Global Action Team (GAT) - GLT, GMT, GST
The Global Action Team (GAT) structure is a "bottom-up" approach to support clubs. It is an entire Lions network designed to work for clubs. The following is how this approach works for the clubs in Area C (MDC).
At the Club Level
Each club president is automatically the club's Global Action Team (GAT) club chairperson. This chairperson reports directly to the GAT district chairperson - the district governor. The roles and responsibilites of the GAT club chairperson can be found here.
At the District Level
Each district has a GAT district chairperson which is automatically the district governor for that district. Under the district governor are the GLT coordinator, GMT coordinator, and GST coordinator appointed by the district governor. Depending on the constitution and bylaws of the district, the appointments can be from one to three years.
Job Descriptions
Click on the position below to find the roles and responsibilities of the district coordinators.
District C-2 Global Action Team
GLT Coordinator | John Goodrich | |
GMT Coordinator | Brian Grier | |
GST Coordinator | Cathy Anderson | |
District C-1 Global Action Team
GLT coordinator | Susanne Leshchyshyn | |
GMT coordinator | J. Leonard "Butch" Bouchard | |
GST coordinator | PDG Margaret Bouchard | |
At the Multiple District Level
The Council Chair is automatically the GAT multiple district chairperson. The CC appoints a GLT, GMT and GST muldiple district coordinators.
Job Descriptions
Click on the position below to find the roles and responsibilites of the multiple district coordinators.
At the Constitutional Area Level
All Lion multiple districts are assigned to a Constitutional Area. There are 7 constitutiontal areas globally. Each constitutiontal area can be divided into 3-8 areas depending on the number of multiple districts. Our multiple district is in Constitutional Area 2 where there are 3 smaller areas. Each constitutional area has a GLT, GMT, and GST constitutional leader and each areas has a GLT, GMT, and GST area leader. For constitutional area 2, they are as follows:
Constitutional Area 2 GLT Leader | PID Roderick Wright |
Area C GLT Leader | PCC Polly Voon |
Constitutional Area 2 GMT Leader | PID J. Carl Young |
Area C GMT Leader | PCC Gordon Ziegler |
Constitutional Area 2 GST Leader | PID Marvin Chambers |
Area C GST Leader | PDG Rob Hill |
At the LCIF Level
At LCIF there is a Global Action Team chairperson and 3 vice-chairs.
Global Action Team Chairperson | PIP Wing-Kun Tam |
Global Action Team Vice Chairperson - Leadership | PIP Wayne Madden |
Global Action Team Vice Chairperson - Membership | PIP Mahendra Amarasuriya |
Global Action Team Vice Chairperson - Service | PIP Barry Palmer |
Additional information on the 2017-2020 Global Action Team can be found at the LCIF website.