial Hospital. Over the years, local Lions Clubs have donated over $700,000 to provide advanced equipment and expanded facilities to make the LIONS BURN CENTER a premier burn care facility which is recognized and used by patients throughout the southwest. In 1969, the average cost of treatment for a major burn was $12,000. In 2007, a small burn requiring a very short stay in the hospital can average between $5,000 and $10,000. At the same time the cost of treating a major burn victim can range between $500,000 and a million dollars. The Lions Burn Unit at UMC expanded from 10 to 18 beds in May 2007 and provides a variety of services:
Inpatient Wound and Burn Care
Outpatient Wound and Burn Care
Wound Enterostomal Specialist
Community Outreach and Prevention Services Specialty
Burns, Wounds, Plastics and Podiatry

For further information:
Cathy Downey

Burn Care Services, University Medical Center
1800 West Charleston Blvd.
Las Vegas, NV 89102
1-855-BADBURN - Emergency

Camp Dat-So-La-Lee
In 1989, Camp Dat-So-La-Lee was voted by Lions District (then 4N) now “46” as a District's primary service project. The camp was created as a major service project that would provide a common benefit to residents throughout our geographical region.

The camp is named in honor of “Dat-So-La-Lee”, a member of the Washoe Indian tribe of the northwestern Nevada and Lake Tahoe region. In the 19th century. She is considered by many to be the greatest Indian basket weaver in recorded history.

The week-long recreational summer camp is for children, sponsored by local Lions clubs of District 46, from disadvantaged families that may not be able to afford the expensive private camps in the region.

The Camp has been held in late June of each year since 1990, at Lions Camp Lamoille, high in the spectacular Ruby Mountains near Elko Nevada, for approximately 48, 10 & 11-year-old deserving boys and girls.

A distinct Indian theme prevails throughout the week. Campers are divided into six "tribes," which participate in archery, BB-gun shooting, softball, soccer, fishing rod casting, and obstacle course competitions, wilderness exploring, map reading, outdoor games and many interesting arts and crafts. On one morning the staff takes the campers hiking in the high country, explaining the beautiful mountain ecosystem, and giving the campers a fantastic view of the camp and the canyon.

The camp is staffed by paid counselors and Lions volunteers, with a high ratio of adults to children, so that each camper will receive close personal attention and lots of TLC.

There is no cost to the families of the campers. Sponsoring Lions Clubs, private contributions, annual calendar sales and revenue from a DAT-SO-LA-Lee endowment fund, cover the cost of the camp. Monies collected, more than the annual costs, along with Life memberships and fellowship donations, are added to the George F Hamilton Endowment Fund. This fund was established to ensure that monies will be available to continue the camp for years to come.

Contact Lion Bob Lehman
Visit Camp Dat-So-La-Lee

Student Speakers Foundation
Contact PDG Kimo Harward
Visit Student Speakers Foundation
here &

Camp Lotza Fun

In 2014, Camp Lotza Fun became a project of the LV Summerlin Lions Club; immediately joined by other Lions Clubs. Within 6 months, Camp became a 501(c)3 charitable organization. We are pleased that clubs throughout District 46 have come to support the camp. In our second year, we became a District project and in 2017, our fourth year, we were unanimously voted in as a District 46 Primary Program. We are considered an educational camp by several local & federal government agencies as well as our program presenters.This is a week-long summer camp for 9- to 11-year old boys and girls on the free lunch program or itsequivalent. This camp is completely free to the familiesand we do not turn children away whether they have asponsor or not. We provide clothing (when needed),sleeping bags, toiletries, food and any needs a child may have. Our Camp includes many programs: hiking expeditions, astronomy night, fishing, swimming( Olympic-size pool), BB gun shooting, archery, arts and crafts. We have no paid staff and our camp cook is a professional chef. We have local restaurants provide some meals. We have a fantasy land theme such that names are used from cartoons and children’s fantasy books and movies. Papa Smurf has been a hit as he greets the children upon arrival at camp. The camp name was adopted to set the tone for the children to have fun.

Contact Lion Jeannette Rosenberg-Line
Visit Camp Lotza Fun 

Lions Quest
Lions Quest is a program in which teachers, and anyone who works with children, are trained to teach and use information pertaining to character education and conflict resolution. This includes communication skills, self-esteem, and the ability to make wholesome decisions.

There are three parts to the program and each was created to address the concerns and knowledge that pertain to certain age groups. Those three age-appropriate programs are:

  • K-5 - Skills for Growing
  • 6-8  - Skills for Adolescence
  • 9-12- Skills for Action

Lions Quest, besides the social and emotional training in the Lions Quest Program itself is the only character education program that involves service learning and includes the parents of the children.

Through this program students gain personal character and civic values, the ability to make positive and healthy decisions, communication and problem-solving skills, and the aptitude to set and achieve goals. Educators create positive environments, see less risky student behavior, and produce greater academic success. And schools advance through a shared vision among staff, developmentally appropriate curricula across grade levels, and parental and community partnership in student education.

To get the Lions Quest Program going in District 46, Richard Weidiman of Multiple District 4-N, obtained a grant which helped finance the beginning of the program in District 46. At that time District 46 was part of Multiple District 4-N. Shortly after its establishment our district applied for and received its 501(c)(3) tax exempt status from the IRS.

This is an important program for the State of Nevada especially since the governor of our state, Brian Sandoval, mandated that all schools in our state have a character education program in place.

Children are only 25% of our population but 100% of our future! We must teach and train them to be positive members of our society.

Contact Lion Carol Confino
Learn more about Lions Quest here and


Carol Confino, President
TBD, Secretary
TBD, Treasurer

Blind Center of Nevada
The Blind Center of Nevada was founded in 1955 by Audrey Bascum Tait. With the help of the Lions, what began as a simple group visually impaired people gathering on Audrey's back porch soon grew large enough that, in 1960 the Lions gave the Center a two room- building in Las Vegas. The Center has maintained its home at the same location ever since.

The purpose of the Blind Center of Nevada is assist blind and visually impaired persons of all ages in reaching their highest physical, social, intellectual and economic potential. The challenges associated with blindness may be overcome with determination, education, training and opportunity.

Programs and activities offered by the Center are to assist blind and visually impaired persons. To achieve these objectives, the Center focuses upon three primary areas: Personal Development, Social Interaction, and Meaningful Employment.

It is the purpose of the Blind Center of Nevada Committee to assist the Center in furthering these objectives. 

For Additional Information, contact:
Lion Robin Kelly

Blind Center of Nevada
1001 N. Bruce Street
Las Vegas, NV 89101
visit The Blind Center here

Canine Companions LPCCI
Founded in 1975, Canine Companions for Independence (CCI) pioneered the concept of training dogs to assist people with disabilities other than blindness. With service dogs as the cornerstone, the CCI program expanded in the 1980s to include hearing dogs trained to alert the hearing-impaired and social dogs for persons with developmental disabilities or where the supervision of a third-party is required.

Through the LPCCI program, Lions help provide trained dogs to persons with disabilities, to assist them in gaining greater independence, self-esteem and mobility in their lives. Clubs are invited to join the LPCCI family of member clubs by making an  annual pledge based on the number of members.

Lions can also be a puppy raiser or breed caretaker!

Life Memberships, LPCCl Fellowships, and Abdul Awards are wonderful ways to honor a respected member of your Club. Puppy Adoptions, Team Sponsorships  and other fund-raisers help to provide equipment and supplies for the regional training centers in Santa Rosa and Oceanside, California.

Contact your District Trustee or LPCCI for information on programs and applications.

Exceptional dogs for exceptional people

District 46 Director: Lion Dahleen Kendler
or additional information:
 Contact Lion Dahleen Kendler at

LPCCI National Office
Sarah Haberthur , Administrator
PO Box 3896, Santa Rosa CA 95402
Bus: 707-577-1774 or 1-877-865-7224 (toll free) Fax:
707-577-1712 Email:


Lions In Sight
Lions in Sight has been a District 46 endorsed project since 1991. It has four charter objectives, which are: (1) To serve as Lions Clubs Internationals Eyeglass Recycling Center for the Western United States. (2) To provide clinic trips to developing nations to prescribe the recycled eyeglasses to those in need. (3) To provide used eyeglasses to Lions Clubs worldwide, and to ensure the eyeglasses are appropriately prescribed and distributed. (4) To expand the capability of Lions in District 46 to provide free primary eye care to the needy in their districts.
President - PDG Linda Griffin - District 4C3
2nd Vice President - TBD
Area Director - Larry Winkler
PID Jack Epperson - Trustee

PDG W.J. Fields - Trustee

1404 Lemon Street, Vallejo, CA 95490
(925) 708-4833
Fax (707) 648-2481
1404 Lemon Street
Vallejo, CA 95490
(707) 648-2306

Lions Eye Foundation (LEF)
The Lions Eye Foundation is a nonprofit, charitable corporation, generously supported by the Lions and Leos of California and Nevada, which supplies eye care, other than glasses, to people who otherwise could not have such services available to them.


1st VP/Lead Trustee: PDG Cliff Cooper Sparks Greenbrae Lions
Trustees: Lion Don Watson LV Host Lions Club, Dr. David Hoskins CV Valley
Advisors: Lion Linda Brown Reno Host Lions, PDG Sharlene McGinnis LV Host, Gloria Watson LV Host

The Lions Eye Foundation
PO BOX 7999
San Francisco, CA 94120
(415) 600-3950(415) 369-1225

Visit here

Read Between the Lions 
The Read Between the Lions Program for Reading Skills has progressed from inception in 2013 to International presentations in Sydney, Australia, and Las Vegas, Nevada, in 2018. This program addresses saccadic fixation, which is a keystone visual skill NECESSARY for reading.

The mission began in 2013 when optometrist Richard Meier, introduced saccadic fixation dysfunction as an epidemic (statistically, 20% of the population) to the Washoe County Lions Sight Conservation Committee. The specific challenge was to develop and implement a screening and remediation program for use in the Washoe County School District. What resulted is a program designed to first identify folks that have a saccadic fixation dysfunction through screening. The next step is to offer effective, userfriendly remediation to train the eye muscles to work together by using repetitive focusing techniques, done in time to a metronome. It began with a Lions volunteer program that included mass screenings of several hundred children in 3 Washoe County elementary schools. We developed screening and remediation forms and fine-tuned techniques and protocol.

We focused on the Nevada state mandate that children must be proficient readers by the third grade. The forms were developed with 6-year old’s in mind. It is a cost-free program designed for use by all ages.This 2018 Centennial Legacy Project compliments the Lions International Reading Action Program and meets the Engaging Youth Service Challenge.
For additional information:
Richard Meier, OD UNR Centennial Lions Club

Janyce Rossall
Visit here


City of Hope
Compassion was the driving force that led to the founding of City of Hope in 1913. That spirit lives on at City of Hope which today provides help to millions of people who are battling life-threatening diseases.

City of Hope is one of just a handful of Comprehensive Cancer Centers in the United States as designated by the National Cancer Institute (NCI), and a founding member of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN). At City of Hope more than 300 physicians and scientists and over 2,500 employees work to find the causes of and cures for cancer and other life-threatening diseases.

Research is directed at new discoveries in genetics, biology, immunology, brain and neural functions. More than 290,000 volunteers and donors worldwide support City of Hope and make it possible to continue the lifesaving work done here. Approximately 20 percent of our funding comes from private support through charitable contributions.

The "LIONS WALL" at the City Hope recognizes the ongoing efforts of the Lions Clubs to surmount cancner. Clubs raising $300.00 receive a tile honoring their president, their club and the year he or she held office. Tiles are awarded annually, and the wall rededicated on "Lions Day."

Lion Dahleen Kendler, District 46 Representative
Visit The City of Hope here

Washoe County Lions Sight Conservation Committee
The Lions Clubs in the Reno-Sparks area, to more efficiently coordinate and evaluate the numerous requests for eye examinations and glasses from individuals and school children in the Truckee Meadows, formed the Washoe County Lions Sight Conservation Committee in 1977. During its first year the committee spent approximately $4,000 from its meager funds donated by participating Lions Clubs. In contrast, during 2002 - 03 the committee provided eyerelated services to over 500 recipients at a cost of more than $37,000. Today all expenditures go toward eyeglasses, as more than 20 generous and dedicated optical professionals furnish all examinations without charge. Since its formation in 1977, more than $500,000 has been expended to aid over 10,000 men, women, and children in the service area. Over 90% of the recipients have been children.
For further information:
Lion Linda Brown, Committee Chairperson

Janyce Rossall, Secretary
PO Box 11935
Reno, NV 89510

White Cane Days
White Cane Days is observed annually in October. This project has raised well over $6,000,000 for the sight projects of individual Lions Clubs. The White Cane Days program provides funds for financial aid to nonprofit institutions serving the visually-impaired for the purchase of special ophthalmological equipment for hospitals and clinics, for summer vacations and recreational opportunities for sightless children, for surveys and vision therapy in schools, for mobile vision screening units, for Braille writers and books, for providing meeting places, assistance for sightless groups and to finance surgery and hospital care for those in need. White Cane Days is truly a grassroots project, where individual Lions get out and meet the public one-on-one. Who knows what enduring public relations benefits have accrued to the Lions image as a result of participating members wearing their highly visible vests while championing this cause?
For further information:
Lion Susan Akers for Northern Nevada

PDG Al Vangorden and Lion Donna Cutler for Southern Nevada

Lions Clubs International Club Supplies Catalog carries the
Collection can and white cane sticker tags.
Phone: 630-571-5466 ext 6921 or
White Cane Days, Inc.,
P.O. Box 1
Monterey Park, CA 91754, USA
Phone: 626-307-9569
Fax: 626-307-1611

Lions Sight First Foundation of Southern Nevada
Dr. Peter DeBry – TBD
Cathy Downey – Secretary LV Summerlin
PDG Sharlene McGinnis – Treasurer LV Host

Peace Poster
Annual world-wide art competition 

Lion Terry Rubald

Nevada Prison Eyeglass Recycling Program
In a cooperative effort between the Lions Clubs of Nevada and the Nevada Department of Corrections, local prisoners are learning how to recycle eyeglasses for distribution to needy individuals domestically and throughout the world.  This program is implemented in facilities in the Las Vegas area and is planned for expansion statewide.

Modeled after similar programs in other states, inmates learn skills in the operation of lensometers, equipment that reads lens prescriptions, and techniques for classifying and packaging of eyeglasses for distribution.  Studies have consistently shown that the job skills developed by prisoners who participate in this program result in a significantly lower likelihood of returning to prison after release.

The eyeglasses to be processed by the inmates are collected throughout the state by local Lions clubs.  Until now these donated eyeglasses were transported to California for processing at one of six prison facilities in that state.  Now Nevada can send thousands of eyeglasses annually to needy recipients worldwide.

This program was made possible through collaboration with the Lions in Sight Foundation and a matching grant from Lions Clubs International Foundation
PID Jack Epperson Dayton Valley

PDG Al VanGordon Summerlin Lions 

Youth Exchange
Marco Rudolf Black Mountain Lions Club 

Flag Day 
Over 550 Lions Clubs in California and Nevada, plus over 175 clubs from West Virginia, Hawaii, Oregon, Oklahoma, New Mexico, New York, Missouri, and Wisconsin are participating in the LIONS FLAG DAY PROGRAM.

Over 20 years ago, Past District Governor Al Richter of the Turlock Lions Club initiated Flag Day. The Lions have now presented over 2,250,000 flags, and we hope more clubs will become involved in this rewarding patriotic program. The response to the LIONS FLAG DAY PROGRAM shows that patriotism still stands high in our country. The success of the program itself does not depend as much on the grandness of the event as it does on the sincerity of the givers and receivers. Presentations ranging from simple gift-giving to elaborate ceremonies involving the entire student body, faculty, community civic leaders, and bands can in their own way be appropriate and successful.
PDG Vern Watts, Reno Arch Lions 

Kids Sight 
nationwide program to safeguard the vision of children, concentrating on kids aged 6 months through 6 years, but screening through grade 12 where possible.

According to educational experts, 80% of learning is visual. So if a child can’t see well, he can’t learn well. Yet most young children don’t get their vision screened until they have problems learning or paying attention in school. By then, it may already be too late. Unless vision problems are detected early and corrected, they risk becoming permanent by age 7.

Lions in the USA already screened over 1.5 million kids per year through state-wide and local programs often known as “KidSight.” Lions KidSight USA is a national coalition that brings together Lions programs that screen preschool and school age kids in order create a coordinated national program with a strong Lions Clubs identity.

Our mission is to ensure eye screening and follow-up care is given to all kids because every child deserves to learn and see the world clearly. To do this, we will work with Lions to increase the number of screening programs around the country in order to reach more children when it is possible and where it is needed.
Contact Lion Bob Knipes

District 46 Foundation
The Lions District 46 Foundation is an IRS 501(c) (3) tax-exempt Nevada Corporation that accepts and distributes donations in support of humanitarian programs within the District. Any district program or club in good standing may apply for grants from the Foundation.

The Foundation was initially formed to support the activities of the 2018 Las Vegas International Convention Host Committee. The Host Committee realized a profit and converted the Foundation to utilize those funds to support the needs of District 46.

For additional information:

PDG Barry Temple

Zoom Reservations and Support
District 46 has purchased a Zoom account for use by any District 46 Lions Club who wish to use it. In order to use this account, you must contact the District Secretary who holds the credentials for the account ( You will need to provide a date and time of your Zoom meeting so it can be placed on the Zoom calendar, maintained by the District Secretary. Only one meeting can be scheduled at any given time. The Cabinet Secretary will provide login information for you to schedule your own meeting.

For further information:

Contact Team MarComTec Member Adam Hopkins,









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