First Quarter Newsletter September, 2024 you can download the complete newsletter and pictures in this link


Please share this Newsletter with your members it is only sent to Club Presidents and Sectaries

Planting and harvesting the seads

CC Betty Simpson




Dear AMAZING Multiple District 39 Lions,


Welcome, to the second edition of our new, quarterly newsletter!

We are asking all club Presidents or secretaries to please, share our MD newsletters with their club members. Thanks. We hope you enjoy reading this newsletter.

    Please, be sure to check out the LCIF “Heart of a Lion” article. Funds raised will go toward a Multiple District (MD) Melvin Jones Fellowship Award. WOW! Wouldn’t it be exciting if enough funds are raised to award more than one? (Since this will be used for a MD MJF/MJFs please, be aware donations for this fundraiser will not apply toward individual MJFs.)


Q- May a club raise funds to help their members attend their district and the MD 39 Conventions?

A- Yes, with a friendly reminder that all monies for this needs to be raised Lion to Lion (i.e.- Tail Twisting, club meeting raffles). Funds raised from the public (i.e.- concessions at a game) must be used for community projects.** We can’t wait to see you at the conventions! J Plans are already underway in each district for their convention as well as plans for our MD 39 convention.


** Section B, Int’l. Board Policy Manual - “Use of Funds Policy”

General Policy on Funds Raised from Lions Clubs Activities.

Funds raised from the public must be used for the benefit of the

 public and community in which the Lions Clubs serve. The International

Constitution and By-Laws and Articles of Corporation (the governoring

documents) provide that chartered Lions clubs shall be not-for-profit

of the individual club or its individual members. Consequently, no part of

the net earnings of funds raised from the public shall benefit any individual

Lions members.


Thank you, for all the service you do in your communities. Each of you is such an important part of our dynamic, Multiple District 39 “family!”


With my Warm & Enthusiastic Regards,

Lion CC Betty

H 1-208-549-0299  C/T 1-208-550-0691

“Planting and Harvesting the Seeds of Lionism

Hawks game- sponsored by Envision


39E PDG Lyndon Rinehart (cornea transplant recipient) threw out the first pitch.

USA Canada Lions Leadership Forum- Louisville, KY

Multiple District 39’s LCIF Fundraiser 



“The Heart of a Lion”   

Multiple District 39’s LCIF Fundraiser


     Do you know a special Lion in our Multiple District? One that exemplifies all that being a Lion is about? Perhaps, they are a Lion mentor to you, other Lions or, your club. They might be involved in many ways at one or more Lion leadership levels. They might also be the soft spoken Lion that is always there for your club activities and projects.


     Whether you know of one or many special MD Lions, you can honor them by purchasing a heart or hearts for each, during the “Heart of a Lion” fundraiser. The cost is $10 per heart. Hearts can be purchased October 1-December 31All funds will be donated to LCIF on behalf of our MD 39 to be used to award a MD Melvin Jones Fellowship. All recipients’ names will be displayed at the MD 39 Convention plus, listed in both the district and Multiple District newsletters next spring.


    To add to the fun, the Lions Club with the most hearts purchased by members/club will receive a special bronze Lion with their club name and “The Heart of a Lion” engraved. This will be awarded at the MD 39 Convention at Sun Valley.


    To purchase a heart/hearts:

1) Write a check to LCIF for the total amount of hearts purchased. ($10 per heart)

2) Enclose a list of the names of the Lions to be recognized for having “The Heart of a Lion” and the name of Lion and/or club purchasing hearts.

3) Mail check(s) to Council Chair Betty Simpson, 1760 Sunset St., Weiser, ID, 83672.


Your MD 39 LCIF Coordinators’ Team,

MD 39 Coordinator, CC Betty Simpson

39E Coordinator, PDG Lyndon Rinehart

39W Coordinator, Lion Rick Shurtleff

MD39 Marketing Corner October 2024


I'm so glad I stumbled across that optometrist's webpage... was a site for sore eyes.


What about websites? I recommend that every club should have one and keep it current. A website can have as much information as the club wants and should at least let the viewer know how to reach the club, meetings, and projects at a minimum. Facebook can do a great job too, but the more exposure a club has on the web, the more likely it will be viewed.

Sone advantages of a website:

·       #1 Online Presence 24/7. Your members and the public can always find you; it offers the user the information they are looking for at their convenience.

·       #2 Information Exchange. You can list your meeting times, how to contact the club and information about Lions

·       #3 Credibility. There is an expectation that a reputable organization will have online presence. The same can be said about having a telephone number, email, or physical address. (Clubs should have a generic club e-mail to keep contact consistent as officers change i.e.


We have a mix of clubs with Lions e-clubhouse pages and commercial pages. It appears that GoDaddy may provide the easiest commercial webpage for updating and is worth researching if your club chooses to look for an alternative to Lions e-clubhouse. An example of a GoDaddy website is the District 39W at


E-clubhouse has some good features and is FREE to Lions Clubs. It is somewhat limited and restricted as to the kinds of media can be downloaded to it. However, it can be effective if updated regularly and contains useful information.

Some really great features are:

·       Club home page- no fixed format, you can include club history, pictures of club activities and whatever else you think will attract interest

  • Calendar of Events: Use the calendar to keep everyone informed of important dates.
  • Club Projects: Provide information on your projects and let your community know how they can support your projects.
  • Photo Gallery: Showcase your club's activities by posting photos of recent projects, or speakers at your regular meetings
  • Contact Page: Post key contact information for people in your community to call or email so they can learn more about your club and get involved.
  • Up to five additional pages for your club's special functions or news. Such as membership information or club projects.

If you have a Lions e-clubhouse page and do not have a record of the sign in credentialsyou can learn how to recover it from the FAQ page Lions e-Clubhouse and you can also apply for new website from this page. I may be able to answer questions.

 Examples of current e-clubhouse sites: ** ** and Tucson Cyber Lions Club - Lions e-Clubhouse

Also, please use only the LCI approved Lions logos, either in color or black and white, they may be downloaded from the LCI website ( or I can forward them to you.

Curt Kelley

MD39 Marketing Chair




If your club would like to participate, you need to order a packet from LCI immediately.  Poster theme: “Peace Without Limits”


Nov. 15 – posters to district chair or district governor

Dec. 1 – top 3 posters to PCC Bob Saunders


Patriotism Essay


Theme: “Celebrating America’s Beauty”

Mar. 21 – top 3 essays per grade level to district chair or district governor

Apr. 5 – top 3 essays per grade level to PCC Bob Saunders

Sun Valley Obit - Information Request


PCC Joyce Saunders is collecting all obituaries for the memorial service at Sun Valley.  If a member of your club or someone who has been a Lion in the past, passes away please send any information about that person to:

Newsletter Information


This newsletter is an excellent way to share information. Anybody can send in an article! Do you have an up-coming event, a service project you are passionate about, just completed a fun project or just want to share an Idea? Well send us the information! and we will include it in the next Newsletter. Send us a couple of pictures to go with it to add to the impact.  


The MD39 newsletter will be sent out quarterly (July, September, January, and April) on the 25th of each month.


The deadline for submission of your newsletter article is the 20th of the month.


Articles need to be in a Word document or similar text file. Try to make your articles concise and limit the number of photos to two (2).



*Please make sure you have a release from a parent or guardian for any pictures that include children.


Email your articles for the newsletter to


Feel free to call, email or text if you have any questions

Your Newsletter Team


Lions Rose Jensen & Billie Wood

Billie 214-784-3217

39W Convention


39W DG John Hand


Hello fellow Lions!


I’m excited to personally invite you to join us this October for the District 39W Convention. Together, we’ll be opening new doors, honoring our legacy, and exploring fresh ways to grow as Lions.


What You Can Expect:

  • Leadership Training: Empower yourself and your club by learning how to enhance your strengths and wisdom to build our next generation of Lions.
  • Take the Mission 1.5 Pledge! We are on a mission to grow, so we can better meet the growing needs of our communities and serve more people than ever before!
  • Honoring Tradition, Embracing Innovation: Join us as we explore how to respect our Lions legacy while bringing new ideas and energy to our mission.
  • And So Much More! Whether you’re new or a seasoned member, you belong at our convention, our community is stronger because of your leadership.

Your registration covers all activities of the convention, but you can choose where to stay and eat. With plenty of great options nearby, finding the right fit is easy—and I’m happy to help with recommendations.


Attend on Your Terms: Whether you can join for a few hours or the full weekend, your presence is important. Every Lion’s voice adds to our momentum and helps us grow together. We need you there!


Have questions? Feel free to reach out. I’m excited to see you at the convention, and together, we’ll open new doors and take our mission to the next level. Let’s make history and have a ROARING good time!

Warm regards,


Register Today!


Excited to see you at the convention! 

Click here for Registration information

Meet some of your MD39 Council

Greetings MD39 Lions!


I have been a member of the Soda Springs Lions Club since 1996 and served as a club director, vice president and president. I love and greatly enjoy working my club members and the MD39 Lions in various service projects, fund raisers, and other activities. On the district level I’ve served as Zone Chair, Membership Chair and District Governor. I greatly enjoyed the opportunity of serving as MD39 Council Chair in 2020. I previously served as a trustee with Envision for four years and am currently a trustee. I’m a recipient of an International Leadership Award and am a Melvin Jones Fellow.

I am currently serving as GMT for MD39.


My wife Irene and I have been married for 46 years and are so very grateful for our seven sons, their wives and 22 wonderful grandchildren! Irene and I met and served with a Lions Club in Göteborg (Gothenburg) Sweden for 18 months while we were there on a church mission. They felt like old friends from the first time we met them!


Best Lion regards,

Greg and Irene Torgesen

Fun Visiting Lions Clubs


CC Betty went to the Council Lions Charter party on the 21st of September she had a great time visiting and had great food. They were chartered in 1960.

VDG Peggy Hess visited with the Gooding Lions Club (39W) They had a picnic in the park and a good discussion on how to get new members, start a new Facebook page, and the projects they participate in during the year.







First Quarter Newsletter, you can download it at the link below for the full newsletter

MD39 Council Chair PDG Betty Simpson Greetings, Multiple District 39 Lions! Welcome, to the beginning of an exciting new Lion year! I am grateful to be serving as your 2024-2025, Multiple District (MD) Council Chair. I am very excited about the amazing MD Council team we have in place this year! Lions from both Districts 39E and 39W have agreed to serve. Be sure to read the list of MD Council Lions and their positions. We also have a dynamic team of Lions serving on the MD39 Convention committee. A new Multiple District 39 committee position is “MD Sunshine.” If a Multiple District Lion or, club would like to have a beautiful, handmade card sent for an occasion from MD39, you can email a request to This email is set up specifically for MD Sunshine requests and upon receipt, our MD39 Lion Sunshine chair will create and mail a card to the designated recipient. It will be signed “From MD39 CC Betty Simpson and the Lions of MD39.” Check out the brief Q & A, Sunshine article in this newsletter for details. My Council Chair tagline theme this year is “Planting & Harvesting the Seeds of Lionism.” It references Lions leadership, membership, and service while reflecting the beauty of our agricultural based Multiple District. With my Warm & Enthusiastic Regards, Lion MD39 CC Betty Simpson H 1-208-549-0299 (leave message) C/Text 1-208-550-0691 “Planting & Harvesting the Seeds of Lionism”

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