Administrative Committees | |
Audit |
Dorothy Long Year - Kendal Lions Club Ph: (905) 797-2793 |
Bereavement |
PCS Lion Lori Loucks - E.P. Lions Club lionloriloucks@gmail.comP: (705) 977 - 2735 |
Budget and Finance | CT Albert Munneke, DG Frank Hewitt , 1VDG Kevin Kimmerly, 2nd VDG Bryan Adams |
Constitution, Bylaws and Protocol | PCC Mark Kelso Trenton Lions Club markaltcrz@yahoo.com H: 613- 394 – 0055 C: 613 – 968 - 1738 |
Convention Chair/Host | CT Albert Munneke, Kendal Lions Club. amunneke@nexicom.net C: 705 – 930 - 5744 TBA |
Elections and Credentials | David Goode (Barbra), Millbrook and District Lions Club goodedbi@nexicom.net H: 705 932 - 5220 |
Historian | PDG Doug Galt, Land O’Lakes Lions douglasgalt@gmail.com H: 613-336-9898 |
LCIF | PDG Don Radnor, Havelock Lions havelockliondonradnor@gmail.com H: 705-868-9092 |
Research, Long Range Planning | PCC Mark Kelso, DG Frank Hewitt, 1 st VDG Kevin Kimmerly, 2nd VDG Bryan Adams |
Global Membership Committees | |
Global Membership Team (GMT) Coordinator | 2nd VDG Bryan Adams, Bancroft Lions Club H: 613 332 – 3301 C: 613 202 - 1820 pzcbmadams@gmail.com |
Global Membership Approach Lead | PCC Lion John Whyte, Prince Edward County Lions Club jhwhyte48@yahoo.ca C: 613 654 - 2800 H: 613 847 - 3749 |
Family and Women Membership | TBA |
Leos |
PDG Dave Hansen , Sharbot Lake & District H:613-375-6318 |
Marketing, Public Relations and Community Connections | PP Mike Hage, Land O’Lakes Lions Club Mikehage971@gmail.com C: 778 384 – 3382 |
Global Leadership Committees | |
GLT Coordinator |
1 st VDG Kevin Kimmerly, Cobourg Lions Club |
Honorary Committee |
PCC Mark Kelso, Trenton Lions Club |
Incoming Officers School | IPDG Lion Frank Hewitt, E.P. Lions Club & FVDG Bryan Adams, Bancroft Lions Club |
International Advisor | PID Terry Graham, Trenton tdgraham375@outlook.com 905-923-3980 |
Global Service Committees | |
GST Coordinator |
Lion Angie Perrier, Frankford Lions Club| |
Childhood Cancer |
Lion Lydia Elliott, Chemung Lake District |
Diabetes |
Lion Heather McKellar, Trenton Lions Club |
Environment |
Lion Deb Fortin Brown, Stirling and District Lions Club |
Hunger |
Vacant |
Vision/Eyeglass Recycling | Region 11 – Ron Duesharm Kingston Lakeshore West; Don Clark, Kingston Lions Club Region 43 – Doug White-Norwood Lions Club; Zone Chairs Region 10 - Individual Lions Clubs. |
Vision/Hearing Screening | RC Nancy Lane, Lakefield & District jnlane@nexicom.net H: 705-652-1372 |
Communications | |
Facebook and Club Communications | Lion Frank Hewitt, E.P. Lions Club thelionwhisperer2017@gmail.com H: (705) 868 8916 |
District Reporter (Lions Magazine) | Lion Frank Hewitt, E.P. Lions Club thelionwhisperer2017@gmail.com H: (705) 868 8916 |
Technology & Webmaster | Lion Rachel Ste. Croix, Lakefield & District Lions Club lionrachelstecroix@gmail.com C: 905 244 - 6774 |
District Newsletter |
PCS Karen Christopher, Kendal Lions Club |
Service to Youth Chair | |
Effective Speaking | PCC Graham Lewis, Peterborough papagraham1949@gmail.com H: 705-745-9939 |
Lions Quest | Lion Stacy Perrier, Frankford Lions Club Sperrier1317@hotmail.com H: 289 200 - 0370 |
Literacy Chair | Lion Colleen Power, Lakefield Village powercoleen@gmail.com H:705-931-0405 |
Peace Poster | Lion Marie Meeks, Napanee Lioness Lions mariemeeks3@gmail.com H: 613-478-5472 |
Lions Services | |
Special Olympics | Lion Robert Clement, Trenton Lions Club rclement8@cogeco.ca H: 613 847 – 5646 C: 613 847 - 5646 |
Lions Camp Dorset | PZC Steve Scally, Bancroft pzcsteve@gmail.com H: 613-334-1980 |
Leader Dogs for the Blind | Lion John Morris, Chemung Lake District johnmorris1998@gmail.com H: 705-876-1905* Preferred method of communication |
Lions Foundations of Canada Dog Guides | PDG Lion Janet Marissen, Prince Edward County Lion Club jgmarissen@gmail.com H: 613 961 – 0990 C: 613 970 - 1831 |
Hearing/Lions Home for the Deaf | Lion Susan Flanigan, Foxboro Melrose Lions Club twoflanigan@sympatico.ca H: 613 477-1046 |
Lions Fellowship | Angie Austin, Kendal Lions Club cntrygirl74@hotmail.com C: 289 685-1337 |
Accessibility Chair | Lion Devon Wilkins, East Peterborough Lions Club theharness@bell.net H: 705-761-6779 |
Chair: PDG Don Radnor havelockliondonradnor@gmail.com
Chair: PDG Mark Kelso markaktcrz@yahoo.com
IPDG Linda Zwier zw3026@xplornet.ca
PDG Barry Flanigan twoflanigan@sympatico.ca
PDG George Fournier 613-546-7401
PDG Doug Galt doug.galt1@gmail.com
PID Terry Graham tdgraham375@outlook.com
PDG Dave Hansen lionhansen@yahoo.ca
PDG Frank Hewitt thelionwhisperer2017@gmail.com
PDG Eric Holmden eric.holmden@eastlink.ca
PDG Bill Lewis lewis.bh@sympatico.ca
PCC Graham Lewis papagraham1949@gmail.com
PCC Harry Marissen harryjmarissen@gmail.com
PDG Janet Marissen jgmarissen@gmail.com
PDG Ron Moir 613-374-5508
PDG Harvey Moore mooreharveyruth@gmail.com
PDG Albert Munneke amunneke@nexicom.net
PDG Earl Oliver revilo@bell.net
PDG Linda Prenger lprenger2@gmail.com
PDG Don Radnor havelockliondonradnor@gmail.com
*PCC Erwood Reynolds rowenareynolds@bell.net
PDG Mary Ann Smith smithma@queensu.ca
PDG Victor Smith smithma@queensu.ca
*PDG Frank Stewart fstewart@nexicom.net
PDG Bob Taylor dga3icy2k@sympatico.ca
PDG John Thompson pdgjohn@sympatico.ca
PDG Bob Van Wort robertvanw2@hotmail.com
PDG Jim Wilson jimwilson559@gmail.com
PCC John Whyte jhwhyte48@yahoo.ca
PDG Bill Zwier zwierw@gmail.com