Global Leadership Team (GLT)

Do you see leaders in your club, zone or district that look like they are having fun? Do they do a good job? Have you ever thought about moving up in your club, zone or district?
What is holding you back?
Everyone has the capacity to be a good leader.
Are you afraid of making a mistake? Of not being effective? Of not being supported? Not to worry!
We all make mistakes, we can train you to be effective and clubs, zones and districts love to support those that make that jump into leadership roles. Many club officers have had the positions more than once. They wouldn’t do that if it was miserable. Ask any past district governor and they will tell you that being Zone Chair was one of the most fun leadership positions they had. Then ask if being a district governor was worth it. They will tell you it was an experience of a lifetime.
If you think you may be ready for the jump, we have training coming up in the near future. If you are not yet a second vice district governor, think about attending the Regional Lions Leadership Institute that will take place in New Hampshire March 21-22. This is a fun but intensive training to make sure that you are ready to move up.
Thinking about becoming a club officer? Attend the Club Officer Training class in April. These classes are open to all Lions. You do not have to be in the position. Plan to attend even if you are just thinking about stepping up to one of these officer roles. Can’t wait for these trainings? There are online courses you can take in Learn in the Lions Portal. Just put in what position might interest you and take some courses. Or you can start Lions University through the USA/Canada Forum page.
Have questions? Attend our GAT Zoom meeting on November 13!
If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me
Tom Reynolds, GLT - District 44N



Online Training opportunities are available
Club Officer Training: Online training options are available for club president, secretary, treasurer and more.
Lions University is offered by the USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum
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