To lead is to serve - - - To serve is to lead
Leadership can be defined very simply as: acting in such a way that others follow you, or in a more complex way as: a process of Social Influence, which maximizes the efforts of others, towards the achievement of a goal.
Leadership Development is critical for continued success of not only our clubs, but also our Districts, Multiple Districts, and even Lions Club International. Through the Global Leadership Team structure, leadership committees are charged with two responsibilities: the provision of training for incoming officers at all levels of the association and identifying and developing future leaders
USA/Canada Leadership Forum
Lions University is empowering Community Service Leaders. As a Lion Club Leader, you understand that building strong communities through volunteer service is our objective. The Lions University program is about making sure that you have the skills and resources to meet this objective
Bachelor's Program - This program allows lions to develop the necessary skills to lead a vital Lion Club. The requirements to fulfill the Bachelor's program are:
Attend a USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum
Complete 10 required courses (and online quizzes) and complete 5 elective courses (and quizzes)
Master's Program - This program focuses on giving support to clubs through district leaders.
Requirements for Master's Program are: Complete the Bachelor's Program, Attend second USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum, Attend a Leadership Institute (Regional, LCI Emerging, or advanced, or District Governor Elect School, Complete 10 required courses (and quizzes) at least 5 elective courses ( and quizzes)
Doctorate Program - This program focuses on skills needed to be a training facilitator for Adult Volunteers
Requirements to fulfill Doctorate program are: Complete the Masters program, Attend 3rd USA/Canada Forum, Attend a Faculty Development Insitute, Complete 10 online Courses (and quizzes), Complete 5 elective courses (and quizzes) and submit a video training sample and receive feedback.
visit www.lionsuniversity.org for more information on the USA/Canada Forum
2017 USA Canada Forum is Sept 2017 in Portland Oregon