We are looking for families willing to host students that arrive in Wisconsin. As host families you can pick the student and the country they come from.
Each year beginning in Mid-June thorugh Mid-August in Wisconsin we welcome 50-60 youth from approximately 30 countries to participate in the Lions International Youth Exchange Program.
Lions Clubs from all over the world are participating in this program. This is a cultural exchange. There are NO fees or administrative costs. Their placement in Wisconsin is arraged by volunteer Lions. This program also allows us to coordinate U.S. students to visit a participating country.
Contact MB Siakpere 708-507-7575 for more information.
Some participating countries are: Austria, Belgium, Brazil, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Russia, Slovakia, Span, Switerland, Tahiti, Taiwan, and Turkey.
Lions Clubs from all over the world sponsor Peace Posters from 11-13 year olds. Over 600,000 children participate annually. The theme for 2024-2025 was "Peace Without Limits". We received 9 Posters at the District level. The First Place Winner for District 27-E2 will go to the Multiple District-27 competition. There is also a Peace Essay Contest for the visually impaired. If you know someone who would like to compete in next year's contest, contact your local Lions Club.