Membership and Club Development Resources

Your Zone Support Contacts for Membership
and Club Development


Global Action Team Resource Center


(1) Global Leadership Team (GLT)

Multiple District GLT - Terry Woodruff

District GLT - Terry Woodruff

Club President and Vice President E-Book

Club Secretary E-Book

Club Treasurer E-Book


(2) Global Membership Team (GMT)

Muliple District GMT - Pat Hulsey

District GMT & GET - Kimberly Stemm

District GMA Champion - Derek McCubbin

District New Voices - Bryan Larison

New Member Orientation

Member Perks


(3) Global Service Team (GST)

Multiple District GST - Diane Drummond

District GST - Kim Coleman

Childhood Cancer






Click here to see your Lions Club Zone Chairperson Team


            Assessing Clubs                                               Engaging Members

Promote at the beginning of the                           Promote year round to highlight 

Lion year and encourage them                            different way members can 

to action the results of these                                make their experiences more

assessments to improve club's                            meaningful.


Club Health Assessment Action Strategies                 Membership Satisfaction Guide


          Starting Clubs                                                     Recognizing Members

Promote to those interested in                             Promote early in the Lions year 

starting and supporting new                                to the clubs and district leaders 

clubs, so new clubs receive                                can plan for recognition 

the support they need to grow.                           opportunities: 

Starting a Club Branch                                            Hal Long Rookie of the Year

Start a LEO Club                                                     Lion of the Year Award

Membership Types                                                  Carobelle Carson Award

                                                                                              Mike Banks Spirit Award


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